Thursday, March 12, 2020

An Invitation To Bored NHL Players That Only The Proud Would Refuse

Attention all NHL players now actually ejected from expensive rinks!

You are cordially invited to come and observe or participate in hockey action at the Troy Michigan Ice Arena at noon on weekdays. If you are fortunate and desire to learn a bit more about spiritual warfare, I will be on the rink working on 'Ephod Squad' strategies and self-placement testing. 

 Fewer openings are typically available at Glacier Pointe on Wednesday mornings, however, we certainly could use a couple bored NHL goalies until your NHL dictators let you take control of your own stats and own health care decisions again. 

This invitation is better than pretending I or you don't exist and should be taken realistically, not as though it were some Disneyland fairy tale with Thumper on ice.

Huge donations to aging amateurs you are willing to learn from would be greatly appreciated.

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