The locusts do not directly scorch with heat like a fever does BUT shady tree leaves are devoured by locusts. 🙊
Much of the world is being subjected to clouds of locusts at the same time some are being scorched with heat in the form of fever. Once a temple is closed, it will not be reopened until a cleansing process takes place. Where the 4th bowl judgment has to do with being scorched, after seeing that the covering of the face is defined as being in darkness, Revelation 16:10-11 has caused me to consider this: who has voluntarily plunged their face into darkness and not repented of their wickedness? Along with the heathen wickedness of masked 'Christianity' lines of Mardi Gras and Halloween knees, Islamic radicals have typically covered their faces inflicting darkness upon their world and now, the frightened who have not believed Deuteronomy 28 are now covering their mouths with masks which are not actually a proper line of defense against particle that can affect the eyes. 🙈
Wouldn't it be wonderful if in fact the timeline of is now up to the 5th bowl and a few Muslims who realize they have inherited lies start uncovering their faces after repenting and severing themselves from their corrupt violent leaders who have hated the faithful remnant of יהוה against the writings of their own Qu'ran writings? 🐘
Apparently, there seems to be an indication of replacement theology in the Qu-ran, where it states that Yeshua was not killed, but there was a substitution and another creature got the deadly wound that appeared to be healed which those who have bowed down to a crucifix image then worship, The site I obtained English translation on was on while I was interested in the 99 names of Allah after confessing the name of יהוה as the center of my hope and defense system to others that have ears to hear.
It will be of no benefit to observe the memorial of pesach, then stuff your mouth with unclean animal flesh to appease the idiot idol named Easter, rather than willfully continue through to the keeping of the appointed times set by יהוה all the way through the Feast of Tabernacles! When 'Christians' habitually have been doing wafer ceremonies and the shunning the instructions of , they rejected the defense of יהוה the full armor of protection 🐚 that comes with the observances of Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles, to the disgrace (removal of grace) of their Catholic and Christian TEACHERS!
You should be the discerner when comparing texts that both support the teachings that Moshe Ben Amram delivered to a segment of people desiring guidance from al-Kabir, the 37th name of Allah (goat skins mentioned in Samuel are as 'Kabeer' connect Hebrew 3523 to see a thread to Davd) or extra protective services from the Angel of יהוה
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