Monday, December 18, 2017

29/Tet ON Closing Alabaster Boxer Arguments

Can an earthworm or an Oakland Raider test the grounds between John Skipper, Sue Miller and Karen Smith UK areas better than a Little Chicago rodent?

T) It would be good if the new purchaser of the Carolina Panthers is smarter than a Jerry Jones and eliminates NFL cheerleaders from the Charlotte Panther home field in order to better represent the spirit of Reggie White. Also, cheerleaders should start being sued for making unwanted advances toward any fan that wanted to see a FOOTBALL game, not Charlotte harlots advancing toward them.

e) The woman now known as the alabaster boxer was forgiven, not arrested and charged with a crime, for possibly making unwanted bodily advances toward a Jewish male who might have been a virgin yet when he got a foot rub he never requested. There never has been fingerprint evidence linking the alabaster boxer to the lady that had 7 devils expelled from her or the woman with 7 husbands who might be tied to the Book of Iddo.  If Jerry Richardson asked for a foot rub and didn't get one, he used the 1st amendment properly and the person who didn't want to give him a foot rub was nothing like the alabaster boxer of Judea.

t) Now that Mr. John Skipper has resigned at ESPN due to some sort of habitual disorder that Dawn Wells has not prevented, will Andre Rison still be NFL#54? Also, can Irene Ryan finally get a a position in the ESPN NFL numbering system for suiting up like some NFL player #17 instead of dressing up to represent Petr Sykora? Irene Ryan acted more ladylike and looked more like a good role model citizen of the USA  than Tom Brady's wife or any NFL cheerleader ever has.

O) Can Bruce Orr and Andrew McCabe try to improve their reputation by going into the Marathon County Wisconsin Sheriff's department and search for the existing evidence to charge Shane David Hendrikson with obstruction of justice when he provided false information during a serious embezzlement complaint against him?  Charging Shane David Hendrikson is more important than trying to make an enemy out of people who are trying to get along with Vladimir Putin.  In the process of Orr and McCabe trying to improve their image, they might find out that I was treated much worse by lazy and corrupt  public sheriff's department officials in Marathon County then they have been treated by One America News reporters.  It should be everything except difficult to find evidence against Shane David Hendrikson if you are actually a professional investigator who hasn't been influenced by bribes or Wittenberg High School cheerleaders.

N) I do not know what a 'hashtag' is but I will soon know what it feels like to be a human in a Church of Philadelphia Wolf suit; I do know what a corned beef hash label looks like in Ontario, Canada.

S) Once you take Christ out of Christmas, you end up with a mas effort to find a new mas transit system. Graham Ledger is extremely incorrect on winter being the season for Christmas, even if he is seated on the right side of Liz Wheeler. Winter is the season to make sure your menorah has 7 candles and is not left unattended in a house or temple when lit. Refering to Daniel Negro, a New York official, as a Negro is not a racial slur.

The Tet has an opening at the top, but has a serious closing at the bottom of it's design for a holy non-bottomless  Hebrew letter reason.

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