Friday, December 8, 2017

Split Notes At 'Beginnings' by Chicago Or Split Loose Ends At 'John Dorsey'

 The above is an image of a ring I designed and that 'Wickersham Jewelers' of Marathon county, Wisconsin had 'built' but did not create. The actual ring is now in a location I do not know of and in the possessions of an unrepentant thief, a person who practices lawlessness because he or she does not have a sound mind nor does he or she posses the spirit of Truth. Many people may have been deceived by the person who stole my beautiful ring.  The above 'missing ring' image represented years of study on MY part and which was a financial investment wiser than Mount Rushmore and  woe and curses may come to the thief who did not return it to me.  My 1979 Milwaukee Tech Class ring was more costly, and that too ended up in the hands of a thief, most likely stolen by the father of Richard Edwin Xavier to buy exactly what he did not need: marijuana. Marijuana does not increase brain function, but the consumer of marijuana does deliver a spirit of apathy to a person, and USA people are more esily manilpulated by evil policiticans when they have a spirit of apathy and become lethargic when the effects of their DRUGS leads to a seared conscience and prevents the healthy condition known as righteousness  from developing in their body.

Zechariah is a 'Zayin'  word, not a Zeta word.

Zechariah Chapter 4 witnesses are not standing next to dead 'Christmas trees', Advent wresths or "Santa Claus'. The 'lamp stand' needs real vegetable-based oil, obtained by PRESSURE on the  ripened olives,  at which time the two olive trees produce healthy fruits and the olive tree leaves can be transported for MEDICINAL purposes by a bird as light as  a dove, not by a Baltimore Raven cheerleader who is obviously contrary to the spirit of Yehovah's holy people.
People who know me know that the John Dorsey that is now headed toward the Cleveland Browns is not the same MIlwaukee Police officer titled 'Sergeant John Dorsey' that protected me and taught me when I was seeking a way to legally provide food, clothing and shelter for myself and my son, Richard Edwin Xavier, after Richard's father took his Catholic ways of deception to Carla Derringer and did not fulfil his role as a loving father and a loving husband. Once again, sporting gamblers might be trying to confuse people with multiple choices at 'Mack' , Neal 22', 'Jimmie Black', 'James Cleveland', 'Randy Moss', 'Jose Reyes', 'Don Brown', 'Calvin Johnson' and now even at 'John Dorsey'. Very few people will get confused at 'Sergei Krivokrasov', 'Jeff Brzovar' or  'Andrew Beine' because unique  names and reliable leaders  want to solve  problems, turn humans away from sinful behavior. Some good  people  desire to alleviate confusion rather than intentionally INCREASE deceptions while they practice lawlessness.

I have a new coonnection to the Cleveland Browns, but I have a very old connection to the Milwaukee Police Department  that started before Phillip Aerreola set the department in the wrong direction because he did not really CARE about Milwaukee but he did want to increase his income. Likewise, John Dorsey, possible the new Cleveland Browns general manager, might care about the Cleveland Browns about as much as Shane David Hendrikson cared about me, which means he might desire to increase his income but he really doesn't care about the final OUTCOME of the family that hired him in Cleveland.

I have been as serious as a good doctor when it comes to warning those who are obviously very obese what the cause of their obesity might be, starting with the fact that they are eating animal products that were never intended to be FOOD for humans.  Secondly, the do not consider their body the TEMPLE of Yehovah's spirit, so they often do not COVER their body modestly nor do they physically care for their body as they should. As a result, they often end up with diseases that people who believe and thus start to practice  the CORRECTIVE measures for Israelites so that the spirit of Elohim can remain within them.

An anti-Elohim, anti-Yehovah person who becomes sick and/or overly obese  is also less likely to properly care for their outer surrounding structures intending to protect their flesh, such as their house, their car and their  clothing.  I have seen some very thin people become diseased and their household properties become run down, the gardens become uncared for and their houses become filthy and cluttered, all of which demonstrate that they do not have the holy spirit of Elohim within them or within their household method of operation.

If you find that you do not really like the way you appear to others and do not like the way your household appears to others, start to change those circumstances yourself. If you dwelling is a filthy mess, you are to blame and you are the person who needs to correct the outer structure problem. If your body is not covered properly and is diseased or obese, it is only you that can start to make the changes necessary to try to reverse the years of err when you REJECTED the instructions for the corrections for Israelites, which every form of a messiah of Yehovah's people eventually OBEYED.

I will go the poetry route on my next post, and try to reveal why being in the DARK this time of year is better than being surrounded with artificial lights of a season that is FILLED with violence and hatred in unholy, shameful cities like Detroit which appears to be as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah even though the television personalities are trying to convince their viewers that this is the 'happiest' time of the year and a safe time to party rather than telling you to stop SINNING and stop wasting your money on items that do not actually improve the natural or physical CONDITION your health or your dwelling.

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