As I observed store shelves with more products remaining on the shelves than some stores I'd seen in Nevada, Ohio or Bliss, Michigan, I was shocked to hear state of Israel resident Miss Bridget Reuben utter ' The shelves are bare!' She sounded as wrong as a Wolf that looks into a cooler with a cheeseburger inside and mutters ' I have nothing to eat until quail drops in from the Sahara or until someone opens up the next can of lentil soup from Beersheba!'
If the shelves were truly bare, why would anyone still be going into the store? Liars and deceivers are sometimes televised which produces evidence against them.... evidence that might be ignored in the Knesset floors 32, 33 and 34 but not in Oneida County, Wisconsin.
If you or the head of your household thinks killing another person to obtain their food is what you need to do to get your next meal, you have a depraved mind problem worse than an earthworm. Are you starving since the Catholic priests stopped giving you their tasteless appetizers at 'mass'? Do you have a few dozen pounds of fat your body would be better off losing until you look as thin and pale as Boaz Fuchs or as healthy as Garth Snow?
Propaganda emits from television sets frequently; lies never emerge from an unspotted sheepskin but what if a liar writes false information upon the sheepskin? Do we ask Jimmy Morris at Wooly Acres why he tagged a sheep #386 on the ear rather than near the cloven hoof?
'FAUDA' illustrates why the state of Israel deserves no protection from . What goes a good 15 rounds is a tired boxer! What goes bad in David Gaza's dressing room is probably labeled 'Jayne Cler' who might be closer to route 34 than Martin Biron would ever want to be. I have to admit that watching the Minnesota Wild Hockey team is much better than watching the whorish actors spreading their 'beast' side in vile nastiness in a program labeled 'FAUDA', not Flora and Woodland grass blades.
Why did Monte Judah ignore Jeremiah chapter 52 in his video commentary labeled 'Finale'? Didn't he see chapter 52? I suppose Monte Judah doesn't know how to work with a full deck of cards yet.
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