Sunday, December 24, 2017

Physical Attack From Lot 65 To Lot 1: Not a Laughing Matter

A physical and verbal attack came from the owner of Lot 65 this morning which I did not request. The approach an anti-Yehovah person makes while waging spiritual and physical warfare in USA neighborhoods does matter, and the  tolerant position I had now has changed to a clearly adversarial position against the 'Steve Martin'  and fake 'Doc Martin'  unclean martin types, which are contrary to me.

In a 4 point 'cross-section', here is an accurate assessment of 3 other current households not attached to me nor to my family tree, and I will consider a household to be a 'squad':

Squad 66: Squad 66 is kind of like a Swiss watch unit. They do not try to force their way into areas they are not wanted in and they respond properly in a civil or emergency situation. There is some 'Jehovah's Witnesses' influence in Lot 66, just as there is in the Pittsburg Penguins or Arnott, Wisconsin area.

Squad 65: This has become a 'Steve Martin'  trouble spot or worse, like Donald Trump extremists pushing unwanted advances toward Squad 1 but not toward Squad 10. This is such a serious matter that not only I face, but others who have rightly rejected Molech and 'Merry Christmas' festivities, that I will take the time to share what my counter-attack has to be toward Lot 65 from now on.
1. I have to reject any gifts that Squad 65 offers me, since Squad 65 clearly does not RESPECT me, nor does he respect the God I have put my trust in. He comes onto my property smoking cigarettes, and I have to start behaving like a 'copper' now trying to protect my own squad 1 area.
2. I cannot pretend to be allied with a martin clan. 'Martin' will have to change more than I will before I will consider him a 'year of the rat' ally.  A martin in wildlife, an unclean mammel, is like a weasel sometimes, and weasels can be very dangerous. Martin tried to claim that because my parents celebrate Christmas, that 'Christmas' is in my blood, but the pontiff isn't because I had a change of bath water in the Jordan River. My parents are still connected to me, even though I am not connected to their Catholic church, so my parents are nothing like a martin of 'Squad 65' mentality. My parents are a bit more like  'Squad 66',  maybe even like 'Axel Lindros', and they certainly do not try to provoke me by getting me to rejoin their 'Christmas' parties, because they know I won't anymore.
3. Squad 65 is continually either forgetful or intentionally smoking around me, which can cause me physical harm. As a result, he is making physical advances toward me that I do not want, even though they are thankfully not sexual advances because he loves his wife. He also offered me candy that had ingredients in it that would cause me to have breathing difficulty, and I firmly rejected the gift, especially because he kept saying 'Merry Christmas', which I do not want to hear as much as he does not want to hear 'You're behaving like a Nazi making unwanted advances toward a Russian Levite'.  He might end up hearing what he doesn't want to hear because he has been provoking me for immature or very intentional reasons.
4. If anyone offers me a present for 'Christmas', I will tell them to take it to Squad 3, because Florence on Squad 3 celebrates Christmas and I do not. This is the most diplomatic way I can test their spirit of generosity toward a wealthy widow. The last gift Squad 65 offered me was a bottle of wine, and I know Florence likes wine. I am not going to touch the wine from Martin because I already got wine from Squad 29, a squad that also does not continually talk about Christmas trees and which has been to Jerusalem.
5. I did tell Squad 65 to look up 'Eric Christmas' on the internet and see just what kind of actor he is; he might be extremely evil, and then people should say 'Evil Eric Christmas isn't allowed in my temple'.
6. Since Squad 65 is to the northeast of Squad 1, Squad 65 is like a Syrian martin approaching a Haifa hawk, and in such a case I need to be more like a Chicago Blackhawk than an Atlanta Hawk, even though I do not like Budweiser ads in my household. Even if the martin is a purple martin, I must have the attitude I can defeat his war against the reasonable expectations of the prophets of YShRAL.
7. I do not look forward to having a stern conversation with a man who so clearly does not believe in the Scriptures that his lack of good judgment will hurt him more than it hurts me, but the conversation probably will occur eventually, at a time I do not know but I am now better prepared for than I was this morning.  Surprise attacks occur, but I don't take part in surprise attacks. I rather read Psalm 10 or study Psalm 119, vs: 73 to 80 this month than have a birthday party for Tammuz, the descendent of Isis.
8. I will remind Martin he put garlic in my garden soil, and that was a good non-Christmas gift. This point of reference is a respectful neighbor position that might start a peace process between squad 1 and squad 65 in 'Asher' fashion.

Squad 1: I have an anti-Christmas squad for an anti-Freemason reason and a pro-Yehovah reason. Small offenses might get into my surrounding territories like a fruit fly or a spider, but I have to work harder to defend myself against and reject larger offenses and abominations like an amateur soccer goalie would try to stop a soccer ball coming from a Bedoya.

Squad 2: Squad 2 has taken a pro-vegan approach to his temple intake, and now Squad 2 is more like looking at 3rd base if I am the only batter, pitcher and catcher able to cover my own 'home' plate. 3rd base is what Michael Vick headed for for some actual reason. I do not have to worry about squad 2 offering me abominations such as the flesh of swine, so squad 2 is more of an ally or a decent adversary than squad 65.

Here is a  non-Milwaukee squad positioning system that is a constant for 480Molybdenum42 students:

Northeast                                                Southeast                      
 Squad 65                                                Squad 66 ( fake 'snowman' door shade)
(Dan Cameron warning zone)
   Estates Lane  (like the hockey rink 'red line')                               Manganese '25' Mile Road    }}}}}

Northwest  (fake 'rabbit' structures)        Southwest (black 'fake' sheep structures)
Squad 2                                                  Squad 1
Michael turf, 'robin friendly' area           (Brett Lindros 'Bro 2' Hebrew Letter Beit  zone)

Ignore Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona for a smaller Minnesota Case7 and Green Bay Brett7 point. A 4-state parameter is too broad , and I am a narrow gate keeper, not a Broadway showgirl.   This also pulls 'center ice' away from the corrupt Suburban Ice Rink, since the Suburban Ice Rinks are worse than  a  David Ortiz 'double minded' mommy who plays baseball without cheating.

 I do not know why Edward Flynn changed the district 2 boundaries, but he is a fool for changing what was a good constant in the past.  Do not confuse Bonnie Lindros with Florence Winowski in or out of Lapeer, where the police dog 'Axel' is not from Sweden, nor does he smell like a rose. Do not try to mix my police academy friends such as Phillip Quigley with a  Minnesota Viking punter.

Hopefully, rookie Marine City police officer 'R. Young' has as safe of a career as Rodney Young of Milwaukee police department, who might have been a Milwaukee Tech Trojan.

The dirty cat game is over in Bengal stadium, and it looks like Maurice Harvey's  dirty alley cats won again!  Bernard 25 isn't Mr. Slade! I don't waste my  money on drones, and what Macomb neighborhood news I have shared is not intended to be secret information, nor is it useless information.
If you can, remain with your allies  on December 25th and obey your God.

Whew - this post took real good works!

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