Tuesday, March 31, 2020

David Lynn Doesn't Want To Be Jim Wigglesworth the Chalk Worm of Marine City?

In the horrible world of gambling, there have been people techinically in a competition but who in reality are willing to 'throw' a game or worse, a spiritual boxing match.  I'm more than disappointed to see one of the wealthiest men in the world stand around and allow the USA to become so broken that it cannot be repaired, and then only people like Donald Trump think they will have enough resources and blessings to relocate to an area where their wealthy like-minded cowardly leaders heddle together thinking they will get the 'last laugh'. 

 How is that when one person labeled 'David Lynn in Canada during 2020 AD is nothing like David Lynn, the architect of the United States Capitol building who wouldn't have cared enough to stop into the Rodney, Ontario Canadian Legion post 525? Not only are there too many people names Donald Brown, there are now 2 very different men who have been labeled 'David Lynn' rather than Lynn Puffer the McDonald's deep fryer master of Marquette University and David Snyder, the pork sausage and cigarette user  that was unable to resist brain cancer and left his widow Lynn Snyder a Wisconsin mansion rather than a certificate of divorce?

Is Donald Trump too much like Shane David Hendrikson, pretending to be trying to improve a situation while he has his 'get away' plans in mind to abandon the people he had sworn as a 'Christian' to fight for and defend in sickness and in health, until the next election or a better dictator takes over the turf men like Donald Trump and Shane Hendrikson seem to have willfully and intentionally forced into a state of failure?  Shall we then forget that   יהוה  has promised  that his elect  angels will be gathered together from the 4 winds and with the sound of a shofar intervening on our nation and on the earth's  behalf, I regretfully admit that I suspect Donald Trump is only 'playing the game' publicly while inwardly he has plans to abandon the very people who had trusted him most.

A man of courage would look at the FACTS and admit that it is best to let a disease with a mortality rate as low as even 10% run it's course as quickly as possible  and let people make their own health care and business care decisions.   When I was in grade school, a flu epidemic took 50% of the people from the classroom and 50% were left to keep  important  schools  open. So it was in the business world - the healthy people tried to keep their businesses going and the harsh flu passed by within about 30 days. The more able bodied men sit around and do nothing while wicked lazy politicians stand around and make matters worse with their punitive anti-Leviticus dictatorship, the more likely it is their body will get weakened physically as well as financially and the more likely it is that a mental breakdown will occur that they will not recover from.  At that point, wicked pushers of drugs will accelerate their experiments on those who were weakened by their first facist anti-Leviticus orders, and places like the USA will not have anyone willing to rush in and 'save' us like the USA pushed their way into Europe 80 years ago.   

It was at the age of 80 that Moshe Ben Amram started to openly resist a government system that wanted to use and abuse them, but those who escaped had to decide to go along with the instructions from  יהוה  rather than become wicked as Governess Whitmer or the international leaders who rather let a unique virus take it's course as quickly as possible rather than slowly spread and curse the world over the course of 42 months.  Abaddon prefers a 5 month plan of action that  an imposed quarantine cannot prevent.  

  What happened to the phrase 'Mind your own business?'  Donald Trump and his puppet governors aren't letting people clearly more intelligent than they are decide what is best for their business and their family, and as a result, those people who are ordering punitive 'home incarcerations' and forbidding discretionary travel are all rising their head up like asps to not only blaspheme יהוה     but also to change times and laws as if they were equal to the entity some called the pontiff', but who in fact is an anti-Yoshua  figure too cowardly to lead those who of sound mind, are disease tolerant and want to progress  beyond a state of total failure.  Look and see which beasts are changing times and laws? An original 2 week suggested time of isolation if  flu symptoms arise has now been changed and laws have been changed to forbid people from doing what  יהה   expects them to do.  The heads of state who have changed times and laws are gathered together like a nasty pus-filled blotch ready to explode due to internal pressure, and it is best to keep away from those heads of states and nations who have thought to do  the people of   יהוה  evil rather than good.

יהוה   will NOT tolerate cowardice in a leader.  יוה   wants his people to not only be able to work 6 days a week when they are healthy enough to do so, but also to be alleviated from tyranny, facists and the cowardly rich who stand around and spread falsehoods more vicious than a virus or plague of locusts as the wicked plan their 'sortie' from the debacle they INTENTIONALLY caused.  When a man intentionally causes the failure of his own household as many unfaithful men have done, there will be no such thing as a  pardon  from  יהוה   and that man will be subject to conditions far worse than anything he had expected nor planned for himself.... and that possibly is the good news of the gospel of Abaddon, who also has a duty to do what he has been appointed to do.    

USA governors and leaders of nations are proving   they really don't believe in the Scriptures nor in the ability for  יהוה     to raise up more leaders such as Moshe Ben Amram, Yoshua and Kaleb and  even be able to resurrect Uriah the Hittite, who was faithful  and courageous until death before his murder was premeditated in a manner as cruel as an abortion.  I am waiting like an anti-thief in the day for such a man to assist יהוה    in judgment against the wicked, the whoremongers, the liars, the adulteres and the thieves in political offices,

I want to pedal my bicycle like James Coburn in a legendary WWI movie, and this time I don't have to wait for Eric David Hendrikson to show up with  my girl's Raleigh bicycle. In 2011, Eric David Hendrikson decided to politely return the girl's bicycle that  Shane David Hendrikson stole from me; according to current international  LAW, who is the firstborn son of Shane David Hendrikson?  Is his eldest son the son of his flesh or my firstborn son who, like me, was less deceived by  Marine Jeff Sonnentag that he had been by the Wittenberg father of Eric David Hendrikson.. Sifting is still in progress, and rods of iron sometimes look like a wrought iron coat rack weightier than a  a' Big Bertha' driver  in the hands of Michael Keckiesen. 

The angels of  יהוה     might only have about than 7 months to prepare for the last trumpet blast before wicked heads are destroyed and roll in a manner bloodier than a bowling ball on a well-designed lane of wood with  a bluff to the right and to the left that prevents the ball from straying to far from it's owner.  

Don't let Matt Damon admirers deceive you; the sanctified 12,000 of the tribe of Gd is not mocked and  then converted into pork pieces to be fed to the alley cats outside  the Wisconsin's Marathon County Sheriff's department.  Did you know that swine and other ingested unclean beasts taken in your hand and deposited into your mouth ends up in your forehead as soon as the stomach acid dissolves it so it can entire your bloodstream and go to your brain located at forehead level? Has anyone forced you to eat unclean beasts recently or did you take the mark of an unclean beast voluntarily without ever having a vicious medical needle forced into your tricep? 

I suspect I am now going to rest my case of Iron City beer close to Stalag 1 and resist blogging until hockey rinks reopen for unusual business in order to prevent confusion between Jebulum and Abaddon.  Remember Uriah the Hittite and forget Disneyland.

Rick Wigglesworth isn't Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Shane David Hednrikson nor Nancy Pelosi, since Rick Wigglesworth never wanted the business owner he was working for to fail fiscally and morally. Peter Salemi sita in a studio with the USA flag behind him and David Lynn, the proud Christian personality, sits in the same office with a United Kingdom flag behind him while the people in the USA can view Peter Salemi but Facebook and the Canadian government might be trying to get their Canadian Navy workers that Peter Salemi doesn't exist.

I actually thought out loud near a couple walking their dog in Shelby, Michigan who seemed like they were too young to be retired and not working on a Tuesday  My thought  was " Satan loves ewe".

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