Thursday, March 5, 2020

'Scorpion Pass': Brimingham Iron 'Richardson' Isn't Glen Coffee

Since I have been accused of being BLIND by Esaac Israel's email team, is justice blind?

Here are 2 truthful comparisons regarding donating to either 'state' or 'church':

1. STATE: After donating $40.00 to one of Scott Walker's Wisconsin political money pots more than 10 years ago, it did no good when my Wisconsin S-Corporation assets were illegally and unjustly shifted to a deceitful employee, Shane David Hendrikson under the non-blind eyes of Wisconsin attorneys, corrupt judges and state employees. I'm never intentionally donating to a political fund again and I do not think it is proper for Yehovah's people to donate to political parties due to obvious corruption than Frank Inn could not correct with a pack of his trained animals.

2. 'CHURCH' After donating $200.00 to [led on video by Esaac Israel], I questioned why he compared Yeshua to Kobe Bryant and his possible illegal substitution of Dan for Manessah in the 6th seal group. In return, a person with 'no name' sent me a response stating I was blind and that Yehovah is not a proper term for their group to use because it is too 'Christian'. Really ??????  To my knowledge, typical Christians avoid using the name 'Yehovah' and use 'Jesus Christ'  and Yehovah is less of a problem than comparing Yeshua to Kobe Bryant, who happened to be a vile nasty sinner surrounded by NBA skanks by CHOICE.  Esaac Israel also demands that his women fully cover their hair and do not wear make-up in his Saturday assembly, which seems similar to the Talmud brood in some fashion.  How did the woman wash the feet of Yeshua with her hair and not get ordered to 'go and wrap your hair' before she appeared to appreciate him with ointment? I suppose I read about that before I became 'blind' according to the 'Soc' people ( I suppose that is their short version of Esaac, which is a name contrived as easily as Theodore Reynaud Jackson decided to be labeled 'Theodore Reynaud Xavier' before a carnal judge approved the 'new name'.

I suppose for my $200.00 I got a bit more of  useful information than I did from Steve Crooks the attorney, Scott Walker the politician and Greg Strausser the inept, lazy lawyer, but even a blind tribe of Dan person or legitimate tribe of Manessah person wouldn't send money to a congregation who's leader compares Yeshua to Kobe Bryant and then doesn't like the name Yehovah to be used!

Since I already knew that Hey Vav Hey means 'destruction', I know the instructor of Moshe Ben Amram is fully capable of destroying that which is not acceptable, sometimes even before a probationary 'grace' period is given, yet theuci;org wants to severe that attribute from HVHY and their YHWH, but this so-called blind person wants that attribute to remain in Yehovah's body, or better yet  HWHY to see the Y on the right as it should be in Hebrew?

A lot of Hebrews never crossed over the Jordan with Yoshua and Kaleb.  If an illegal substitution is made between Dan and Manessah, it will work out as horrific for the person trying to deceive others and the Gabriel Bedoya's and John Koch's Illinois incident.  Esaac Israel has made it clear he does not like  nor does he appreciate people with actual police officer experience, which makes him similar to Frank Finney, my daughter-in-law and my son's father.  I have seen many decent police officers be willing to investigate other officers who were not properly upholding man-made laws, yet can a blind person investigate those who are not properly upholding the laws delivered from Yehovah, or Yahweh or Yahuah?  What comes from the mouth defiles a man, a blind person can still hear the difference between Dan and Manessah and between HWHY's sealed people vs. Kobe Bryant's bunch.

Czech's use a V, and Poles use a W in a similar phrase visible in a Washington, Michigan pub. The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet looks like a golf club, no matter how you pronounce it or translate it to English. Testing of  non-alcohol spirits occurs on a daily basis, and I hope their will be a day very soon when my son appreciates the works, the sorrows, the trials, the efforts and the truthful output of a real GOOD police officer more than he idolizes the statues of Egyptian religions and staged shows that lack a dose of a mother's reality.

The events that took place on Israel Route 227 on March 17, 1954 were tragic, and is there anyone  other than me who thinks the murderers on the bus should not have been allowed to escape like a pair of thieves, Shane and Cheryl, from 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, Wisconsin?


This written alert seemed more urgent  than going to the Owen Sound hockey match yesterday, but it was equally important for me to retain a SOUND MIND.

Zechariah 1:9-18 is worth believing, and a Seed #6 of belief was evident in Flint, Michigan yesterday even after I truthfully declared that Flint, Michigan is one of the filthiest cities I have ever been in and that Owen Sound, Ontario is cared for better by it's own occupants. Spiritually ill Frank Finney still has his 'Yule' markings on the crumbling  brick walls he does not care to repair, and that is Frank Finney's arrogance problem that the signs of the bones of Yoseph and a small USA flag will not cure. Like the city of Flint, not repairing and not cleaning up what already exists leads to apathy and folly that 'Christmas'  and "Easter' décor only ADDS to.   Once you get used to the signs Yule' and 'Christmas' spiritual  insanity in the USA, it is best not to do as the heathens do to prevent taking the wrong mark in your right hand. The angels of YHVH know who has chosen to believe HVHY by their works, and understands the conundrum most of us face when we who believe the instructor of Moshe Ben Amram are  few and the worldwide apostacy is MANY.

A discerning Muslim who is like a brother to me even knew enough to remove a 'Christmas' picture from his business after it was brought to his attention that the girl in the picture from the Michigan public school was tied to the horrible world of Molech and that Molech represents a pro-abortion agenda. He may have been blind to Molech's 'Christmas' gang connection that emerged from his daughter's school, but now he sees and SHOULD be more cautious after being seriously warned.

It is still appropriate to weap in a nation that has rejected and despised Yehovah's goodness so many time that all it can now expect is Yehovah's wrath. Men like Gary Steven Simons seem quite reliable when compared to the output of Scott Walker and Esaac Israel, even if Mr. Simons doesn't require his women to wear a turban in his presence and will not eject them for wearing mascara like Wayne Lepak the fireman of Oak Creek, Wisconsin might do. DId not the prophet Ezequiel report that turban attire was the sign of a PROBLEM occurring?

This urgent care message is now concluded and I will slowly return to my older posts for revisions I choose to make with HWHY's guidance.  War moves like filthy pus (H2990), but peace moves more like a turtle in a clean river( H2988). Do your local waterways and ditches appear to have clean water or dirty pus and human-made trash in them? Polluted Michigan is not a 'trendy' mission field like Europe is or uppity England, but Yehovah knows if there will eventually be 10 righteous men in Michigan due to what I have written in chalk or with dry erase boards?

What I have meant for good, fools have called 'evil' in their anti-Truth sight.



 The locusts are 8th and so is Asher's agate.

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