Considering Revelation chapter 17's 10 'horns', making war with a 'lamb' is better than making war against 'lamb'. יהוה 's protective seal BEGINS with the keeping of pesach in our homes, not in some auditorium or church loaded up with strangers, statues and hirelings, so why aren't many people viewing the next pesach time as a perfect time to allow people not only to be able to escape work duties but also to choose the lamb or the ham? After learning to survive without the country club attitude of Sunday morning gatherings, I am not going through anxiety nor tormented by the order to restrict gatherings to 10 or less, although many others who have relied on that system are being troubled. The peaceful Muslim men who have been used to praying alone in a closet 5 times a day don't seem too upset about their mosque doors being shut for awhile but are concerned about their family income source. When households and careless nations have spent too much money on electronic devices, guns and games for the past 14 years, their household will not have enough of an emergency fund to safely get them through 5 months of reduced or no income. 🙉
I'm in the same FEMA sector as my parents, and FEMA knows what type of reasonable choices I have made regarding flood insurance. Small lines of communication often stay intact long after overloaded fishing nets have broken and many fish have been loosed. If people have been able to stock up their households with food in the USA, wonderful! If my area is getting restocked with food adequately and others haven't, is that not the same pattern as some homes in in Egypt not being subjected to flies and darkness but other areas were?
Since I am going to make war with the lamb AGAINST the ham in the humble keeping of a pesach meal in my household like a few others have done for the past few years and , according to prophecy the lamb team of יהוה will overcome a weaker system of abominations. The people that seem to be most full of anxiety such as David Carrico utter the name "jesus' and aren't speaking the name יהוה consistently. Again, it is the Vatican who does not want his herd to utter the name of יהוה , but Yeshua and Moshe did call upon יהוה !
What did I see while not in a trance? The word toward the end of 8 years of word by word observation is טוב , as in Tobermory. טוב means good, not evil. That word is near Hebrew #2896 in James Strong system of codes, but Mr. Joseph and Mr. Farina might prefer one of these three combinations codes to reflect the word טוב
O: Ron Soreanu + Dustin Byfuglien+Jaromir Jagr
I. Ron Soreanu > Dan Uggla > Jaromir Jagr
L. Ron Soreanu/Paul Coffey/Jaromir Jagr
A precise look at Hebrew #6877, #6826 and #6833 all reveal words much better than a PINK pork chop. I would trust Joseph Pitawanakwat or Joseph Farina sooner than I would trust Jmes K. Joseph, but when going for food supplies in Egypt, Yehudah had to trust a 'Joseph' he didn't recognize but that did attain much power and authority for a reason. I started to try and keep food and shelter over my firstborn son's head while taking much personal risk as a mother in Milwaukee District 3 ( oil supplier) and then in Milwaukee Police District V. I am now in a much larger District V, and hope the leader of this district is at least as thoughtful as Milwaukee Police Veterans Frederick Madsen and John Dorsey, strangers that even had to put a bit of trust in me way back in 1987 even though they were my supervisors and then became my friends in urban warfare.
It is after the role of Joseph has been worked out once again that many will refuse to trust the person next equipped by יהוה to be as Moshe Ben Amram was once Joseph lost power and only his bones became a mobile reminder of past struggles for food, discipline, mercy, CLEAN foods rather than unclean animal flesh and tears during a 7 year famine. Some of us might have to relocate to help family members, and others will still bow down to statues like fools, consume abominations such as the mouse, the swine and the snail, and then according to their own freedom of religion, they will not repent of their evil deeds and will continue to blaspheme against the spirit of prophesy and יהוה
Apparently, even the leader of 'El Shaddai ministries' near Tacoma, WA even has a blindness problem, since although his own visual presentation revealed the name יהוה, he refused to try to pronounce יהוה and petered out (a denial process) to a weaker 'adonai' audible in a common Jewish tune which seems like a rather lukewarm choice of utterance for a man able to read Hebrew better than I can.
If there are ten righteous, will a land be spared? We'll see if the 10 appointed heads of FEMA's district are righteous or unrighteous in their period of power. As far as Donald Trump objecting to abortion and not trying to prevent sodomy, he is at least in favor of defending the innocent and allowing the sodomites and swine eaters to make their anti- יהוה position evident to the people who believe in Allah and to those who desire to avoid the swine and sodomy gatherings such as MOshe Ben Amram did in their Egyptian residences on at the closing minutes of the 14th day or their agricultural year.
Shall we now consider the pivotal roles of Dr. Benjamin Carson ( not 'Benson' the TV butler), Benjamin Roethlisberger or Benjamin Sheets to become more honorable and better leaders than the political prime minister of the state of Israel, a man who let Tel Aviv become an anti- יהוה disgrace rather than purified? ישראל is not Israel. Benjamin Hogan can't really help us now. When Carol Burnett playing the role of Carol Bradford has appeared on MeTV, you can be assured that Bradford Scott has once again failed from his Vernal, Utah abode after refusing to be as helpful as Chad Thomas Hendricks when I desired to contact a reliable friend. I've always admired people who were not afraid to be specific and CORRECT about a person's identity, especially their own name.
🂨🂾🃝 🎶 and the Daunte Culpepper card is 🃁 ! Being 79th is important. Also, Adam Fink does has a reasonable explanation for keeping the feast of pesach at dusk on April 8th in his 'Passover 2020' video on his 'parable of the vineyard' Marine-style deployment. His Enoch 78 and Sirach 43 examples do seem like valid resources for establishing a position for the low-impact lunar lighting debate. Then, it only matters if a person decides a cloudy sky will delay their pesach memorial, but as I have read that when the clouds moved, the people were to move in the wilderness, therefore I am waiting to look up to see of cloud coverage signals my household to wait and let a 30th day of the 12th month be completed this year. 🐢🌒 I will be looking to the west in FEMA district V for a new moon sighting with a second reliable witness; ideally I will not be arrested nor fined for praying to יהוה rather than to גד and sounding a shofar in Macomb County rather than looking into a heathen crystal ball with Janet Dunn and the Grecian practitioners of witchcraft.
Good is טוב
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