Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Non-Tale of More Than Two Males In Different Subdivisions

I'm not going to try to change "The Tale of Two Cities", since I rather report facts of acts of hostility against me by an immigrant from Italy and then report acts of kind speeches by a member of my subdivision.

The male head of household at 19029 MIle Road represents the spirit of the Detroit Redwings by his own attire decision. Today, he started blowing the snow form his basketball court onto my property. Because I am thinking ahead to moisture control on my property and 'Joe' is seems to hate everything I have done to improve my property, Joe does not know how to be a peace started, he does not know how to control his imported Italian temper and he is not a good Catholic neighbor, even if he is has stopped eating swine.

Today, I enjoyed getting outside to shovel snow without adding noise pollution and air pollution to the township of Macomb. Eulalio Hernandez was nowhere in sight when I decided to defend my property against a man who wears a Detroit Redwings' coat, not a Macomb deputy's outfit.   Wrongly, Joe thought that if it got to the point that I ended up calling the sheriff's department that he didn't care. An ignorant Catholic rather have me report neighborhood trouble than just make a good effort to keep the snow he was snowblowing ON HIS OWN PROPERTY. Joe is like an immature USA citizen, nothing like the Joseph who made an uncle out of a Benjamite, because  'Joe' who still hasn't learned to respect what others have done that are totally different than the acts that have occurring at 19029 25 Mile Road  Joe, not "John Doe', actually tried to order me inside to my dwelling like he was some sort of Nazi Gestapo general; Joe  then stated he didn't like me watching him, but I already saw Joe disrespect my property, both physically and verbally, so I watched his actions as if I were a paid security guard or a 'bouncer' on my own property while I observed Joe use his snowblower to clean off his driveway. Only an act of God, either a blessing or a curse, will change a man as stubborn as Joe, since he has been trained to resolve conflicts and he gets angry when people try to defend their property and their  legal, natural ARTISTIC developments on the exterior of their dwelling. Joe is starting to remind me of how  the typical Palastinian HAMAS units behave in Tel Aviv which isn't going to get him an 'A' in conduct. An actual ass would be able to see that there is a difference between the view to the south of 19025 25 Mile road, to the west and to the east of his unnatural landscaping practice. If Joe hates my shrubs and natural grasses so much, when is he going to start complainng about the beautiful wooded natural forest land that he can view if he looks to the SOUTH of his incomplete basketball court?  Is it possible that Joe only hates MY natural shrubs and grasses to the point that he looses his temper, or will he eventually start ordering the landowner to the south to do things 'Joe's way'?  Joe has a social problem, and it is some sort of mental disorder that medication won't cure.  I've always appreciated the view I have on the south side of 25 mile, road and even though it is far less 'controlled' than the plants on my property,  the hypocrite Joe doesn't complain about  the appearance of the land to the south of 'Joe'.  In my opinion, the land to the south of 19029 25 Mile road is much  safer for anyone to look at  and actually looks much better than Joe's outdoor designs centered around chemical-filled soil.  Remember, 'Joe' now  does not want me, his neighbor, looking at him, even when he is outside.  Joe should stay inside his house if he doesn't want any of his neighbors to see what illegal acts of the anti-apostles he might be doing.  If you hate reading facts, stop reading this report and go read 'The Book of Mormon' or 'Gone With the Wind'. I've never seen Joe bother to clean up trash thrown in the Macomb streets or parks; my neighbors have seen me try to keep my neighborhood CLEAN.   I've never lost my love for natural landscapes,  a 'love' which Joe might have had a long time ago when he looked at the woods across from his current dwelling but which he no longer has and he expects everyon's property to look similar to a soccer field.  There are no natural landscapes growing inside the Vatican, so Joe might be better suited for a job in Vatican city mowing lawns for unfeathered cardinals while he tries to keep his war going against harmless, healthy sources of iron such as dandelions which actually try to break apart the Michigan clay as well as a carrot would.

I did not want to get into an argument with 'Joe', but as soon as Joe started snow blowing, I had reasonable cause to suspect he would try to blow his snow onto my property, and Joe did just that. (It's days like this that I miss good neighbors that I have had, such as Joe and Mary Ricco. )' Joe' of Macomb then stated he was blowing the snow from his driveway onto my property to keep the SNOW from getting on his face. I even offered his ski-goggles to use to keep the snow out of his eyes, so he could better represent the spirit of Shane David Hendrikson or Linda Costa while Joe was trying to be as hostile and hot-tempered as possible, but Joe refused my generous offer of ski goggles. Now that Joe knows he does not have my permission to transfer his snow problem to my property, is he going to prove even more that he hates me, promotes  lawlessness and is not willing to obey my lawful request? Since he stated he hates seeing my property, including the expensive shrubs I planted this year and the harmess grass seeds that are are taller than his grass, he deserves to end up as blind as his plastic covered statues in by the dog house, but I am not God so I cannot cause him to go blind as a Larkin bobblehead.  Larkin will never be my boss, nor is he part of my 'D' system since the Hebrew 'D=4 and the D4 Cleveland system is so much superior to the Roman D=500 system or the 'D-Boss' idols that only a fool would draw back to become a Detroit Redwings cheerleader after moving forward at least to becoming a Chicago Bears fan. 'Joe' is a Detroit Redwings supporter, and I don't  even suspect that Curtis Joseph is a Detroit Redwins supporter anymore.

It would be easier for me to forgive all those who owe my money ( I borrowed $5.00 to a perch salesman) and then for me to forgive a man nick-named 'Rhino' for all his sins against me, then sell my house to "Rhino'  for $700,000.00 USA dollars than it would be for me to intentionally want to cause harm to any of my neighbors, because I am trained to protect life, including my own, to the best of my IPO ability.  I would never try to give CPR to a dog, because the death of a dog is better than me getting a disease from a dog.  If 'Joe' goes blind or gets a heart attack , it is because Joe has a temper problem and God decided he doesn't deserve mercy, which actually has to come before a vague term known as 'grace' is deployed your way. If I sell my property to a reformed male named 'Rhino' with a lot of muscles to protect the property he legally acquired, I suspect 'Joe' would prefer I didn't move out of my subdivision., which is not the same as Joe's subdivision. "Joe' is an example of a man  not only a real temper problem, but add a lack of proper etiquette when a disagreement arises and Joe actually is a dangerous neighbor. I did not know that the Roman Catholics at 19029 would end up being about as bad as living next to Jim and Linda Costa when I purchase my property in Macomb. Joe even was stupid enough to tell me, a single disabled woman, that I should have BOUGHT A FARM. I had what could have been a farm, but a man with the same lack of etiquette and the same cruel speech forced me out, and I had to adjust my life and my attitude accordingly. I did tell Joe his property looks like a funeral home, but mine has signs of Life. If that was my equal and opposite reaction to his insane demands that I go inside my house, his temper tantrum because I don't want snow from his property intentionally moved onto my property and his suggestion that I should have purchases a FARM which I could not possibly care for alone as an IPO, my reaction was a fair assessment, saintly and not demonic,  Most funeral homes look very unnatural on the outside and have regular gathering inside of them which aren't a pleasure to be at.  Joe, the Detroit Redwings fanatic, also suggested that I should put a wall between our properties, but that would be against my HOA's rules and would also be too costly on my disabled police officer's income.  Lawbreakers and ignorant people often suggest to others thing that are against rules and regulations. If Donald Trump wants to put up a test wall section on 19029 25 MIle Road in Macmob to see if he can keep his citizen Joe from causing illegal dumping trouble in the United States, I would't be able to prevent such an act of an elected non-God overpaid official.

Using courage and armed only with a plastic snow shovel on my property, I watched  unholy 'Joe' at substantial risk to myself rather than calling the sheriff's department and having them possibly end up with a problem as huge at there was across the street from 116 Hollyday Court, in Charlotte. NC, and guns got involved during a 'neighbor dispute'. I was safer working in  jail talking kindly to Dawn Goldsmith than I was trying to defend my property, my body and my ears from the literal attacks of a  Catholic more dangerous to himself and others than a lot of deputies on duty in Macomb county.

If you've read this far, do not stop now unless you have gone blind  or have a heart attack, in which case you might want to call for emergency medical services or just call Curtis Beste and try to get a good deal on your next rest area that won't have a view of my property in West Park Estates.  Since my HOA has decided to display excellent diplomacy in areas of disagreement, I have decided to shovel the HOA sidewalk from my property all the way up to 25 MIle road. A polite man verbally greeted me as I  was shoveling, and he stated his name is 'No El' not 'Sieve Em'. He seemed to have a much kinder disposition that the people at 19029 25 Mile road, and we found out that we have some things in common. We both enjoy shoveling snow rather than using a snowblower, we both have knowledge of Catholicism and he stated some people call him 'Asian' not "Vegan'. It took a bit of time until he admitted he is a Catholic, but thinks he is the only Asian in the subdivision, and I think I am the only Israelite in the subdivision. No El did not think 'Ford first' as he declared the benefits of owning a Honda, and I declared I had a reliable Toyota. I did not suggest that NO El could mean that  No El' could mean 'No judge'  since an 'El' suggests diety of a position of judgment. NO El could also mean he is the God of Nitrous Oxide, and since he did not admit he was  Catholic until I asked him if he was Buddhist, a Hindu or a Titleist, we both ended up learning about each other rather than trying to upset or intimidate one another, which seems to be what angry humans with demonic spirits and temper problems refuse to stop doing.

People like 'NO El' do act as angels and even as counselors from time to time, just as I tried to behave as an angel and a spiritual counselor to a man named Willie, who sold me frozen perch instead of a Bayliner boat and a waterski wetsuit yesterday. Willie sells that which is legal in the USA, including beef, chicken, frozen unclean animal parts and perch. Willie, who seemed a long way from Novi, might not be earning as much as 'Rhino' in Detroit, but Willie,  driving  and smiling in his Iowa Steaks truck, is as good of a sight in my area as seeing a squad car in front of 700 South 4th Street in Milwaukee when I had deployed myself there.

If I didn't react to angry ad hostile 'Joe' properly, I might not have been as polite to Noel as I needed to be. I really don't care if 'Joe' goes blind because he stated he doesn't like looking at my property's landscaping, and 'Joe's attitude is a curse, not a blessing to to me or my friends on to the west of 19029 25 Mile Road. 'Be still and know that I Am God' is not usually an option when there is only a potentially dangerous '1 against 1' problem occurring and there is no referee in sight.

Legal anti-ZOOM: I sent a long letter to my friends, Robert and Trudy Groth after getting a seasonal card from them. I told them for the first time that I do not celebrate Christmas, and that I am not Jewish either. The Groths do not contain the level of hypocrisy that Phyllis and Robert Holman have in their dwelling, so kindness and Truth in a 5 page letter to the wounded Marine's household was the best option for me. If Bob Groth was healthy and on duty with me today guarding a section of OUR homeland,  the Italian immigrant, 'Joe' would not have gotten the opportunity to commit as many sins against me as did against today.  I am sure Robert Groth would have properly handcuffed and arrested 'Joe' for disorderly conduct, especially when 'Joe' tried to order me into my house when I wanted and needed exercise and some fresh air, while choosing human security system on my property instead of a video camera system which rarely prevents a crime or SINFUL behavior from occurring.

I suspect that MIke Revere or Rodger Dykes does not want me to dump the snow from my property onto theirs, and they would never do the same to me because they have are better neighbors and might have had better training than the bad  and mad Catholic named 'Joe'.  Does a wife with a temper cause a head-of-household  to become a bully to others outside of his dwelling? Each person is responsible for the their own actions, and the head-of-household is bears more guilty when members of his household become liars, law-breakers,  horrible in etiquette, arrogant and are anti-peaceful citizens.

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