With the Gestapo-type financial moves being imposed on Michigan businesses and in many areas worldwide due to the domino effect of stupidity, this seems like a perfect time to try to get a few good Muslims to behave as strangers in North America and Europe and take HEED to what Moshe Ben Amram instructed to people who were being assaulted by a corrupt government system that had no respect for the Creator's calendar and holiness. Shutting down of a casino doesn't bother me, but shutting down of good devent businesses by the unconstitutional orders of unclean, unholy, immodest politicians and swine-eating abortionists sounds like a spiritual emergency that Muslims and the remnant of 144,000 Ysraelites should consider as a problem they shouldn't ignore.🐻🐢
Any Muslim can qualify themselves for Yahweh's protection, especially since billions of Christians have proved they do no believe in what Moshe Ben Amram taught about Yehovah. I believe it is time for Muslims to acknowledge that they really do believe that Moshe Ben Amram is a true prophet and admit that nations such as the USA are too much like Egypt in the post-Joseph era to keep on ignoring a real opportunity to trust Moshe Ben Amram's instructions for those in BONDAGE to pro-abortion statue-worshipping and forced taxation to fund medical abominations and teach students to hate rather than believe the Bible.
There is much leaven in many Muslims, a lack of humility that makes them think that if they reject Moshe's instructions and their clean cousins ( true Yshralites), they are still better than the Christian community that officially denies Yehovah's existance and instructions to those who desire holiness. How wonderful it would be to make every idiot that has tried to confine and restrict healthy people from doing what is the best for them to be ejected from holy protection and guidance like Egyptian chariot riders into the Red Sea. Any opportunity to repent after arrogantly thinking you shouldn't be tested like the people led by Yoshua and Kaleb and the instructor of the PROPHET Moshe Ben Amram should be grasped while it can.
All Muslims should read Exodus chapters 11-15, and then try to do as much as they can to keep the pesach memorial in their homes while more BONDAGE is being forced on so many people worldwide with the 19th virus hoax that is less dangerous than a carton of cigarettes and guns in a household. Moshe Ben Amram did not use guns nor cigarettes during Yehovah's power play against those who prayed to statues and ignored the food guidelines even Noah knew about based on the ark animal counts.
1. On the evening of April 8th or 14 days after you believe the next month has begun, have a meal of humility of papadam, spinach, lamb and grape beverage in your own home and then do not exit you home until the next morning.
2. Follow up with 1 week of eating only bread without leaven ( papadam) and avoid eating any food with leaven for 1 full week. Prepare for the feast of Shavuot and count the 50 days to your understanding.
3. Don't worry about tossing out good clean foods kept in freezers or your pantry this year to avoid becoming like the Talmud brood; just eliminate leaven from your physical body as instructed to make room for the spirit of Moshe Ben Amram, a true and holy prophet, in your life and in your household. If you believe in Joseph, believe also in Moshe Ben Amram and consider yourself as a circumcised stranger willing to align with true Yshralites who have trusted not only Yehovah, but also have relied upon kind Muslims when swine-eaters that have mocked the prophet Moshe Ben Amram with their Easter hams and pork-infused Peeps.
4. Unless the children of Abraham unite rather than remain divided, expect more trouble trying to get access to a good clean meal and a decent place to gear up for a hockey game IF you think you too 'special' to align with the people of Yehovah and Moshe Ben Amram when being oppressed by China or your local political version of evil, wicked pro-abortionist Gretchen Whitmer, of which there are many and are a CURSE to the turf they have domain over temporarily.
I already advised my Muslim friends to keep the memorial of unleavened bread in the upcoming April, knowing they might never again have this chance to prove they trust Moshe Ben Amram more than they trust in the governments who tax us and burden us with their anti-Yeshua, anti- Moshe, anti-Yahuah attitudes and their disease caused by the consumption of that which are clearly listed as abominations.
Please help the remnant of Yshrael and those who love the teaching of the prophet, Moshe Ben Amram, by being willing to join the people of Moshe Ben Amram and trusting in Yehovah's exitance and ability to protect and discipline his people in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.
If ice rinks and restaurants remain open in Wisconsin or states other than seriously oppressed Michigan, it will prove that even a liberal male governor can make a better decision than Nancy Pelosi and Gretchen Whitmer, the 2 headed pro-abortion beasts of the USA. It's easier and POSSIBLE to fix stupidity with the help of Yehovah than to eject a wicked evil ruler from positions of local, state, national or international power without a real non-virtual battle of the flesh and spirit.
Remember the Scorpion Pass problem of March 17, 1954 and make a holy choice to do as Moshe Ben Amram did while you still have the freedom to do so. 🐪🐫🐍🐐🐑🐏🐣
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