Friday, December 22, 2017

Mike Dinow:+ANti-Archangel Material

Mike Dinow is mentally ill OR a paid professional liar. If he presents NORAD's obvious lies regarding ''Santa Claus' traveling around the earth to individuals who are children unable to discern Truth from deception, Dinow is as deranged as Jeffrey Dahmer at mind.  What a shame any 'news' program is when they present obviously 'fake Santa Claus' news and then pretend to be a reliable source of factual information.

Mike Wise lacks discernment.

 Maybe some angel will let Michael Pence know he should try to stop crime in the United States from occurring  on USA soil and get the USA military out of Afghanistan before  Mrs. Christ gets onto  the Trojan English Channel to avoid getting stuck in Christmas cookies.

Liz Wheeler isn't part of the Truth, even if she isn't afraid of Truth yet.

Michale Korducki is not a professional liar.

Am I wasting your your time out of comic books yet?

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