Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Who Has 'Shia LaBeouf' Error Lines?

Pretty Face Wilson #57048 made it to a Jimmy Stewart 'Corn' patch sooner than LaBeouf got into more trouble than I did in Savannah, Georgia.  I wasn't drunk, I actually was very sad in Savannah as I walked around in a 'Joseph 31' hockey jersey.  A bit of investigation reveals that working for 'Walt Disney' is not a path to sanctification, especially if 'Christmas' is involved.

LaBeouf is like the typical 'Christian', and in fact might be a very similar to my son Richard in mindset. Both LaBeouf and Richard Isaiah Hendrikson have the following in common:

A) Both have fathers that are attracted to the use of guns.
B) Both have mothers that hated being on food stamps.
C) Both enjoy putting acts in front of others in order to gain popularity.
D) Both put on acts in front of others to gain income.
E) Both have had attraction to nasty rappers, something Richard's mother never approved of and his ' christian' father never discouraged.
F) Both were attracted to forms of "Disney' land; Richard's mother hates Disneyland crap and knows a real rhino is better than a vulgar rapper.

I do watch 'The Greatest Game ever Played' quite a bit, often because it is the only option for a movie rated 'G'. What I saw in the film. a portrayal of Francis Ouimet, LOOKED like a good role model for others, but in  reality LaBeouf's attracted to rappers is one of his faults that might be curable. The real Francis Ouimet might be very angry that his image has been attacked by LaBeouf's non-staged behavior. For those people who claim that Jesus Christ is who they are trying to portray on earth, and in the process collect a protestant minister's salary, 'Jesus Christ' WILL be very angry toward those in 'Christianity' who have have attacked actual lifestyle of an OBEDIENT Israelite. Whether you refer to 'Yeshua' or 'Jesus Christ', the typical student of either will claim he was an obedient 'Jewish man'. The question will come up eventually, "Why did you want to be so unlike and therefore contrary to your teacher,_____________, whom you claimed to have trusted as your personal Lord and Savior?

 If anyone were to compare LaBeouf's father to Richard Isaiah Hendrikson's father, they would find out that neither is of sound mind and neither understand what the name 'Shia' means. Does the name 'Shia' illustrate that some gifts from God are not destined to be good gifts? Some people believe that Hurricane Irma was a gift to Key West because it slowed down the influx of homosexuals to the area for a period of time.  Lying to police and disorderly conduct in Georgia didn't financially cost Shia much ore than telling the truth to a deputy sheriff cost me in Wisconsin when I was very frightened and very SOBER.  While Shia LaBeouf was getting camera attention in Paris in 2009, I had already determined my daughter-in-law to be an anti-Israelite anti-commandmentist drawn to idolatrous temples, pork, nude beaches, tattoos and various forms of behavior that will never be acceptable near the God of the Israelites, now or in whatever form of eternity is ahead.

I wonder if Shia LaBeouf could read and understand a 'Chick Publications' booklet in or out of France? When I conversed with  Bob Hope while on an elevator in Milwaukee, Hope never mentioned Eddie Lowery, nor did he sign his name as "Byron Nelson' or 'Jesus Christ' because his title isn't 'Byron Nelson' . Accurate given names do matter on all types of actual public and private records.

Who is willing to compare the life of Duane Derksen to the life of Shia LaBeouf, knowing that most hockey players generally do not pretend to be what they are not? How about comparing the fat actor who was #73 in 'Remember the Titans' to #73 Robert Skaradzinki in a reliable lifeguard program?  Most paid Christain ministers put on an act as convincing as Shia LaBeouf in public, and in reality they obstruct more careless people, including military  officers trying to combat the effects of wars they didn't want to be in ,  than the blast of a shofar when the new moon is sighted in Michigan.

People who aren't careless and lazy won't let a staged Christianity acts prevent them from studying the Scriptures as a good Berean. As Moshe Ben Avram might have uttered, " Hey! Those good old frogs, those ice balls that melted and these flighty locusts are a gift from GOD in our battle against the Egyptians!!' The locusts in Egypt were a gift from God, not a despicable, wicked magic show from a 'Bud Light' commercial.

 As soon as you realize that Margaret Hamilton and Billie Burke are identical examples of a stupid, anti-Yahweh  witchcraft pushers and not a good role model  in any way, shape or form, you might start to appreciate scientific facts and prophesying spiritual figures appreciated by literal students of amethyst, beryl, jasper, sardius and jacinth.

LaBeouf seems in as much trouble as Sheldon Souray, yet both are redeemable if they choose the correct God to redirect them toward holiness, decency, proper coverings and purity found in goats and sheep, and as a result leading them away from professionally staged acts of deception often called 'Christian services' or other paid professional deceivers called 'actresses'.

Now it's time for  my  'sick day' historical fiction  study of anti-Nazi presentations : 'Hogan's Heroes' !!! Up to 12 sick days a year is considered 'normal' in most police departments, and I've had far less than 12 sick days in 2017. Reduction of actual sick days - now THAT reduction is a gift from God!

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