Sunday, March 22, 2020

Nevada Street 'Warning 8' Track: Wordpress LInks Got Heisted!

After finding out that Attorney Chad Hendricks is in office 707 on the same day I have counted as 707 ( the end of 2 biblical years), I clicked back onto a site that I put together but that some other imbecile intentionally corrupted on

The music selections I had entered were decent and in a particular order for a reason, but all my 'jukebox' playlist entries got eliminated and there's nothing but evidence that an uninvited intruder corrupted my  3 playlisst as easily as evil scientists genetically modify seeds or the locusts are chomping on trees in Africa without Toto..

The  site and computer intrusion corruption started as far back as the time I was homeless and rooming at the Jefferson Street Inn located in Wausau, 'home' of one of the most incompetent public officials ever to collect pay checks they didn't really deserve and pompous private Baptist  hireling John Payne.  Whoever got their Johnny Jolly laugh ruining what I meant for good is as evil as a masked terrorist that destroys but knowing they are doing evil, conceals their idenity to delay punishment.

Unlike lukewarm citizens, I rather send out Raphael, Raguel, Michael and Saraquel to do their angelic duty than hire an expensive investigator to go on offense against the people who sabotaged my work with their  anti- גד   method of attack.

Since I warned my allies that blogs often get tampered with from the side contrary to the author of the blog, it is always best to try to discuss matters face to face, rather than from sphincter to David Moen's  Schofield tool box bottoms.

Allah and Al- Kabeer the 37th might giveth, but יהוה  can taketh the down, down and AWAY team  when the time is appropriate.

Why did Brett Hull go to Minnesota-Duluth? Did Brett Hull prepare the way for Colleen Jacoby?    

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