Saturday, March 28, 2020

Look At The Clean and UNSPOTTED Side of 6 foot Restraining Suggestions

A few brief audibles from Rob Skiba caused me to think of the problems caused by witchcraft and unwanted advances from people who are often TOO friendly.  Most of the world is now under a 6 foot restraining suggestion without entering aa courtroom to try and protect themselves from 4th degree sexual assault. Now, because of imposed 6 foot spacing among strangers, we are less likely to see what has cursed Mardi Gras partiers and people attracted to crowded urban areas such as Toronto or New York City which thankfully are often too expensive  for many 'country disciples' and  vegetable  farmers to afford.

Since being touched by an person with demonic spirits can cause trouble, this new 6 foot suggestion among strangers and neighbors is TERRIFIC for those of us who want to remain unspotted from the horrible world of Harry Potter, anti- יהוה  and anti-Allah  pride groups, and menstruating women with pork chorizo on their breath.  This is another sign that in the process of  various forms of blanket restraining orders, those of us who really are preparing for pesach and a holy convocation  and  desire to be considered fit to uphold the name of  יהוה   have temporary protection from nasty skanks, strumpets and warlocks we never got before unless we were in our home water closet with the door locked for out safety.  Yippee!   In fact, when a questionable woman got too close to Yeshua, he DID lose power ( virtue) that he might never have been able to regain until his time of  his resurrection, even if you think that resurrection has not yet occurred.

Once the clean goats and lamb shanks are separated from the unclean frogs and ham hocks at a pivotal legend points and pointer splits at Eli Billing ( this process might be as swift as 10 days or as lengthy as 5 months, it will become more obvious which people chose  unleavened bread, יהוה    and lamb with Yoshua  and which people chose Coca-Cola,  donuts, Easter and swine, a combination which  the Bible  clearly states leads to disease and plagues that cause shortening of a lifespan rather than to health and disease prevention. The 6 foot rule workplace ordinance might prevent a lot of workplace sin that leads to extra-marital affairs!  It always has been risky going to Philadelphia Flyers or Minnesota Vikings games, but most professional sports displays have been a rated PG-13 recreational choice rather than an essential livelihood for the spectators.

In the mean time, why has Miroslav Satan chosen to live in Jericho, New York?  I'm going to take a perspective of this month being the beginning of the 5th year …. about 50 new moon cycles since the pesach time of 2016 and about 42 months since sukkot of 2016.  Since most of the people on earth are spiritually dead,  it is probably good that they should get no closer to me  than John Raczek can when I stand over his burial spot.   6 foot under  you or 6 foot adjacent is better than having someone standing 6 feet above you claiming to be Ernie Hudson without a sieve on his head.

Who was it that said 'Touch me not' to Mary Magdalene, according to John chapter 20?


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