Saturday, December 9, 2017

CAUTION: 5/17/34 IS NOT 5/17/98 !!!

Since I am not as a 'dirty Harry Morgan worshipper', here is a series of questions that you might try to answer correctly, after you at least try to THINK like someone with the potential to get sealed into the tribe of Simeon within the next week:

1. Were 'Chris the drummer' and 'Tracy the tambourine girl' of the 'Partridge Family'  sinning when they called Shirley Jones 'Mom' , especially when the actual son of Shirley Jones was present and knowing the fact that  Shirley Jones wasn't  the stepmother of the characters labeled 'Chris' or 'Tracy'?

2. Were Eric and Ashley Hendrikson of Wittenberg sinning when they called their stepmother 'mom' on occasion without getting paid a salary for acting?

3. Do people learn more good lessons about the words 'Be Still and Know That I Am God' from a puck labeled 401 inside of a Toyota labeled 'LIGURE' than they learn from Dave Madden while he is pretending to be a 'Reuben' in hotel room 401? Remember, Aleph+Tav=401, not 26.

4. Would you rather see severe eternal punishment for Harry Morgan, the double minded actor who pretended to be 'Willie Larkin' , pretended to be a LAPD detective and then joined the pro-adultery group on 'MASH' programs than see Willie Parker the Pittsburgh Steelers gets saved, but not by a bell?

5. If you saw the Shwartz17 man limp off of the ice in the City of Detroit, and you know that Stewart98 is neither a vending machine nor 'Chris' in question 1, is there a possibility that someone with a lot of money is checking 'Chevrolet' from behind regarding possible gangster-style corruption in their country music gatherings at the Minneapolis Metrodome on 5/17/98? Keep in mind that I once tried to survive on the Stewart Avenue area of Wausau many times, and the STUART is connected to a very corrupt attorney with a last name of Rottier, not a last name of 'Stewart'.

6. Is Jimmy Stewart  in the movie 'Call 777 Northside' a better actual employee than 'Stewart98'?

7. Can you tell the difference between Chris Stewart the Minnesota Wild hockey player and Chris Stewart the MLB Pirate who works at PNC if they are both dressed up like a 'GARRETT95' for a day?

8. Does watching TV series you used to watch as a child help you to find out where your thinking might have gotten swayed away from necessary Bible study?

9. Do the words 'Red152, White3, Yellow57' sound like '319 West Virginia' to you or do you think those numbers are part of a 'Think Glenn Ford First' anti-Nazi code developed by someone who thought 'Dodge' first?

10.  Now that the date 5/17/98 is in question, do you think  Detroit's 'Mrazek34' is able to produce more food from his body than lot34 on Ray's Way in Knowlton, which I chose to sell in Wisconsin at a substantial loss to avoid trying to protect and pay taxes on 2 properties in the fiscally irresponsoble nation labeled 'United States of America'?  People who do not believe in the laws for Israelite have been known to consume the flesh of their own kind more often than they decided to try to eat scorpions for brunch.

11.  Since I know I declared that Carla Derringer is about the same as Henrik Zetterberg in my eyes, do that mean I can think 'gender neutral' when viewing people who do not represent the Way, the Truth and the Life even though they have gained plenty of attention from the 'Jackson' types in Milwaukee and in Detroit? My ex-husband worshipped Carla Derringer enough to break his Catholic wedding vows, and then he had children with her after he abandoned Richard Edwin Xavier (REX) and Richard's mother. Many people worship Zetterberg, but I think Hetterberg is represents the spirit of Anti-Christ just as much as Carla Derringer has represented the spirit of anti-Christ.

12. Would Richard Isaiah Hendrikson be sinning if he calls his  mother-in-law 'MOM' even if Lynn Snyder is actually not his mother? It is likely that Lynn Snyder is PAYING part of Richard Isaiah Hendrikson's salary, which means she is technically one of her bosses if he accepts  money from her as part of his salary that is keeping him in France.

13. How many hockey players  currently employed by the  the NHL are able to complete a 360 pound deadlift properly, which was about the deadlift maximum I completed when I was a bit under 30 years of age.

14. When 'fortress' day #1003 comes along in about 12 days, is  the name 'John Latz' more reliable or the name 'Robin Ortiz' when it comes to long-term ability to accept a rod of correction properly regarding crimes that occured there when they were the only adult male occupant of the household of 1003 South 31st Street in Milwaukee? Latz survived there in 1985, Robin Ortiz and his children survived there from 1987 to 1995. Latz has power-lifting experience,Robin Ortiz was a physical weakling compared to Latz.

15. Should a Mountain Dew code that works against the Mickey Redmond gang and has been snuck in for  Doug Zaworski's Squad 91 and D.A.R.E. officer alumni trouble Sergei Fedorov? 121340 has a December13 code in it, not a May 17th code in it. be careful when you hear 'Eye Dew', which sounds the same as 'I Do.'  A Detroit Redwing labeled 'Nielson does not look like or act like a 'Gideon'.
16. If you could only choose one  drummer to replace 'Drumstick', the pardoned turkey, who would you choose to become the next reliable 'Virginia Tech sneak' representative?:

T) Mark Crockett
V) Will Kennedy
C) Carl Allen, Jr.
R) James Bradley, Jr.

I would choose' T', 'V' or ' R' in that scenario, since James Bradley Jr. probably knows where Marist College is even if he doesn't know that room 201 is an important number in St. Matthew's Of Milwaukee grade school history.  All my friends and most of my enemies already know that I prefer the music of  'The Yellowjackets' or the music to 'Bellavia' over Carl Allen, Jr.'s anti-Yehovah  'C= Church, Eric' staged music schemes.

17. "Butt Overall' is a quote of Henrik Zetterberg, not Hurlbutt.  'Eric Overall' is not the same as Eric Lindros, Eric Church, Eric Hendrikson, a Wrangler salesman or Levi Watts. Since you can only want one thing at 17 if you still believe that Tim McGraw is truthful when he sings 'One Of These Days', would you want one thing from Zetterberg, one thing from 'Overall' or to only hear ' Good Save' from Hurlbutt?

18. If you cannot mentally make a good choice regarding people who you would rather align with in a written potential scenario during a test like this, how do you think you will do if you have to make a 'snap decision' when confronted with an actual idol, hero or god in front of you?

19. Would you trust Jonathan Toews instincts  or Tyler Bertuzzi's instincts if you were in trouble due to  a former Highway Q choice you made in Wittenberg, Wisconsin? I would choose Jonathan Toews, since I have seen the type of women Todd Bertuzzi plays with.

20. Which sports commentator/ public service announcer is most likely to stop saying that professional athletes are 'playing' today and start correctly reporting that paid athletes are 'working' during a scheduled practice or scheduled competition, especially on a Saturday or a Sunday?
1) Bob Uecker
2) Marie E. Hendrikson, legal USA citizen
3) Patrick LaLime
4) Troy Aikman
5) Eddie Doucette

21. It sounded to me like Jimmy Howard of the Detroit Redwings very clearly said  'When you are just, down TUITT'.  Does JImmy Howard think his puppets will then start to go on offense against all Notre Dame men, including Jerome Bettis? JImmy Howard is not a just man, by the way, even if he accumulated much more wealth than 'Father Hesbergh' ever tried to earn while working in the city of Detroit. "A just man gets through a narrow gate and lives to guide others away from pork palaces." - Milwaukee Tech Valedectorian, Class of 1979 AD

21a) Jimmy Howard's words might sound like a potential bodily serious threat against the Pittsburgh Steelers units or against any one aligned with squad 91. In fact, in courtrooms, there is a significant problem when a human tries to put in writing what they HEARD, rather than what they READ.  Should extreme caution or extreme force be used by those aligned with TUITT and aligned against Jimmy Howard? Do not try to locate Dennis Ware or Dennis Gruenberg for your answer to his question.  This is not a IUPA local question, even though it might affect the thinking strategies of members of the IUPA groups as much as it affects the IAM unionized workers. state troopers and city to city televised communications groups.  'At 21, try to think like an adult who believes in Scandium and who is prepared to admit that Satan is a better choice than Santa Claus if you need a spiritual adversary able to correct you." - If you got this far, you need to stop thinking about the one wrong thing you wanted at '17'.

(Keep in mind, these are actually war times,  spiritual strategy matters, and a lot of Detroit gang members are walking around with 'Redwings' hats, not with 'Pittsburgh Steelers' visors, for a  reason I would never  agree with. 'I am anti-Jimmy Howard' , ever since Howard decided to support the 'Santa Claus' plan rather than support Israel and the distribution of TRUTH.  All members os squad 91 should also be 'anti-John F Kennedy'  in their household methods of operation, which means they should be anti-adultery, even if they weren't before.)

22. If you heard adults trying to convince their children that 'Santa Claus' is real and that he still travels on the earth on December 24th handing out junk to anti-biblical households, should you call Social Services to report that child abuse is occurring?

23. If you do not think that calling Social Services to correct the stupid parents trying to convince juveniles in their custody that the obese 'Santa Claus' images are good, are you willing to openly start uttering the commandments that Yeshua was taught, including " Thou Shall Not  Bear False Witness' or 'Thou Shall not Covet'? If you hear a lie, it is legal to openly express words of Truth, even though in some cases you might get arrested or martyred for speaking the Truth in many areas.

I would choose '2' as the answer to question 20. I do not want to try to come up with 67 or 68 questions today, since that would feel too much like work to me.

The above are not unlike depositions and items of discussion which some people are forced to listen to or answer in order to try to defend themselves or those same questions will prove just how mentally unstable they are when difficult questions arise regarding  'Truth' versus ' Liars'.  David Cassidy's gang seemed to indicate that "Las Vegas' acts are the way to go, and he ended up with an inability to call upon the name of my God before he died. He tried to bring some displays of wartime problems in a series that had been on 'Frontline', but eventually even his Bernard Slade acts did not look like more than shows pushing braless Hollywood whores next to Harry Morgan into television shows in the 1970's.

Since none of the above questions should be laughing matters to you, I know I AM more sane for stacking toilet paper rolls in my kitchen window than any Janet I. Dunn or any elected official who used taxpayer  money to erect and supply electricity to Christmas displays or those Tower of Babel types who desired the 'Washington Monument', knowing what I now know about the evils of Freemasonry and those buying and selling  the SYMBOLISM and mark of Freemasonry, including any tattoo on a human.

It has been a short time  since I purchased an image of a 'trumpeter' in a market in London, Ontario. Locusts have no king, but work in bands. To many people following a 'bee' line might be going the wrong way, especially if they think 'Winnie the Pooh' images can save them from the wrath of Yehovah..

Question 17 Commentary, not sponsored by the 'Holman Christian Standard":
I would rather hear 'Good Save' from Coach Hurlbutt of St. Lawrence University (NY). I would not want one thing from a Zetterberg or from any Overall, since nothing they could give me would be a gift from God. Coach Hurlbutt of St. Lawrence University (NY), whose amateur team got as many goals against the UW-Badgers at the Kohn Center as the St. Louis Blues did score today against the Detroit Redwings in   the presence of many witnesses. The Detroit Redwings have aligned with 'Salvation Army' men, even though the fact is  that Salvation Army stores sell a lot of extremely heathen items and useless toys for the morally depraved, such as pictures of a bare-breasted nude women, and that is far worse morally than despicable thoughts.

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