It's difficult but possible for me to believe that so many wealthy people can be tricked, deceived, and led to be disciples of immoral swines such as Robert Kraft. I fell asleep, television on, after sighting the new moon and then blowing my shofar in Michigan. A few of us were not in the dark as we looked up and saw that we were in the light of the slivery moon, even if it did not look silvery. North Branch, Michigan has 2 faithful reporters and in this month, there is a friend closer than a brother who was willing to report the new moon sighting. When I woke up, I only saw the last few minutes of a television production hovered around men who now seem weak and beggarly with their NFL Hall of Fame jackets since they decided to honor a man with their lips when that same man runs a whorish cheerleading squad in New England. Thankfully, we are not all Patriots and those who claim 'We are all Patriots' are actually liars. Some of us were faithfully seeking the true light that reflected from the day star, which some people refer to as the 'sun'. Our earthly sun is actually a day star that does not appear until darkness starts the new DATE that begins with a night shift. It was not overcast in Macomb, and I saw the same sliver of the moon that 2 others in North Branch, Michigan saw. Was it a date that started with overcast skies and darkness with no reflection of light from the moon to be seen in Jerusalem again?
My 'Singletary 50' and 'Bettis 36' jerseys are going into the trash on this 1st day of the 10th month, and will be cut into pieces before they end up in a landfill somewhere. The 'anti-Reggie White92' white-haired fat man image that 'black' and other anti-Yehovah athletes so often intentionally hover around known as 'Santa Claus' won't even be able to use them if he digs through the hockey room trash for his next sack play. Jerusalem has taken the mark of the beast, and did any decent men try to stop them? Was there any men in Jerusalem passing around pictures of Kraft's NFL cheerleaders and Tom Brady's wife before they made a deal with another version of Larry Flint? What a shame it was to see so many people not understand that Robert Kraft is an anti-Messiah, not a holy man even if he has financial ties to Jerusalem.
For people who really are as angry as I am that no man had enough moral fiber to reject Robert Kraft's name in Jerusalem, they should refuse to make any more trips to Israel until the person they claim to be 'Jesus Christ' the leader of Robert Kraft's version of Christianity, is walking around in Israel. Of course, that day will never come since the name of the Messiah is not 'Jesus Christ', and Yeshua hates what men like Robert Kraft put on the sidelines, females in whorish uniforms, because their behavior is SIN. It is time for all of the sealed 144,000 to stop buying and selling in the state of Israel until Israel repents and tears down the stadium. No man with the fear of Yehovah would ever pay to prop himself up in front of the typical NFL cheerleader, no matter what country they were in.
A golden colored jacket could be as bad as a golden calf problem for many people. True gold, whether white, black or yellow, refined in the fire, is much different than an NFL Hall of Fame jacket. The synagogue I saw in Pittsburgh near the University of Pittsburgh is much more beautiful than anything Robert Kraft has ever seen in the mirror. What Michael Bennett of Milwaukee did wrong financially and is getting punished for is far less offensive that what Bettis and Singletary have done, for Bettis and Singletary dined with a version of King Herod in the state of Israel instead of desiring to become part of the church of Philadelphia. My loss of 2 more 'tops' that do not say 'Sharper' will be counted as dung compared to discernment I have gained since I survived a very dangerous place of confinement surrounded by drug pushers in the state of Israel.
For those men who will still desire to report to Jerusalem for specified appointed times in order to obey certain instructions, I would suggest that you reside in the residence of a faithful Israelite that has not aligned with Robert Kraft, do not stay in a hotel and do not buy or sell any products during the appointed day or week, relying only on what your angelic anti-Kraft host provides for you.
The Archangel Michael still does matter, and the number 35 matters; I will read psalm 35 today, 35 years after 1982 when I was 'with child' for a second time, a few months after an August honeymoon on the western shores of Michigan, and I was in danger 35 years ago because the father of my child did not actually love me, nor did he love or want to provide food and shelter for his son. True memories, even if they are painful, are better than letting dementia or denial of the Truth set in.
When 144,000 people get sealed OUT of the listed tribes they came from, they are getting sealed into another holier unit with blessings only only about 1 in 55,000 will have. 'Come OUT of her, my people'. Yehovah's people are not going to be attracted to, nor are they going to buy or sell anything the New England Patriots owner has in his filthy hands.
Those Israelites that have been scattered OUT of the Jerusalem area, REJOICE if you have repented and suffered after choosing to be obedient Israelites rather than worshipping an NFL Hall of Fame coat like a foolish Gentile. Very few will read this post, but those few have understanding of the nature of spiritual wars and battles in principalities that we cannot see, but still believe are happening.
As for the university word 'Columbia', even Jeffrey dahmer went to place called 'Columbia' that wasn't part of South Carolina.
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