Sunday, December 31, 2017

Why Unthankful James Harrison#92 Is Like Anti-Commandment Man Shane Hendrikson#42

It's a work day, so here is a report that will require W=work force.

The NFL is actually more interesting and sadly often as nasty as any 'soap opera' when it comes to filling television roles. Here are very realistic  Signal Hill side lines comparing unholy anti-*King' James Harrison' to unholy anti-King* 'Shane Hendrikson' that even Kurt Warner might be able to comprehend:

1.  James Harrison was loved by his former 'home' team, the Pitssburgh Steelers.
2.  Shane  Hendrikson was loved by his former 'home' team in Knowlton, WI.
3. James Harrison had a anti-slut employer when he was employed by the Pittsburgh Steelers.
4. Shane Hendrikson had an anti-slut employer when he was hired by 'The Interiors Department, INC.'
5. James Harrison cares more about money than he does about his reputation so he aligned with an anti-commandment  owner.
6. Shane Hendrikson cares more about money than he does about his reputation, so he aligned with an anti-commandment woman named 'Cheryl'..
7. James Harrison#92 will reap what he sowed; he decided to ABHOR all the good the PIttsburgh Steelers owners had done for him when they hired him and now many people in and out of Pittsburgh, including me, will ABHOR James Harrison, the New England Patriot.
8. Shane Hendrikson will reap what he sowed; he decided to ABHOR all the good  I, Marie Elizabeth, had done for him when I hired him and tried to save him spiritually, but now many people in and out of my family ABHOR Shane David Hendrikson.
9. All the 'good works' James Harrison#92 did as a Pittsbuergh Steelers are now erased from the mind of people who are actually pro-commandment and therefore are 'anti-Jezebel'.  The New England Patriots represent the spirit of Jezebel, not the spirit of Jesus Christ.
10. All the good works Shane David Hendrikson did as the husband of IPO Marie Elizabeth are now erased from the minds of people who are actually pro-commandment and therefore anti-Jezebel. Shane David Hendrikson represents the spirit of James Harrison, not the spirit of Reggie Howard White.
11. James Harrison's name isn't in   the Book of Life, but is in my blog because I report like a good copper, not an unholy woman with pompoms in NFL stadiums. James Harrison proved to other who had had been deceiving that he never appreciated working for an anti-cheerleader team and now he is worse than Judas Iscariot.
12. Shane David Hendrikson's name might never have been in the Book of Life because Yehovah knew his heart and his mind better than I did.  Eventully, Shane David Hendrikson proved to others he is an unthankful, unholy, greedy anti-commandment man, and he INTEBNTIONALLY hurt those who had once loved him, which makes him worse than Judas Iscariot.
13. James Harrison will be treated like King Herod in New England now but Harrison will now be viewed as an enemy of Yehovah based on his arrrogant decision.
14.  Shane Hendrikson is  treated as an anti-good king by his current anti-commandment, unholy and greedy wife, Cheryl because he supplied diamonds to her, not a route to salvation and sanctification, and he is now will be viewed as an enemy of Yehovah based on his arrogant decision.
15. No one can change the course of James Harrison's business contract with his anti-Yehovah partners now, He has proved he is a physically fit  and extremely unholy man desired by an unholy team because of what they believe Harrison can ACQUIRE for their unholy team. A Lombardi trophy is not  the 'Rock of Ages'.
16. No one can change the course of Shane David Hendrikson's marriage contract with his anti-Yehovah  partner 'Cheryl' now. Mr. 387-78-3979 has proven to be physically fit and extremely unholy anti-commandment man desired by his very unholy family because of what he could ACQUIRE for the unholy family.   Intentionaly acquisition of stolen business property, including an expnsive custom made briefcase, disqualifies Shane David Hendrikson from being 'saved' due to   his lack of GRACE.
17. The Pittsburgh Steelers desire is most likely that they never want James Harrison to be part of their organization again because he intentionally defected to a vile team with intent to gain ASSETS. The Pittsbirgh Steelers organization is like heaven compared to the Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots or the Detroit Lions  pro'Jezebel types of indecent organization
18. The desire of my MIND and spirit is that Shane David Hendrikson NEVER WILL BE ALLOWED to be part of the kingdom of heaven, because he intentionally defected to a vile anti-Yehovah team with the intent to gain ASSETS.  The content of Psalm 37 is at stake here, and it is possible that the Psalms of David are not actually 'the Word of God' and are only the thoughts of the typical adulterous king that many people study and rely upon as much as others rely on the 2nd Amendment and the USA Bill of Rights.

The Orange Ball non-bowling conclusion:  Not every golf ball get recovered after getting hurled out of the presence of a golfing angel with a 1-iron in hand. Sometimes the owner of the golf ball doesn't care about the 'dimples' that have been smashed in by a Cobra, so the Angel of God lets the golf ball get left behind, lying in the mud surrounded by swine, never again to be as perfect, as good, as clean or as useful as sheep #386 at Woolly Acres.

Sauer 'Jeff' Point of Purchase: Michael Vick finished better than he started, eh?  I still have a Michael Vick Pittsburgh Steelers jersey for my personal safety gear.   Kurt Warner should start studying Slava Koslov to get an idea of what a humble  'Thasher 13' looks like if he refused to study Paul Coffey, 13th in points at 1531, to see what actual defensemen can do for the Pittsburgh Penguins all-Trib team.

*King is a city in Wisconsin where some very disabled USA veterans get deposited.
King* is a shifty 8th roundabout way of posting #245 Dustin Byfuglein wheat king reminders for survivors of MIlwaukee District II.

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