Saturday, December 30, 2017

What Would Machir Do With Dec Embers?

It's not Adam Rockwood month 11 yet if you know what's good for ewe. This is my 244th post for the Egyptian calendar so I might as well recall that Squad #244 waited OUTSIDE when I went INSIDE to 700 S. 4th Street in Milwaukee in my top 243 hockey jersey. Total recall is like Freakies or Quisp recall. COMPLETE recall is typically not associated with human capabilities.

 Zayin before  Hey = lamb! There is a 2 letter Sharper word for 'lamb', not for Gadshill of Lambton. Now, when you see a '57', think Lanthanum to be a Jackland smartie or   'Zayin Hey' to be less like a Digital Frog and more like a anti-binary horizontal thinker who can think your way out of the 'Seventies' by reading left to right on special occasions.

Moshe Ben Amram's writings were read today in  the safest sabbathd ay assembly I have found in Michigan,'Little India,' but not many people paid attention to the closing 50th chapter of 'ThYShARB' before 'Bo' opens. In order to protect and defend myself from lukewarm Muslims, I gave out free information to intentionally combat inherited lies; holy information in the form of fair audibles and written anti-Hapi warnings is best when it is not a part of vile 'Go Daddy' operations.

Descendants of Abraham should know that no NEW YEAR ever begins without the sighting of a new moon. Thus, any Muslim or Israelite who tells another human being 'Hapi New Year' in January is actually denying the faith of those in covenant with Abraham's descendants.

It took a bit of research to hear that "Hapi' is the inferior god of Egyptian waters that lost a battle to Moshe Ben Amram.  Since the readings of 'Bo' start for people who trust reasonable southern Israelite tribe traditions in when 'Dec' embers know it's the tenth month and not the 12th month, they actually denounce faith in Yehovah anytime they say "Hapi New Year' to appease Egyptian or Catholics ears. If you say 'Hapi New Year' and you are Muslim or a scattered Israelite, you are spreading the bad news of Egyptians rather than a good report that your God would agree with.

1.  Yeshua of Nazareth would never say 'Happy New Year' to any other being in January.
2.  If you are a disciple of Yeshua of Nazareth, remember Dec embers and Joseph's desire to have his and his father's bones taken OUT of Egypt. Practice saying something like 'My God's anti-Hapi perfectly scheduled new year starts after the barley is ripening south of Lebanon, which is usually in April.'
3. If you are convinced you are Muslim, you better start saying what you believe to others or be counted with any other deceiver. Muslims should counter the lies Protestants and Catholics have inherited and are spreading with logical speech , such as ' According to Allah, winter is the 4th month, not the 1st month of the year.' After a faithful Muslim has countered the inherited lie, he or she should be diplomatic and say 'Have a good day' or ' Be careful, there are many drunken pagans in the USA' to remind the hearer where most students haven't figured out that 'Dec' refers to '10' not to '4'.
4. Start a month of Quadember saying if you appreciate those who appreciate Yom Teruah. Say 'Since I left Egyptian traditions, I know the new year should start with a new moon sighting. Go in peace.'
5. Unholy, unbelieving national leaders such as are typical in the United States and Canada will try to pull the scattered Israelites and the descendents of Abraham onto the side of the Egyptian gods, but if you tae the TIME TO RESIST THEM, they will flee and go off to fill their bellies with abominations as is their Hampton Avenue or Peter Frampton custom.
6. If you are not forced to go to a nasty, unclean Hapi Egyptian fest, be thankful. Joseph requested cattle and grain productions, not oysters, shrimp and moviie theatre productions when the money failed in Egypt and the 'old school' Pharoah he worked for trusted him.
7. Choose either a Michael Gartner or Jim Gantner route to avoid  Jim Garner and other Garner vain repetitions of 'Capital One' routes. There is a time when the 'garner' is a pantry so stuffed with  Hitler-style abominations that a Hoosier cabinet is safer for Ryan Luther is food is needed for their 'anti-ScoobyDoo' alley cats.
8. Henry Ford's team used to make 'Mach' versions of cars, but Ford never made Machir ben Manessah. Machir vs. Havilah is fair in Ephraim areas near Campbellsport in Door County.  Machir's God is not mocked, and Havilah precedes the Hebrew word for 'abhor' and 'destestable'. Location does matter, and some crowded locations take more courage to speak the truth in than inside of a closet. Do not say 'Happy New Year' in January if your INSTRUCTOR, the author and started or YOUR faith, has taught you that the year does not start in WINTER!
9. Bo Ellis isn't Bo Jackson, but 'Bo' does signify movement in Hebrew. If you can move away from repeating a LIE, you are making good progress in speech therapy. Don't worrry about Bobby Hogan ministries; try to keep your local clean assembly areas, such as 'Little India' in business, since  men like Mukim Chowdery do better works than the typical VA hospital. and mush better works than the typical  Vatican-aligned system.
10. If you need a better constant than Forbes or Chad Pennington has given you for 'Top Ten' hockey and Ephod squad matters, the best top Ten is now Mario LeMieux66, since  Mark Messier tops  are 'Top Eight'. X does not equal 10 in non-bowling zones!!! (Why is Xavier basketball ranked 6th now?) If you insist on thinking like a Roman anti-Josi, then Jason Arnott is top 80, not top 94!!!!
11. If you don't believe in 'Bellavia', believe in me as a National Honor Society junior year inductee or in Chris Vadala's 'The 11th Commandment'  string section. This is a pivotal Keystone, South Dakota NaMESTNIKOV inside information point! Backward  chess battle plans must be changed if there are no good results from the state of inertia.

12. The JW. Org brochures list item #11 as 'Lampstand'. The MItchell Park Tropical dome lists #11 game changers as 'Rubber Tree'.  Billiard ball badgers list #11 as 'John Byce'.' Maverick' is very unbelievable at 'Joe November', and very dangerous in cigarette form, which is why I have chosen to be 'anti-Maverick' rather than anti-Indian, especially in Mosinee areas or on the Cherokee bus line in Madison, Wisconsin.

13. Numen Lumen!! 'Watt is up' or 'Watt' is down is only Edwin Watt's talk, often only as difficult as saying a 'Top 25' laundry line is jersey that represents manganese better than a 'Top 10' jersey .

14. The final game of the untidy 2017 NFL season between the Green Bay Packers and the Detroit Lions is really only another Maurice Harvey '86' game, not a 'Harv Miller' and Dean Butler game.  When in doubt, the 14 bus route in Milwaukee used to go to 27th and Vliet but not quite to Robert Simiele's dwelling in Wauwatosa. Don't lose your memory bank, since a 'talent' used to be about 19 years of wages!

15. Since many people will try to insist it is the end of the 17th on their PNC bank checks, wear your favorite top '17' before some people claim it is '2018'. This  non-Windows Russian or  Fountain Bleu Cheesehead dressing suggestion does fit into an anti-Halloween scheme, especially for emerging P-nuts known as phosporous students!

16. Kelly Hrudey is a better representative of a King in Milwaukee's  Wilson Park than Martin Luther King, Jr., Wayne Gretzky, Elvis Presley, George Strait, Henrik Lunqvist or LeBron James.  Make sure the 'King' you choose to study at least fits into a Scott Striglos' 4-card draw' game, where the king of spades or the king of clubs is not as stiff as a 2 chess pieces! Good kings are supposed to know how to SAVE  and how to defend  areas!!!! Bad, evil anti-Israelite kings are like the kings of England, who waste money on bad drugs,  abominations and tattoos and as a result, are only admired and desired by other unholy reprobate beings that have less intelligence than a locust without a 'Pepperdine' sign in  there sight.

Is it 12/10 again? The 12th day, 10th month  has begum without Doris Day singing in a fake embassy suite near Jimmu Stewart's step child named 'Hank'. Stay narrow, my friends!

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