Thursday, March 12, 2020

NBA and NHL Alert! Coronavirus 19 Less Dangerous Than Divorce and Drunkards with Guns!

With only a 3% bodily failure rate, the 2020 virus is a wonderful test to weed out those who have depleted their immune system by eating like rodents and vultures instead of like people not void of biblical understanding. Italians are known for their love of swine, as are the Chinese people and Yahweh has informed the earthlings that consumption of those foods will result in ack of disease resistance.

Because the success rate of marriages worldwide is so low, and divorces lead to poverty as well as to physical attitude disorders such as depression, anger and suicidal thoughts, are political leaders going to separate men from women to prevent the spread of marriage?  The more houses that are trying to be operated by only 1 person, the more poverty and physical attitude disorders there is in a zone.

Keep yourself hydrated and consider facts of bodily functions. I happen to have quite a bit of 'acidic' feeling in my stomach continually, but do not take drugs to counter that condition. It is the acids in the stomach that attack a virus that enters you body cavity by mouth, so antacids are bad for your immune system.

If I was homeless and sleeping on streets, I wouldn't mind getting a fatal disease to end the torment I was in on earth, especially if I had enough wisdom not to ruin my mind with mind-altering drugs. If I was an elderly person in a nursing home and could no longer receive visits from family, I also rather die off than be even more isolated from family while in such lousy, hopeless conditions.

Pestilence comes from Yehovah, but Esaac Israel's congregation doesn't believe in the name Yehovah and they have restricted their mind to 'Yahweh or no way'. Events will reveal what  conditions earthlings will be subjected to after being overly confident about your verbal pronunciation of the name of the Instructor of Moshe Ben Amram's people and obvious adversion to people with almond  not brazil nut skin tones.

Many people believe that a U belongs in Yahuah and Tartarus, but not in Yehovah or Yahweh. Others insist that Dn and Gd needs an extra 'a' or an 'o' to  be correct in their sight as God or Gad and Dan or Don, but I don't.  The 6th Hebrew alphabet letter has been seen as V's, W's O's and U's during use of English scripts for communications.

The rate of death from recent pestilence: 3%.  That is very good and nothing to let your soul fret over when  compared to the rate of death from abortion and the rate of spiritual failure due to selfish divorce requests from the hard-hearted anti-Yehovah earthling that North American elected officials are doing NOTHING to prevent.

 Xavier gives whey to Marquette for the 6th Seed? I didn't know whey could be exchanged for Nolan Seed the 6th man on Owen Sound Attack.

The NBA and other  sports affiliates 'hearts' are failing due to fear of a virus; the Bible states that being fearful is in the same category as whoremongering and being a liar, which happens to be what most professional sports have been spreading worldwide to their own disgrace, which is opposition to grace. Over-reacting to 3% failure rate is a sign of a serious anti-Yehovah attitude disorder. Like lousy dictators, the NHL and NBA commissioners are not letting people decide what reasonable risk they want to take. Intelligent leaders send out warnings, and then let employees and customers decide if they rather go to work or sit next to a person who might have a loaded gun yet they won't let sports customers and employees decide what is their best option when typical earthly risk factors migrate to another venue?  Once those who allow 'life' to continue as normally as possible, the rulers behaving like cowardly dictators will not only have caused more trouble than good, they will have reacted improperly in what is actually still is not even close to a human emergency'.  

This recent virus is like a speed bump that should cause people to slow down, not come to a complete halt and block traffic completely. The best business move would be to let the fearful take an unpaid leave of absence and let those who want to work get paid more if their duties increase. Entertainment industries such as professional sports are not as necessary as the plagues were in Egypt during a power play.

"Be strong and of good courage'.  A lot of people have been putting plagues in their own houses every time they put real frogs in their ovens and pots intentionally!

Writing is good for my health, so I shall continue as needed.  Mrs. Christ, Elizabeth Cummings and Helen Richmond might agree with my strategy to combat apathy, lest I become as ignorant as Joe Biden supporters.

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