Monday, December 18, 2017

Post 538 Non-Special Forces Reminder

Wicked King Herod had nothing to do with the design of this rarely visited temple, and I preferred seeing this temple many times than trying to see the 'Dome of the Rock' and the IDF troops this decade.

This building has a notable number of 1475, not 'Wittenberg class or 87' on it. Do you notice the 47 in the middle like a student of silver, the 47th element or do you notice the 75 in the address plate is nowhere near I-75 unusual traffic sights in Toledo, OH or Troy, MI?

Viktor Koslov has a notable number of 537 attached to his NHL history, not 708 or 372. This is post 538, not post 372.  Are you ready for the 10th month when the letter Yod, Zebulun and the stone of the tribe of  YVL (Lamed Vav Yod) should be remembered in order to start forgetting that Army outscored Navy this year?

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