Monday, December 18, 2017

5/3 Bank More Diligent Than Tower Credit Union

How is it possible that 5/3 Bank employees were willing to do a good act of customer service today and employees of Tower Credit Union failed to notify me when a second attack on my business funds was made by an employee?

Card numbers matter, and do not think your credit card number is random. I was thankful to get a call indicating 'out or ordinary' purchase pattern on a credit card I have had for quite a while within hours after my last post on this site. I was able to verify some unusual Ebay purchases, including a used 'Andre Rison'  jersey, and was able to dispute the purchase since I did not get what  claimed I would be able to get for a $36.00 investment into their social media network.

A minor inconvenience of closing a credit card that I do not rely upon is much better than trying to get a person from to do more than behave like 'Harriet Oleson' actress next to Richard Bull, watching or seeing who's communicating with their class of Dean Butler  buddies but not making sure their system is functioning on an honorable basis.

If I could describe what displays on when I tried to access messages sent to me, I would describe it only as an electronic orange belt over an all-white section, with only 3 small grey vertical objects that resemble 'black piano keys' centered below the orange strip. I wonder what Dennis Ware or the unresponsive Carl Allen would do to try to correct lack of integrity delivering messages. 

There is a very odd feeling in my 'gut' the past few days that has me concerned and cautious but not confused.  I feel like I am on limited duty, trying to do useful tasks that require little energy without Art Ketchum looking over my shoulder and without Russ Kempka telling me where to go next.  In the past when 'God' has created situations that slowed me down physically, the result was good for me even if it was extremely painful at times, because I no  longer have had to protect or defend abortion clinics. The 3 darkest days of the annual northern hemisphere solar cycle are coming up to a day 1003 'fortress' point again. It was in late January that Dean Noonan pulled me out of the Catholic spirit of hypocrisy and set me on a path of Biblical research and historical studies that has been nothing like the 'as seen on Smithsonian TV' path of Candida R. Moss or Shimon Gibson.

Good anti-fraud efforts by 5/3 bank employees are as serious as a non-televised holy man of Israel overturning tables in corrupt temples 2000 years ago.  Who realized that when most of the children that would have been in Yeshua's class were murdered by King Herod's orders that his age alone might have indicated he had escaped the original orders of King  Herod and he might have seemed like a unusual site as a male toddler that could not find anyone his age to talk to in Israel...... so he might have gone into the synagogue to check for any  classmates his own age. As a matter of thought, how many males were 13 years of age when Yeshua was, and was that another customary 'bar-mitvah' sign that he had escaped the death penalty intended for him as a toddler?

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