When I hear 'large scale' prophesy, I test it on a small scale. Model train enthusiasts in the Chicago Botanical Garden might appreciate my attitude toward the Ezequeil scrolls. As is sometimes my 'M.O.', I will try to put this small scale doorkeeper strategy challenge into 'step by step' instructions.
Before I begin the sequence, I have been made aware of the possibility that Ezekiel's first chapter really should have been the last chapters, but the 3rd and 4th scroll that mention the 9th and tenth year seem interesting since I also am one that has escaped out of Jerusalem, and it now the 10th year since that occurred. It is also a day that is fixed at the 10th month, the 4th day. The 4th Ezequiel scroll is specific about Jerusalem falling, and the accurate message of Jerusalem's disaster was delivered on the 10th month, the 5th day.
First, if you do not consider your own body to be the temple of Yehovah, you will not pass this test, but you can try and see why you are a careless and unbelieving gatekeeper that hasn't provided safety to yourself.
Ramp 1: Consider everything OUTSIDE of your property to be part of a nation that has rejected Yehovah's spirit, rather than trusting Yehovah's instructions. The prophecy against those nations might be very similar to any prophesy against Tyre or Egypt mentioned in Ezekiel. You are not able to control what happens off of your property, so you are not a gatekeeper of the anti-Yehovah nation you are set upon.
Ramp 2: Consider every part of your housing, land and your car 'neighboring territories' of yourself, which is the temple of some spiritual entity.
Ramp 3. Try to defend yourself against sin from your neighboring territories, as a good gatekeeper should. For me, this mean using parental controls on media offenses that are extremely evil but allowing certain information to get to me, even if it is bad but true information. If the deliverer of the message is whorish in appearance, do not allow that messenger into your TEMPLE even though they temporarily got into your neighboring territory with the consent of an anti-Yehovah nation.
Ramp 4: If you completed ramp 3, properly, you feel 'at peace' with your neighboring territory, which is your own property. If there is something that you know a holy angel of Yehovah would be vexed by in your household, in your car or on your property because it is an abomination, make sure you destroy rather than sell the item to another person so you do not cause your neighbor to sin.
Ramp 5: Once your surrounding territory looks as though it would be able to house any messenger of the god you believe in safely and DECENTLY, be prepared to open your OUTER gate to that messenger or angel upon request. If a being requests shelter and they do not trust Yehovah, make sure they are not bringing any abominations into the neighboring territory of your temple. In my case, I would not let any guests bring in dead, unclean animals sometimes referred to as pork sausages or calamari. If the messenger ate such abominations, they represent a different god than Yeshua, Yehovah Yahweh or HVHY represents.
Ramp 6: If Jehovah Witnesses appear on your doorstep, ask them if they eat pork or other unclean animals. If they say that they do, tell them they are not messengers of Yehovah and they are not welcome in your temple. If they got onto your porch, they did get to your neighboring territory, but do not let them any farther after they proved they do not obey the instructions of the god they claim to represent. They are like bad cops, that speed or commit adultery when they are off duty and then they assist the owners of the temples of Santa Claus, proving most sworn police officers also are anti-Yehovah.
Ramp 7: If you have not cleared your surrounding territories of foods not fit for a faithful Israelite, you are not an Israelite, nor are you aligned with Yeshua of Nazareth, and you failed this test which might have proved you love Yahweh and you enjoy allowing abominations into YOUR anti-Yehovah, anti-Moshe Ben Avram pagan/heathen TEMPLE because it is not the temple of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh and you rejected the God of YShRAL, Yehovah, as your personal Lord and savior when you accepted the anti-Yeshua "Jesus Christ' as your personal Lord and Savior. Yeshua of Nazareth is not Jesus Christ, just as I, Marie Elizabeth, am not Florence Winowski. Which name you call upon does matter, since if you call upon Florence Winowski, Casimir Janowski is not going to respond.
Ramp 8:If you didn't understand Step 7, try to understand this: If you ask Squad 25 to respond to a scene and squad 25 is busy, you either wait for squad 25 because you only TRUST squad 25 or your take your chances with squad 65, which is nothing like squad 25, even though they both could end up in your neighboring territory. Once you meet squad 65, you might decide to trust squad 65 more than you trust squad 25. This is how people often trusting leaders and first or last responders such as Moses, El Matador, Elias, Mohammed, Buddha, Paul Coffey, Yehovah, Thor, Joseph, Kerr Putney, Tom Stigler, Jesus Christ, Petr Sykora or Jesus Colon.
Ramp 9. A very important and actually the EASIEST part of being a gatekeeper of the temple of Yahweh is to avoid letting unclean animals into your body, whether you are a male or a female. Do not mate with a person who is not a good gatekeeper of Yehovah, even if this reams you live as a virgin for the rest of your life. It is much more difficult trying to keep evil audibles out of your neighboring territory than it is to keep unclean animal parts out of your body. When a stray gnat gets into your nose , that is forgiveable, unintentional defiling of your body.
Ramp 10. When guarding your temple outside of neighboring territories, do not shake hands with people you do not trust or people who have intentionally tried to provoke you once they informed you believe Yehovah and Yeshua of Nazareth, not unreliable entities such as a pontiff, Jesus Christ, Tom Selleck, 'Matlock' or Jesus Colon . You must now consider your body a mobile temple, just as the MIlwaukee Police department considers huge unit #477 as their mobile command center of their 'god', who hopefully isn't Robert Kraft. I refused to shake hands with a woman who said 'Merry Christmas' to me after I said 'Christmas' festivities are anti-Yehovah. Also, I did not know if she had proper hygiene habits, especially since she already denounced belief in the instructions for Israelites.
Ramp 11: Read Ezekiel, chapter 33:21 to 39:29 and 24:1 to 25:17. Hebrew dates matter, so find some lord to teach you to number your days properly. Calendars that have 'preset' dates for Yom Kippur could be as much as 30 days off. Trust me, no person that would call for squad 25 to respond on a serious, life saving assignment would be joyful if the squad was 30 days early and long gone when you really needed squad 25 or 1 day late when your temple needed saving yesterday.
Ramps are better than steps for mobile temples, since they provide anti-Bethel strategic entrance and exit strategies better than a 'step' program. Maybe I can be called a 'ramp sister' or a 'ramp daughter of Elohim', since thankfully I was never a step-sister to anyone or a step-daughter to anyone. A faithful father can produce good, clean fruits, even in Bevent or Stevens Point far away from the Idaho Potato Bowl bleachers.
I do like the facts the little boy of a widow getting help from a prophet in an upper room; maybe Thomas Stigler can help my 'little boy' out of his mental and spiritual illness he contracted after he got a tattoo and proved he didn't believe Elohim, Yahweh or Yeshua's Israelite parents. France isn't part of my neighboring territories, and my mobile temple isn't going to Europe at my expense. I'd rather eat almonds in Milwaukee's Miller Park in the 3rd month of any calender year than enter the household of anti-Yehovah protestants in France who donate to tattoo parlors and don't even attempt to honor their father AND, not or, their mother's requests. The Laws for Yehovah's people are good, holy and are not grievous to put into daily practice.
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