Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Voice of Anti-Messiah=Danielle Outlaw

There is no difference between shoplifting and looting. Danielle Outlaw and others who allow more lawlessness will be party to many crimes, as citizens watch entire  departments with deplorable leaders display acts of cowardice equal to treason against citizens that have paid their salaries.

Has AIDS gone away in the past 30 years, and if so, why have anti-Messiah leaders forced their employees to cuddle up to PRIDE groups BUT now won't defend their own written laws because they have paranoid fears and are spreading or believing lies about a disease that a person can combat with common sense easier than  they can protect themselves from a gun, knife attack or a drunken driver or angry unemployed family members?

The increase in lawlessness will destroy more communities than a flu outbreak, and the cowardly people in 'power' such as Danielle Outlaw will have no chance of redemption or salvation from the heavenly ruler they obviously do not believe in. Since 'Messiah' represents goodness, holiness , lawfulness and courage to many ears, it is clear that Danielle Outlaw types are the opposite of goodness, holiness, lawfulness and courage.

In Yehovah's heaven, there will be no 'Danielle Outlaw' attitudes allowed. Those of us with courage must pray that this is the time when  only 1 in 55,000 elect are angelically protected because we have chosen lawfulness rather than filthy uncleanness and anti-Yehovah lifestyle.  It is the duty of the elect to warn, lest the sins of public menaces such as Danielle Outlaw spread into our minds like a rat that gnaws away the seed of Biblical truth that we received while when we had ears to hear not only about the tribbe of God and their superior officer Yahuah, but also about Satan and the prophet Ezequiel.

Ragual, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Saraqual, Yehovah and Gabriel are all  much better names to call upon  than  Danielle Outlaw who has lost her soul power and given her mind over to a beast that does not save souls.  Has the word soul been eliminated from your vocabulary or been editted and changed to 'bullet'?  My soul isn't anything like a bullet.

Unless these times get shortened, no flesh will be saved but for the elect's sake, time will seem to speed up at some pivitol point. Those who die or suffer from the flu  will be in better hands than those who salute an anti-Messiah figure like Danielle Outlaw.  Certainly Ms. Outlaw can't claim she is a Messiah figure, since then she would be making herself equal to Yeshua, who she is openly opposing by her declarations. Yeshua and his Father are opposed to all forms of theft and taught the basics of disease control, as did Moshe Ben Amram, which includes rejecting consumption of unclean animals.

Mother Theresa exhibited more courage than the current USA government leaders who are trying to spread their cowardice rather than spread copies of the books of Moses open to read what the CAUSE of an Egyptian (Gentile) virus is.  A good Mark is hard to earn, but with Yehovah, it is possible to receive a good Mark.  Danielle Outlaw, her California allies and others with her anti-Biblical attitude appear to have reached official depravity status as well as hireling status, which means she lacks good shepherding skills.

Appearances are not always deceiving.

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