Carole Lieberman the ' forensic mind manager' has a better message than Michigan dictator Gretchen Whitmer. Watch which Democrats try to ruin their own state's economy and which governor's DON'T! The Daily Ledger is more informative than a Democratic ticket to Disneyland, and the idiots that voted for Gretchen Whitmer now have evidence of her Gestapo-type of restrictions on legitimate businesses that have provided forms of health care not available in her drug bottles, namely kindness and group therapy which includes hockey. Like Pharoah in Egypt, thankfully in heaven there will be no Gretchen Whitmer types.
Do the math:
150,000 temporarily sick out of 8 billion people is so nominal that it should only be reported as a typical flu season, so why the huge embellishment occurring? Hypocritical Michael Pillsbury seemed surprised that bears, bats and dogs are consumed by people in China, HOWEVER lobster, octopus, clams, oysters, pork, kangaroo,snails, alligator, rabbit and shark consumed in the North America, Africa and Europe are equally unclean beasts that are not meant to be eaten by people who BELIEVE the contents of the Bible.
Embellishment is shameful, and when the real reason all of the unusual excessive restrictions have been forced upon many people, it will be even more of a crime and a shame that so many innocent babies have been aborted for decades and no restrictions were applied to prevent their deaths in most countries, including the USA and the state of New York is horrific in it's pro-abortion approach directly against Yehovah and Yehovah's elect.
The amount of deaths due to this virus is rather typical in my opinion, and recovering from flu symptoms in 2 to 3 weeks is also typical given the lack of nutrients coming from the typical processed food intake. Why keep wearing the masks? Muslim people look better with their scarfs over their face than the people putting masks over their mouths which is similar to trying to seal a leak in the DuBay dam with Playdough. Power plays are going on that will expose how unjust and how corrupt no only the medical system is, but also how much it won't hurt people to stock up on necessities that should help them get through a 5 month period reasonably well during ANY year.
How many of the people who's body failed against this seasonal flu were cigarette smokers and/or eaters of unclean animals? Until that evidence is collected and released, I really do hope that the borders between the USA and Canada remain as they have been throughout the upcoming closing weeks of Yehovah's 12th month and into the next year, for Gd's sake, who is still typically part of the song 'O Canada'. Steve Hilton has sounded off rather eloquently but I suspect he uses more codes than Ivan Dixon, and the remnant of Yehovah's people can hope an underlying foundation of jasper is being girded up while stupidity is spreading faster than a virus among the wicked and greedy and those who intentionally rejected Yehovah's dietary advice.
Raguel is a completely different subject than an upper respiratory infection that is gracious enough to generate diarrhea as a natural process to expel the virus from the body as quickly as possible.
1000=7 in binary code.
Is the CDC the Chris Duarte Conference? I rather be watching more reruns of the 2008 Pittsburgh Penguins that Steve Hilton, but I like many others am not yet where I really want to be. 🐳
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