Sunday, December 3, 2017

Stop Being 'fuzzy' On the Good or Bad News

Today, I took a non-baseball walk to see what 'god'  my neighbors have aligned with. There were about 20 houses out of 66 that appeared to be aware of the right to reject the Church of England and  possibly even have accepted the spirit if 1776, but it is still early in December, not even the 10th month of the Israelite biblical year. I actually met another family that is not bothering with Christmas tree nonsense, and  they were not afraid of me when I told them that they agreed with the prophet Jeremiah without a Chirstmas tree.  I was given gifts of wine and pickled tomatoes, and we learned quite a bit about each other's family as we talked for a couple of hours.

The man of the house was aware of the Liguria area, and the woman of the house had been to Tel Aviv a couple years before I had been there. On my return trip to the south side of our housing project I complimented a house-owner who only had a snowman and a small USA flag outside, saying the flag reminded me of George Washington  Then, after walking back to my dwelling, i saw a lie on a male's set of televised shoes , and the shoes read:

'I'm a father first.'   Who developed that wrong thought foundation?

Every good man knows he is a son first, and then he has to decide if he wants to be a good son or a bad son. There is no way that a bad son can be a good father, since a mand defined as good has to be good in all of his roles, including employment decisions.

I was a daughter first, and I want to be a good daughter to my parents. If I am not a good mother, then I also won't be a good daughter. If I am a bad mother, it reflects and affects my entire family.  Here is exactly how your enemies become members of your own household:

A woman who claims to be a Bible-believing Christian treats her widowed mother kindly, but does not encourage her husband to treat his abandoned mother kindly. As a result, the woman's husband remains a bad son and she is not actually married to a 'good' man. She might deceive the bad son for awhile, and his mother-in-law might also deceive the bad son because his mother-in-law only is concerned about how she is treated, which is actually selfish. Now, the man does not realize his enemies are his own wife and mother-in-law because his wife and mother-in-law are getting exactly what they want rather than expecting the man to behave in accordance with the commandments of the 'God' that the read about but do not actually obey.

Even the laziest Catholics seem to think that  somewhat regular contact ( they might consider christmas and Easter regular bi-annual contact) with some man they call 'father'  but they should actually only call their Roman Catholic priest a  decent 'son' or wicked son, since Catholic priests are sons of parents and actually not deserving of the title of  father.

I wonder how the Catholic priest in Bevent would react to being called 'Decent son Gus' instead of 'father Gus'. I don't think he would demand that people call him 'father', and if Gus did, he has a real mental illness, worse than a step-parent preferring to be called 'mom' or Mrs. Hendrikson' rather than have a child call an adult supervisor by their first name.

 When referred to as 'good master', a certain north African man of israelite faith responded 'Why callest me good? Only God is good.'  Was his point that what 'good' that is seen in public is not enough to determine if a being is 'good'. If you do evil in any of your roles on earth, you are evil. If you do good in all of your roles on earth, you are good. Judge yourself first, since you know what your own actions are toward your parents, your spouse, your employer, your neighbor and your children. There are times when wicked people do try to prevent you from doing good, sometimes in the form of 'no contact orders' and sometimes in the form of a 'disappearring act' in order to prevent any chance of reconciliation. If the prodigal son never returned to his commandment-keeping parent, how would reconciliation have occureed? The prodigal son would have dies in his sins because he did not seek forgiveness from his commandment keeping parent and the prodigal son never could be a 'good' parent in reality if he refused to be a good son.

Is 29 like the book of Joel to you. or does it make you think of copper? The answer to that question is not a joking matter, especially on the road between Chippewa Falls and Green Bay, Wisconsin. The more you try to be a good son or good daughter to a decent parent or even to a bad parent, the more likely it is that you will become a good parent, a good employee and a good citizen.

You can become good enough to please Yehovah, so don't let Anthony Evans, Jr.'s football house or  expensive musical productions deceive you. Many parents will be witnesses against, not for, their own children in front of a Elohim that delivered plenty of instructions to those who will try to stand before him.

If you are not a  husband before you are a father, the 'I'm a father first' writing on your shoes  might only reveal that you aren't a virgin and that you have no common sense when it comes to natural law and spiritual order..

Day 605, and I still am praying that the Clevelnad Browns are thankful for their moral team position in North America. I know what it is like to only win 1 game in 2 seasons while wearing a decent uniform. Their is no possible way that the San Diego Chargers can be considered 'good' based on their brothel-type sideline strumpets.

It is unlikely that I will die laughing, but it  is possible to die laughing.

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