Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Bunker Shot From The Sahara: Narrowing Your Iron Game

For some strange reason, Michael Rood is endorsing 'Chipotle' while he is warring against Satan, but I am going to take a different strategy for up to the next 7 years. If my decisions are better than Aretha Franklin, I might make it to age 65 as Bodo Gajevic has done.

Other than a 7th Day Adventist hospital that I viewed near Bollingbrook, Illinois every hospital I have seen in the USA has not deterred their clientele from an anti- יהוה   health care plan and as a result, people in a typical medical position are now busier than they might have wanted to be and they might now want a 'mulligan' on their course but can't get one from  יהוה  , who has deployed written warning about disease for centuries, not a couple of months.  While Michael Rood is verbally directing his followers to Chipotle after discussing the eating habits of free-range swine, I am going to make suggestion based on how many years you have been keeping the feast of pesach 'in your home' rather than in a Wausau, Wisconsin synagogue or in a building loaded with strangers.

Team 0=Zero: You don't get a mulligan, but go ahead and keep the memorial of pesach and the remainder of      's sabbaths to the best of your ability if you feel frightened about what is occurring worldwide. I had felt very frightened in 1994, but wasn't steered toward  יהוה      until Army veteran George Rockwell challenged me about the 7th day sabbath and eventually was urged toward       by people such as Ross Grimes and Herb Coussons.

Team 1: If this is the start of the second year you have been observing and then trying to be obedient to the instructions delivered by Moshe Ben Amram to people in bondage, your struggle will be between Muslim theology and the output of people such as Michael Rood. Returning to 'Christian' theology will only get you back into pig roasts and the land of real hirelings rather than 'The Land Of Make Believe' and wonderful music without lyrics to sabotage your spiritual toddler mind. Be thankful if you have gotten a job which has not been eliminated yet and do not get any tattoos! I was very glad to hear that tattoo parlors have been shut down in Pennsylvania, but plenty of movie and magazine pornography  is still too readily available at the typical department store.  This year, make sure your HOUSEHOLD is ready for a spot inspection by an angel of  יהוה  ,since such peculiar angels have been known to appear and behave like the prophet Elisha from time to time.  Your new squad number is 13, since that is the number of months you have survived since choosing Moshe Ben Amram's teachings.  What you choose to do to try and make it to Squad 26 is serious and often related to your business practices as well as how you treat those on squads other than 13. Remain mobile and at the start of each upcoming new moon sighting, change your squad mindset ( in late April, you switch to a squad 14 mindset, etc.) so that at the end of the second year of your retraining, you will understand Psalm 24 and 25 but maybe not Psalm 91 and Psalm 72 because you did not receive the protection from disease you expected. Your single digit team number is 1, since you are better than a 0.

Team 2: If  this is the beginning of the 3rd year you have been on a  יהוה  -approved  path of sanctification instead of an Allah trail, try to do what Benjamin Solomon Carson isn't interested in doing, namely try to spiritually unite 2 heads together rather than divide them permanently.  Therefore , do all you can to find uncommon similarities between the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram and what is in the Qu-ran. Uncommon similarities include refusing to eat  the flesh of animals defined to be unclean ( shrimp and camel is typically acceptable to a Muslim but camel is not to be eaten according to Moshe Ben Amram).   Until I get an official ruling from the leader of the LAMB team ( opposed to the pork HAM team) about shrimp, I am not going to eat shrimp since I am not a Muslim, since I am not fully convinced in my mind that shrimp has scales and fins.   You should start to be on squad 26 as of March 26, 2020 and complete the year on squad 38 or 39 on the new month to month survivial strategy.  The wearing of the single digit s is acceptable from March 26 while trying to complete a 3rd year of pro-Moses behavior, but otherwise keep your uniform division numbers between 26 and 38 in your attempt to  complete 42 months without getting pruned from   יהוה 's branches even though you probably missed your opportunity to get sealed in the 144,000 due to procrastination of commandment keeping.

Team 3: If this is the beginning of your 4th year of pro- יהוה    behavior according to יהוה   's instructions specified between Exodus and Deuteronomy, your 'supervisor' attitude jersey number should be a 3 and your less confident squad numbers should progress from 37 , through the 40's and up to 50 depending on barley ripening cycles ahead. If you now have chosen to go with an Allah plan rather than a more definitive, narrower        plan of defensive strategy, try to use Satan as a defenseman rather than pretend he doesn't exist.   Yeshua wasn't the one who fled from Satan during a debate about food and fasting and forms of worship, but bowing down to idols, whether statue form or in lying seducing spirits of falsehood in the flesh, is prohibited by יהוה   who led Moshe Ben Amram away from Egyptian idolatry.   This team should not be bowing down to the Queen of England and her egotistical pro-Ham and roasted rabbit types who think  יהוה  won't turn against them and cause their failure as he did with Pharoah in the era of Moshe Ben Amram.

Team 4: This should be the start of the 5th year of your anti-Lucifer lifestyle of either pro-Qu-ran, pro-Torah or a combination of both. Do set an ORANGE lamp sign on your residence or business associated with a 5-ball in progress and remember the cheer of team Chelios and the Chicago Blackhawks:  " Orange, yellow, green, and red... I can't help you if I'm dead!'  Guard your heart of hand with a lapis lazuli to remember the tribe of Dan and the Lindros team or opt for Team Jagr and the assist attitude, trying to assist others who are behind or ahead of you but not exiting יהוה  's plan B as in Benjamite. The attitude of the Benjamite St. Paul did not include an anti-Torah message, so do not do as the Easter, Mardi Gras, Halloween and Christmas Egyptian and Roman Catholics  do!!!!    You may wear a number 4 as a sign of the tribe of Yehudah, but you should have ditched the wearing of a crucifix when you reached 26 months of pro-יהוה   or pro-Allah behavior in private and in public!  Your squad of the pesach month should start with 49 or 50, and continue until you get past 60 to 61.

Team V: This team, starting their 6th year of being improved by the words of  יהוה ,  must be contrary to a common 5 to avoid becoming as smug and unclean as a dog in a rug like HOA  dictator Frank Finney and his  0=Chrsitmas wreath teams.  A 'zero' has continually rejected the advice and opinions of  יהוה . Since Paul D. Coffey has been assigned the V team by me, the name you can mention in public is James Joseph, the District V FEMA man of Donald Trump while testing Benjamin Solomon Carson and the 17th HUD hole problems.  Common 5's are Henrik Lundquist, Johnny Bench  and Nick Lidstrom , but uncommon V's are  Chris Chelios and the  5th down  בךאשי  team. Vashti, Valvoline, Virginia and the V in LEVITES are also part of the V team, unless you are saying there is a tribe of  Saint LeWY from which Moshe Ben Amram came. Speaking of Lewy, did you know that dogs typically are not fond of eating pork. Since there still is a serious debate about whether  the Hebrew letter ו  is best  translated to English as  W, a V or a U, you can drop back to team Uggla or Team Byfuglien if you prefer to be a rear guard rather than a true leader of Napthali, which is sealed 5th before Simeon at 7. Valedictorians should be appreciated by the V team, but cheerleaders and dance squads must be rebuked and officially objected to by the    ו     team in order to maintain a proper golf course demeanor when starting the back 10 ( which includes 13 eventually).  This team should settle into jerseys number between 61 starting with the pesach month and 74, since they have not yet made it to squad 79 and the' Simeon Rice Team Topaz' that I contrived intentionally for survivors of Mt. Carmel or prophet Elijah tactics.

Team 6: You should be starting your 7th year of behavior pleasing to יהוה  .  This is the Sahara bunker team that needs to reject the theory that all military veterans are deserving of special allowances or public displays of honor. The fact is that many military veterans have actually caused or equally bad, have failed to prevent and defend against much of the disease, adultery, lying, tattoo affiliations, theft, gambling, alcoholism, drug abuse, cigarette toxic smoke, consumption of unclean animals and pornography that  יהוה has warned against through his prophets and his allies. Allah might be an ally of  יהוה   , but I am testing that theory after suggesting that Muslims start like team 0 this year to humble themselves and let  יהוה  lift them up according to their works rather than leave them behind like a Christian golf ball in a Rib Mountain Wisconsin northern Baptist swimming pool of hypocrisy unitarians.  My recommendation to those who have completed 6 years of pro- יהוה   behavior is to take the disease spread of 2020 AD as a warning to narrow their options when dining in areas while being part of the AWAY team  which needs Dustin Byfuglien and his W team.   Thus, only purchase prepared food from restaurants and diners that do not sell any unclean animal products, knowing the shrimp debate is a genuine area of debate or go to a grocery store and cook for yourself.   SAHARA Mediterranean Bar and Grill om 45199 Market St., the Lebanese Grill in the same area, Little India on 8194 23 Mile Road in Shelby and PATTERNZ Syrian restaurant all would be suitable examples of places that the food should be safer than Michael Rood's Chipotle recommendation. If venturing out on a mission trip to any other place such as a Longhorn steakhouse, restrict your intake to 1 glass of wine, 1 beer, milk, coffee or some other fruit, vegetable or dairy beverage to make a clearer distinction between the clean and the unclean in the presence of your adversaries offering pork, frogs, rats, snails, squid and octopus.  This is going to be the team I want to affiliate with this most of this year to improve my own business strategies and to strive through my 7th year as an example of a pro-יהוה   AWAY team member  stuck in Michigan like Ivan Dixon was stuck in Stalag 13 television sets when better options were not available or proposed regarding his location of activities. In addition to a straight 6 jersey,  start your 7th year month count with a minimum of a 72 during the pesach month and go up to a maximum of 86, tucking in a couple years that had 13 months behind you. Hail  usually melts into fresh water supplies eventually, which is better than artificially wiring your property with tubes that produce 'hot rain' and openly refusing to trust יהוה  to meet your water needs from the clouds or to trust yourself to behave like a fireman with a water hose only if drought persists.

Team 7: Think like a locust as you begin your 8th year!  You must desire to avoid getting stuck in mud like a swine on an unclean, pro-abortion HOME team.  Anti-יהוה behavior is typically endorsed by USA courtroom officials and political anti- יהוה   humans who have chosen the way of Lucifer, Sam Bernstein, the 2019 Detroit Lions and Gretchen Whitmer rather than  upgrading to Team Satan who possibly teaches others not to blaspheme against  יהוה   by refusing to prevent the spread diseases such as Job of the tribe of Yssachar suffered through .  Since I have determined that people who actually do study and practice the instructions for the people of Allah or Al -Kabeer are actually not against the teachings of   יהוה    and his prophets, including Yeshua the Judean, they are actually for Moshe Ben Amram  but have to be against, as either adversary, rebuker or obvious opponent of  Christmas& Molech, pork Ham lines, Jewish people promoting lawlessness, Easter assemblies. and anti-יהוה assemblies. At best, this is team Lamed and the rarely seen Robert Scott Smith team ; at worst, this is team Sharper and the letter Zayin team. Unlike team 6, this team has some latitude in their Laodecean meal lines and might want to get a cheese pizza or a tasty Tivolis' Mediterranean pizza while feeling like they are still imprisoned where they rather not be and desire to help send an anti-pork message to others still in spiritual bondage or in financial bondage due to the horrific taxation code inflicted on them by the 17th hole Solomon types and not by Moshe Ben Amram types. Hole 18 is an important goal, and so is understanding Psalm 18 and 91. This team should slip into jerseys between 86 at the 1st month of the year (pesach month) and  up to 98 at the end of the year.  Why not a 99? Because Yeshua leaves the 99 and goes after the 1 that has been lost according to his own theory of shepherding.

I truly do hope that many people see the cause of the spread of disease worldwide as the open rebellion there has been to the wonderful rules and regulation passed from  יהוה  to Moshe over the course of his 120 years, most of them learned after he was 80 and far more capable of leading people through the Sahara desert than into a dead end at the Red Sea.  Maybe a lot of historic people of anti-atheism were calling upon Allah before they were told to call upon the name of יהוה

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