Tuesday, March 31, 2020

For the Sake of MIlwaukee Police Van Unit #360.....What's a DAVID14?

What is now nominal value? A piece of paper labeled  "Pekka Rinne 360' or the Milwaukee Police patrol wagon labeled '360' that had been parked in front of Milwaukee District 5 when former District 5 Captain Thomas Stigler was still accepting some visitors?

Socialism encourages people to decrease production and increase begging their corrupt government for money, so the Donald Trump administration is behaving like socialists now rather than a Bible-believing person who knows that a man who does not work WHILE HE IS CAPABLE is not worthy of wages.  Now it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the anti-Bible plans injected into the federal government by John F, Kennedy have spread like a melted unclean Peep in the United States and there are more weak and beggarly occupants of the USA than those willing to work when typical earthly dangers still exist on a daily basis.

If you choose to stay home and collect unemployment rather than go to the place that had the decency to give you an opportunity to be much better than a weak and beggarly person on earth, you have whore of Babylon attitude while you try to sit as a queen  and collect money from a piggy bank that only the decent people are willing to contribute to until they are at least 50 years old, at which time they might have been as wise as a serpent and stored up some retirement funds that are more secure than an empty beer can. Once a good king ejects the wicked, lazy queen, there will no longer be a regime that pays people to be lazier than a locust or an ant.

Many people are getting their actual attitudes revealed. Those who weren't afraid to put themselves in the line of  possible gunfire are now scared into their houses by a rather weak virus that is oddly attracted to Advil patients and maybe not to a Rhino. Family and friends weren't allowed to  visit people in European concentration camps and the AXIS forces then increased their experiments on those unable to escape to their families. If you think your 'loved' are safe in nursing homes, you probably were stupid enough to think a person having an anxiety attack or overcome with depression was better being turned over to strangers in a psychiatric facility to be drugged and even ore disorientated than the 16th victim of Jeffrey Dahmer.  If you didn't visit your parents ( or the parent that never abandoned you but may have had to leave you with good child care while employed or seeking employment) on a regular basis prior to a socialist/facist agenda being deployed from the desks of your government SERVANTS ( elected officials are supposed to be public servants, not sitting around like kings and queens in a checker game), don't pretend that upcoming /Mother's Day' of 'Father's Day' propaganda will change the fact that you did not desire to abide by the spirit of the 5th commandment when you considered yourself to be 'free' but apparently not brave enough to do what was best for you other family members. Who now will be so despondent that they call 1-866-342-6892 and request emotional support from a hireling of the insurance industry rather than drop to their knees and pray after reading the Book of Exodus  to see what telephone contacts Moshe Ben Amram used when in trouble and with no more than 2 people willing to hold his arms up when his team was losing in battle?  👀

A piece of unframed magazine paper with the name 'Pekka Rinne' on it is nominal value, even thought the Milwaukee Admirals are affiliated with the Nashville Predators. Even when scrapped and sold to a metal recycler for $50.00 in USA currency, Milwaukee Police Van Unit #360 was never 'nominal value' according to anyone who was mentally competent enough to add up how many meals they could buy from "Steak and Shake' with that $50.00... a person could be fed for 10 days with that $50 and adjust to 1 meal per day until their they were willing to sell another object to a fair deal seeker.   W. H. O.  would rather that you and the people they want to experiment with  become another lazy, socialist slob that is unwilling to sell everything  he does not really need before seeking the next government form that would pay him or her NOT to work and properly earn their money like a true Christian and true former slave of Egypt should desire to do.  🙅

I had to sell many belonging after I left the Milwaukee Police Department to protect my health  and move to Mosinee where a more wicked man than decided to use and abuse me as long as he could before stealing from me and my red-blooded family members.  I took a low paying job, hoping that the City of Milwaukee would eventually admit that their decision to allow prisoners to smoke cigarettes while in jail was far more of a daily hazard to the typical human being than a short-lived virus that most people can fight off easier than a prisoner trying to bite their local police officer like a beast and a non-specialized dog.  💈

I heard the accurate cries against the current system of government corruption and socialist agenda today from some people who referred to themselves as :middle Eastern  Catholics' but who I thought were Muslims because of their menu options.  I said I was from 'Moses Company' before I questioned them about the leaven in the chicken chop poutine and declared that if they really believed in Moses and St, Paul the apostle, they would have been keeping the feast of Unleavened Bread as well as a pesach memorial. I suspect they are lost sheep who have been under the influence of a corrupt man pretending to be their shepherd... a man who has denied the doctrines of angels delivered to Moshe Ban Amram and the apostles while their neighboring people of Allah influenced their anti-swine dietary preferences while in the Middle East. ⛺

How many people are now going to start behaving like John Banner rather than boldly and properly keeping the feasts of יהוה  while scattered  in captivity and in a time when even USA citizens are now being shoved toward French Socialism.  Which countries were well trained enough to keep the snails off their plates and the Nazi forces out of their national pig pens?  🌀

Personally, I would prefer it was the start of the 4th or 5th year of a prophesied tribulation period that the top of the 2nd year with only 359 days racked up toward day 1335. Do we now have to understand better what 'Terrible 2' is all about? 👮 A DAVID14 can easily defeat a COVID19.

The wise will notice the 6 in the middle of the word typically translated as 'David', which is the numeric equivalent of ו


Cordially submitted, ,
Your fellow FEMA District V pro- יהוה  Non-Virtual Communications Advisor  😈

* Roman Josi is paper piece #361 , barely into the 13th monthy non-reversible cycle of months toward 84 months. 🐧Hockey fans, do you know where your reformed Predators are? 🐐🐈
What happened to David Akers the Detroit Lion?🎹🏈

David Lynn Doesn't Want To Be Jim Wigglesworth the Chalk Worm of Marine City?

In the horrible world of gambling, there have been people techinically in a competition but who in reality are willing to 'throw' a game or worse, a spiritual boxing match.  I'm more than disappointed to see one of the wealthiest men in the world stand around and allow the USA to become so broken that it cannot be repaired, and then only people like Donald Trump think they will have enough resources and blessings to relocate to an area where their wealthy like-minded cowardly leaders heddle together thinking they will get the 'last laugh'. 

 How is that when one person labeled 'David Lynn in Canada during 2020 AD is nothing like David Lynn, the architect of the United States Capitol building who wouldn't have cared enough to stop into the Rodney, Ontario Canadian Legion post 525? Not only are there too many people names Donald Brown, there are now 2 very different men who have been labeled 'David Lynn' rather than Lynn Puffer the McDonald's deep fryer master of Marquette University and David Snyder, the pork sausage and cigarette user  that was unable to resist brain cancer and left his widow Lynn Snyder a Wisconsin mansion rather than a certificate of divorce?

Is Donald Trump too much like Shane David Hendrikson, pretending to be trying to improve a situation while he has his 'get away' plans in mind to abandon the people he had sworn as a 'Christian' to fight for and defend in sickness and in health, until the next election or a better dictator takes over the turf men like Donald Trump and Shane Hendrikson seem to have willfully and intentionally forced into a state of failure?  Shall we then forget that   יהוה  has promised  that his elect  angels will be gathered together from the 4 winds and with the sound of a shofar intervening on our nation and on the earth's  behalf, I regretfully admit that I suspect Donald Trump is only 'playing the game' publicly while inwardly he has plans to abandon the very people who had trusted him most.

A man of courage would look at the FACTS and admit that it is best to let a disease with a mortality rate as low as even 10% run it's course as quickly as possible  and let people make their own health care and business care decisions.   When I was in grade school, a flu epidemic took 50% of the people from the classroom and 50% were left to keep  important  schools  open. So it was in the business world - the healthy people tried to keep their businesses going and the harsh flu passed by within about 30 days. The more able bodied men sit around and do nothing while wicked lazy politicians stand around and make matters worse with their punitive anti-Leviticus dictatorship, the more likely it is their body will get weakened physically as well as financially and the more likely it is that a mental breakdown will occur that they will not recover from.  At that point, wicked pushers of drugs will accelerate their experiments on those who were weakened by their first facist anti-Leviticus orders, and places like the USA will not have anyone willing to rush in and 'save' us like the USA pushed their way into Europe 80 years ago.   

It was at the age of 80 that Moshe Ben Amram started to openly resist a government system that wanted to use and abuse them, but those who escaped had to decide to go along with the instructions from  יהוה  rather than become wicked as Governess Whitmer or the international leaders who rather let a unique virus take it's course as quickly as possible rather than slowly spread and curse the world over the course of 42 months.  Abaddon prefers a 5 month plan of action that  an imposed quarantine cannot prevent.  

  What happened to the phrase 'Mind your own business?'  Donald Trump and his puppet governors aren't letting people clearly more intelligent than they are decide what is best for their business and their family, and as a result, those people who are ordering punitive 'home incarcerations' and forbidding discretionary travel are all rising their head up like asps to not only blaspheme יהוה     but also to change times and laws as if they were equal to the entity some called the pontiff', but who in fact is an anti-Yoshua  figure too cowardly to lead those who of sound mind, are disease tolerant and want to progress  beyond a state of total failure.  Look and see which beasts are changing times and laws? An original 2 week suggested time of isolation if  flu symptoms arise has now been changed and laws have been changed to forbid people from doing what  יהה   expects them to do.  The heads of state who have changed times and laws are gathered together like a nasty pus-filled blotch ready to explode due to internal pressure, and it is best to keep away from those heads of states and nations who have thought to do  the people of   יהוה  evil rather than good.

יהוה   will NOT tolerate cowardice in a leader.  יוה   wants his people to not only be able to work 6 days a week when they are healthy enough to do so, but also to be alleviated from tyranny, facists and the cowardly rich who stand around and spread falsehoods more vicious than a virus or plague of locusts as the wicked plan their 'sortie' from the debacle they INTENTIONALLY caused.  When a man intentionally causes the failure of his own household as many unfaithful men have done, there will be no such thing as a  pardon  from  יהוה   and that man will be subject to conditions far worse than anything he had expected nor planned for himself.... and that possibly is the good news of the gospel of Abaddon, who also has a duty to do what he has been appointed to do.    

USA governors and leaders of nations are proving   they really don't believe in the Scriptures nor in the ability for  יהוה     to raise up more leaders such as Moshe Ben Amram, Yoshua and Kaleb and  even be able to resurrect Uriah the Hittite, who was faithful  and courageous until death before his murder was premeditated in a manner as cruel as an abortion.  I am waiting like an anti-thief in the day for such a man to assist יהוה    in judgment against the wicked, the whoremongers, the liars, the adulteres and the thieves in political offices,

I want to pedal my bicycle like James Coburn in a legendary WWI movie, and this time I don't have to wait for Eric David Hendrikson to show up with  my girl's Raleigh bicycle. In 2011, Eric David Hendrikson decided to politely return the girl's bicycle that  Shane David Hendrikson stole from me; according to current international  LAW, who is the firstborn son of Shane David Hendrikson?  Is his eldest son the son of his flesh or my firstborn son who, like me, was less deceived by  Marine Jeff Sonnentag that he had been by the Wittenberg father of Eric David Hendrikson.. Sifting is still in progress, and rods of iron sometimes look like a wrought iron coat rack weightier than a  a' Big Bertha' driver  in the hands of Michael Keckiesen. 

The angels of  יהוה     might only have about than 7 months to prepare for the last trumpet blast before wicked heads are destroyed and roll in a manner bloodier than a bowling ball on a well-designed lane of wood with  a bluff to the right and to the left that prevents the ball from straying to far from it's owner.  

Don't let Matt Damon admirers deceive you; the sanctified 12,000 of the tribe of Gd is not mocked and  then converted into pork pieces to be fed to the alley cats outside  the Wisconsin's Marathon County Sheriff's department.  Did you know that swine and other ingested unclean beasts taken in your hand and deposited into your mouth ends up in your forehead as soon as the stomach acid dissolves it so it can entire your bloodstream and go to your brain located at forehead level? Has anyone forced you to eat unclean beasts recently or did you take the mark of an unclean beast voluntarily without ever having a vicious medical needle forced into your tricep? 

I suspect I am now going to rest my case of Iron City beer close to Stalag 1 and resist blogging until hockey rinks reopen for unusual business in order to prevent confusion between Jebulum and Abaddon.  Remember Uriah the Hittite and forget Disneyland.

Rick Wigglesworth isn't Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Shane David Hednrikson nor Nancy Pelosi, since Rick Wigglesworth never wanted the business owner he was working for to fail fiscally and morally. Peter Salemi sita in a studio with the USA flag behind him and David Lynn, the proud Christian personality, sits in the same office with a United Kingdom flag behind him while the people in the USA can view Peter Salemi but Facebook and the Canadian government might be trying to get their Canadian Navy workers that Peter Salemi doesn't exist.

I actually thought out loud near a couple walking their dog in Shelby, Michigan who seemed like they were too young to be retired and not working on a Tuesday  My thought  was " Satan loves ewe".

A Miracle Frequency Sight Test For Pesach, Shavuot and Yom Kippur Keepers

Here is a world clean-up routine fit for an offensive genius or defensive expert:

Suppose a group of technology angels has been  gathering information on the people they had suspected had been trying to but then continually failed to keep the pesach memorial  correctly because careless pastors kept luring them away from their dwellings. Suddenly, an angel decides to create a special offensive frequency that could target the dwelling places of the pesach keepers and kill them quickly and quietly within their dwellings, thus attempting the equal and opposite reaction to what occurred in Egypt several thousand years ago.  Much mourning would occur on earth since the very best, most honest  people were no longer able to lead them but those killed by the frequency would not be subjected to government experiments nor be vexed by the continual sin that prevailed on earth.  Those who were not attacked by the specialized frequency knew what they would be facing ahead on earth was now much worse than what the pesach keepers were subjected to ,namely a  merciful, quick and painless sudden death and they  mourned for the loss of their most reliable family member.  A few lukewarm Christians realized they too had a perfect opportunity to keep the feast of pesach in their home but decided they really didn't want to live the kind of life that Yeshua, the sabbath keeper, lived so instead they realized they might have to die as painfully as he died.

Even when the 1st born of Egypt was killed by a 1 night plague distributed by a force contrary to the notion of  toy boy 'Santa Claus', there is no indication that there was very much pain nor suffering that the 1st born sons of Egypt had gone through, once again displaying the mercy of  יהוה   while executing a punishment.

If I knew in advance that a nation  had the capability of speedily deploying such an exact frequency attack on specific targeted residences during a specific nighttime cycle and that they had sufficient evidence to know exactly which 144,000 household to target  or PROTECT, would I still keep the feast of pesach as scheduled? Yes, I surely would keep the memorial pesach feast but would wonder if what I considered  could technically happen to me actually could also technically and quickly  happen to the most evil 25% of people on earth according to electronic files accumulated by the 144,000 elect of יהוה . The households of people who were filled with too much pride to keep the pesach memorial in their home  thus lost an opportunity to receive miraculous protection for the members of their household but would be amazed how quickly much wickedness could be eliminated with the consent of a holy offensive angel that was different than a holy defensive angel.

Whatever nation has the capability to destroy the occupants of the  most wicked households with such a perfected frequency would then be the nation of the avenging angel and would gain in popularity as a destination.  Have you considered that repeatedly logging into certain wicked websites or cable television stations with vile content could actually have made  those evil persons 'mark' themselves with an electronic connection which proves they are too wicked to be spared?  I suppose    those who have assisted the house pesach keepers and hosted feast of booth gatherings might  be spared under some Rahab plan. Who would  actually consider such helpers to be too lukewarm to destroy before offering them some time to repent of their laziness and refusal to do even more good works specified in writing from the messengers of  יהוה  ?

Rob Blackwell is too pessimistic for me. I prefer to consider a miraculous frequency that executes a perfect plan designed to quickly improve the earth and protect the elect and sealed 144.000 from future pain and suffering.

Is Raymond Burr going to accuse me of speculating? You could have watched 'The Twilight Zone'  if you wanted to hear less realistic speculation.

Monday, March 30, 2020

The 8 Corner Defense: Are You A Trusted Avenger?

When reconsidering the problems David Lynn of Canada encountered, I suppose the most reasonable perspective would be "If seeing a person swallow swine, snails, snake,eel,rabbits and octopus doesn't vex you to the point of publicly warning them as a doctor, a stranger, a family member, enemy or friend, don't let other public abominations vex you to the point of warning arrogant and proud strangers that have already been warned  for decades by the testimony of Yeshua and the prophets of יהוה .  Leave the  zone of  occurring abominations as plan E as in escaping the wrath to come."

A four corner defense only produces a square place, not a cube capable of holding volume. Whether the person who has taken an oath to protect, lead and supply your household is someone like Martin Van Buren, your resident male spouse, a police chief, a politician you voted for or your designated angel under the dominion of or equal to   יהוה  , when the oath is obviously not being kept the security/defense covenant is broken.  When a group's defense protection plan is broken, it either has to be repaired or replaced by a being more willing and able to keep an oath.

If there are 10 righteous men scattered among the 10 FEMA zones, your FEMA zone might get shown more favor from the Creator of the earth who expects submission to his authority. If only 1 FEMA zone has 10 righteous men within it's hierarchy of authority, the 1 zone would be expected to 'get spared' when the other 9 FEMA sectors don't get spared. If you have gotten cursed with a pro-abortion governor or local representative, you should realize your state as a whole has a majority of anti-Yeshua people, or a lack of 'Pro-David Lynn' people because evil and wickedness has spread faster than a microscopic cell that causes severe illness only to a small fraction of those who have contact with that cell.

Suppose there are a few good, holy men tucked within a military system that do not choose wickedness even when there is a change in political powers. Those few holy men will be seeking which citizens they can trust or depend up to do what is right in the sight of   יהוה   under easy and DIFFICULT situations imposed on the wicked and the just. Men and women who sought jobs in decent factories or necessary services making products that are helpful are still employed, but lousy lawyers like Sam Berstein still go ahead deceiving others and lie in wait, claiming they are necessary to society when the fact is that lawyers are not necessary but transportation ( cars, feet, bicycles, shoes, ships and maybe even airplanes occasionally) is necessary.

If a typical family of 4 had put into a savings account every  dollar they ended up spending on Christmas items for the past 10 years, I suspect they would have had a reasonable 5 to 6 month emergency fund since even the 'cheapskates' tend to spend about $1000 annually on Christmas gifts, card ands postage, decoration, parties and clothes. If that same family had changed their spending habits and stopped buying expensive electronic devices and depraved computer games since they poured into churches after September of 2001 as well as turning to the anti-Christmas way of    and the truthful biblical prophets, even a single waiter or waitress should have been able to save $500 per year over the past 20 years to have $10,000.00 for such a time as we all face now.  Some of the poorest people are poor because they squander their money on sin.... gambling, electronic games of violence and useless fake building projects, products that lead to disease rather than health such as cigarettes, drugs they really don't NEED, abominations such as swine or non-Canada flags that get raised up as arrogantly as a swastika has been raised up in many places ,  media products that induce various forms of fornication and lust such as are typical in movie theatres and musical staged shows loaded with lewd and lascivious behavior.  If you wanted to work in a tavern, your income is  now dwindled more than the person who wanted to work at a place that only supplies that which they refer to as 'meals' fit for either rats, cats, or the religious authority of your choice.

Many people such as Adam Fink  had feared their electronic-ministry would be eliminated, but it hasn't been.  Many people are proving how vile and wicked they are from the confines of their own housing after maybe being employees so 'turned on' by their strumpet co-workers that they now might be digging their own spiritual bottomless pit by staring at computer screens and their television sets that do reveal what the desire of the wicked mind really is, whether alone or in front of family members now confined with them. When tested, tried and tugged away from companionship by government officials who started more evil than they ever tried to stop, try not to come forth like a gold calf shoved together by an out of control crowd at the base of Mt. Sinai, where only 3,000 were killed and thousands of others got frightened enough to turn toward Moshe Ben Amram and start behaving as though they wanted to live longer than a dragonfly and as if they wanted  to be protected from  naked men in Toronto fornicating with one another and from earthquakes, starvation, floods and pestilence on a sabbath to sabbath basis.

Have you ever considered that there are some people with millions of dollars who really no longer know which 'religion' they want to be part of now that it is evident that the Pope and his Italian turf received a harder hit from disease than Cedarville, Michigan?  I ahve not been ashamed to proclaim and depend upon the name of  יהוה   since I realized that the folks of Christianity had no desire to protect, defend, lead and supply my necessities  and in fact, I had believed their propaganda as much as some are now believing political power players who want to 'overlook' a situation to see what they cannot prevent. The the longer the period of trial and testing, the more evident it will be WHO the cause of the problems have been. The more wicked and evil leaders try to confine or persecute  the elect of יהוה who want to deliver truth rather than cleverly devised fables, the more disease will spread within that system of wicked and evil political power.

If ravens could feed a prophet of  יהוה who was more interested in warning people to repent and behave like the true church of Philadelphia rather than in destroying them with increased taxation, pornography, toxic pharmacia and violence, why would you trust in a leader other than  יהוה   ?

If a prophet of  יהוה   was protected and defended by 2 female bears when he was mocked and jeered at for his outward appearance, why would you choose to choose to mock and harass a messenger who proclaims and illustrates the ways of  Moshe Ben Amram and יהוה     rather than pushing and importing  the way of crucifixion, wickedness and abominations to your FEMA zone or household rules and regulations?

When it comes to the 8 corner, I've noticed people such as Dustin Byfuglien, Sean Hill and Sean G. Whyte that all were chosen in in the 8th round of NHL drafts rather 1st; those type of people are like Shadyside or Bagley Street near the Cleveland Browns camp, as their name alone might get you to better places than a Wittenberg, Wisconsin gas station or the interior of 'Adobe Dick' with Barney Rubble.   Sometimes a good  '8 Corner' defense actually is a hockey rink penalty box that protects from your enemy or adversary temporarily but does not quite qualify as the cube described by the prophet Ezequiel. On occasion, a outdoor porta-potty is an '8 corner' defense that prevents you from doing something as rude as defecating in a place that lacks privacy or as carelessly as an untrained human being.

Your 8-cornered defense should start in one of your kitchen cabinets, by stocking it well with foods that only Medad and Eldad would approve of and that might last up to 7 in years within its packaging.  You'd be amazed how long canned foods actually are still safe beyond their 'sales' date line. Once that is completed, look at the next are that holds volume such as your refrigerator and decide if you should rely upon your electric company before you stock it too full of products that won't last when you don't have electricity but the 'zzgoshenite' types do.  Next, check your clothes closet, which usually has 8 corners, and start disposing of all the clothes that are not modest enough to wear in public and which you would not want to be caught alive in while in the presence of an angel of  יהוה   nor on an actual holy judgment day. Discernment is a serious form of defense, and layering of clothes often eliminates the 'strumpet' look or the whore of Babylon uniform typically worn by people such as 'Cher' or 'Beyonce' in public.

There are 8 corners on the ark of the covenant, and it isn't shaped like the Pentagon nor the Washington monument. If you don't respect the contents and the written message contained within the ark of the covenant, don't expect protection from    יהוה    and try to call upon the name of your closest or farthest  most true and reliable  figure 8 representative, even if that figure 8 looks like a Greyhound named Paul Coffey, Chris Nelson the Wisconsin Badger,  a locust, Plaxico Burress, a beryl, Calvin Ripken, Jr. , a ח , Alexander Ovechkin, an agate, Dustin Byfugien,  a date palm tree, Sean Garnet Whyte, one of your Cousins, Nikita Krivokrasov, a Levite, the figure O as in oxygen, Mark Recchi, a ה or  Mario Lemieux.  Joe Pavelski doesn't look like a figure 8 anymore, but aligning with the Dallas Stars always results in a spiritual demotion due to  the current Dallas, Texas area pro-strumpet cheerleaders  thankfully still unmatched in depravity  by decent teams such as the Chicago Bears, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the New York Giants, the Cleveland Browns, the Minnesota Wild or the Pittsburgh Penguins.

I now must peel and prepare my tasty Spartan apples supplied by wonderful Wisconsin orchard keepers named Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Janowski. 💼

📦🎱🂸🃘🃈🂨🐙🕷  See any infield biting flies that Beelzebub still has control of? They should be heading for Maxine Waters to expedite the power struggle when 50 states  with a failing grade from our Creator actually finish collapsing like an imploding balloon  so that the best case scenario is that we get retitled 'Skunkland' or better yet 'The Republic of Raguel' and become 1 nation under 1 ruler with 1 form of anti-abortion government that everyone within it's borders is expected to abide by and  there is no longer states like Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan even considering putting up arrogant facist barriers that disallows visitation between mother and son, father and daughter, brothers and sisters, grandparents and grandchildren, sealed students and their pro- יהוה   teachers.  If the USA splits into 10 small countries based on FEMA units, we might have to learn a few lessons from the history of the USSR.  Who is going to get fined, jailed or shot for trying to honor their father and mother by visiting them before they die of loneliness in a nations that have  raised up vile, rancid, corrupt and depraved rulers that laughing is no longer an option until יהוה   does his sworn duty .  I am angry, but I am not planning to sin against my neighbors nor against my shield and defender who is יהוה

The next person that utters a falsehood is worthy of no mercy, no forgiveness and no leader to reform  them as Moshe Ben Amram actually did without ever raising a loaded gun to a facist, idolatrous tyrant who knew not Yoseph but like all idolators, kept building places as ugly as the Kennedy Center and Lincoln Memorial.  The avenging spirit of  יהוה surely isn't an aging singled-out  woman that knows a bit about softball, even less about thermodynamics and practically nothing about the nominal value status of Benjamin Solomon Carson or the current mindset of the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee County, David Clarke.

The body that is based on a square or a circle to increase stability defeats a tilted, weakened triangle foundation by smothering it from the top  to quench it's wicked stench or absorbing the weight of the  obviously smaller triangle from the bottom with the intention of trying to save the triangle rather than smother it.

The Sahara Vs. The Lebanese Grill: Beware of Perry Stone Troops

Walking into "Sahara Mediterranean Grill' would be something like trying to support the tribe of Menashah; the best 2 way communications aren't always verbal.  

I returned to Samuel's non-Jackson diner after noticing the repeated folly of  employees at the Lebanese Grill toward the northeast of  "Sahara'.' The Lebanese Grill' folly started when I observed a crucifix hanging from interior of a black Jeep owner by an employee  and continued to their outward appearance of employees in the flesh.  In order to combat hypocrisy, it makes no sense to make sure you avoid eating unclean meats and then purchase food from places who allow their female employees to dress like the one of King Herod's skanky dancers. When I saw a female in black attire that tried to accentuate her cleavage, I asked if she went to Fort Leonard Wood and then said I was going to order food until I saw here 'Dallas Cowboy' type of immodest attire.  Thus, the Lebanese Grill was more like 'Hooters' than Culver's restaurants. Maybe Potipher's wife was dressed like the employee at the Lebanese Grill when Yoseph fled from her  attitude of fornication.

When I returned to the 'Sahara', knowing it is easier to recover a golf ball from a sand bunker than from a polluted swimming pool, the air quality was much better than when the vaping thug had arrogantly entered and eventually departed without being disciplined by local deputies for his violation. Most likely, the vaping thug will continue to vape but Samuel of the Sahara was informed enough to know that no customer nor employee SHOULD have been vaping inside licensed Michigan restaurants.  I knew people weren't supposed to steal candy bars from Superamerica on 27th and Cherry Street in Milwaukee, but many thugs and baphomet-minded  Gentiles did steal while I was working there and my focus was elsewhere.  Knowing the laws is easier than enforcing the laws, especially when customers are as sneaky and rude as the vaping thug that had been at he Sahara on March 28th and then sped off like a chemical warfare expert who had unjustly attacked 'neighbors' with his dangerous' Shane David Hendrikson' anti-commandment man output.

What Samuel of the Sahara has been doing properly is keeping his co-workers dressed decently in addition to offering one of the best choices of vegetarian and clean animal dishes available within a 30 mile radius of their location.  Such should be the success mark of the 6th seal teams and the remnant of Menashah! Perry Stone isn't going to guide anyone away from typical Sunday churches since that is where he gets his political funding from, but what do we then do about Peter Salemi and David Lynn of Canada?

David Lynn is stuck on Jesus and God words. When he was countering anti- יהוה      people with the phrase 'God loves you', he got arrested in Canada and was released sooner than James Staley in the USA.  I realize that David Lynn is not a Snyder, but where did David Lynn get his strategy from? Billy Graham?  If so, his strategy is going to cost him a lot in attorney fees and he still doesn't seem to be passing the proper message to his adversaries.  Since I am not familiar with David Lynn's congregational doctrine, let it suffice to suggest David Lynn should now tell  vile non-Gad people that Lucifer admires them rather than telling those who have rejected  יהוה     that Gd loves them, especially while in Canada.  Peter Salemi is a man who might care about his nation as much as I care about my nation. We get baffled and saddened when we realize that Canadian military ships are raising up flags anti-יהוה     flags but does David Lynn get troubled by the leavened buns raised up with swine within his flock or next to his flock in Tim Horton's buildings? Rather than uttering 'Gad loves you' to a person dressed like a Dallas Cowboys supporter, it is better to leave the vile to Lucifer and return to rebuke and correct your own household.

I decided to break ties with a Canadian acupuncturist who didn't appreciate my pro-heterosexual comments while I was in Canada nor did she admire my willingness to hope  that even Donald Trump might someday denounce Christmas, Mardi Gras and Easter activities rather than denounce the reading of the writings of the prophet Ezequiel or burn the pages of the book of Leviticus instead of his wife's underwear  collection from 'Victoria's Secret'.

I am  thankful I was prevented from going into  Canada during this pivotal time because in the USA, you probably can utter 'Satan isn't  יהוה   "   and then try to continue my pro-יהוה  lifestyle in a few sections of the USA without getting harassed by local government representatives. Miroslav Satan (  spelled with a shin, not a samekh) exists and appears to be a decent human being, in my  opinion better to consider as redeemable than the Prime Minister of Canada and his leaven -filled belly closest to his tattoo.  The baphomet is a problem that a lesbian flag won't defend against and which might deter actual real post-rain rainbows from appearing in Canada due to upcoming drought that a tattoo can't prevent.

In my next anti-Mizewski post. I intend  to try to alleviate fears from those who really are as trustworthy as Yoseph was in Egypt.  When humbled and tired people started departing with Moshe Ben Amram, building slowed down abruptly in Egypt due to lack of skilled tyrants left behind  and the loss of many young strong men;  the last plague that reversed toward the anti- יהוה Egyptian men  wasn't 'pretend' nor simply a bad dream.  Who did have plenty of frogs to consume with their cucumbers and corn chowder?  

If you want a tasty order of 'Apostles Poutine', please leave the diners were lewd dressing is the trend of the staff and go try the 'Sahara Loaded Fries' with beef shawarma  during the feast of unleavened bread.... but you'll have to seek unleavened bread in papadam rows or in  "Mary's  Gone Crackers'  Super Seed boxes. The chicken cream chop might have yeast in the batter.

I did get news that "Little India' will be closed on of April 8th, but will be open Thursday through Sundays until all in Michigan have been given one last chance to choose Yoshua's way or the 'Let's get High' way with the anti-יהוה drug pushers. Bengali Muslims and 'Sahara' vegetarian grape leaves provide holier options than Easter swine, Adobe Dick Ortiz and German pork chorizo races or unclean frog legs to those who rather be sorry they had rejected the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram than be locked up with their loaded gun safe  staring at plenty of bullets but no healthy food nor fresh cold water in their sight.

It's better to leave a place voluntarily that is OBVIOUSY not trying to achieve  יהוה   's standard of   holiness, mercy and justice aand sanctification than to get forced out in handcuffs when you complain too much to people who never really desired to be rebuked with words from the prophets of   יהוה   .
Do you know what the meaning  of the word  גהה    is 'cured' not 'frightened'?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Bridget Reuben and Monte Judah Fail Vision Test!

As I observed store shelves with more products remaining on the shelves than some stores I'd seen in Nevada, Ohio or Bliss, Michigan,  I was shocked to hear state of Israel resident Miss Bridget Reuben utter ' The shelves are bare!'  She sounded as wrong as a Wolf  that looks into a cooler with a cheeseburger inside and mutters ' I have nothing to eat until quail drops in from the Sahara or until someone opens up the next can of lentil soup from Beersheba!'

If the shelves were truly bare, why would anyone still be going into the store? Liars and deceivers are sometimes televised which produces evidence against them.... evidence that might be ignored in the Knesset floors 32, 33 and 34 but not in Oneida County, Wisconsin.

If you or the head of your household thinks killing another person to obtain their food is what you need to do to get your next meal, you have a depraved mind problem worse than an earthworm.  Are you starving since the Catholic priests stopped giving you their tasteless appetizers at 'mass'?  Do you have a few dozen pounds of fat your body would be better off losing until you look as thin and pale as Boaz Fuchs or as healthy as Garth Snow?

Propaganda emits from television sets frequently; lies never emerge from an unspotted sheepskin but what if a liar writes false information upon the sheepskin?  Do we ask Jimmy Morris at Wooly Acres why he tagged a sheep #386 on the ear rather than near the cloven hoof?

'FAUDA' illustrates why the state of Israel deserves no protection from          . What goes a good  15 rounds is a tired boxer! What goes bad in David Gaza's dressing room is probably labeled 'Jayne Cler' who might be closer to route 34 than Martin Biron would ever want to be.  I have to admit that watching the Minnesota Wild Hockey team is much better than watching the whorish actors spreading their 'beast' side in vile nastiness in a program labeled 'FAUDA', not Flora and Woodland grass blades.

Why did Monte Judah ignore Jeremiah chapter 52 in his video commentary labeled 'Finale'? Didn't he see chapter 52?    I suppose Monte Judah doesn't know how to work with a full deck of cards yet.

22.342 years: Is Revelation 13:11 in progress before another 4-15 is in progress for Pete Malloy?

Here is good financial advice: try to sell all your guns  before they get confiscated in order to be as brave and reasonable as Robert Daniel Groth when not as 'free to move around' as you had been.  A bag of barley pearls is much better than a gun when famine increases ( mushy farmland again?).  Murder, adultery, praying to statues,lying to your parents and stealing is still against   יהוה   's perfect law of liberty, even if vile nations like the USA has condoned stealing and murdering for decades.

The 2 horns sure look like Gantz and Netanyahu to me, and based on my wonderful experience in Poland with Russian military looking out for my safety in 1979, I wouldn't set either of my 2 feet anywhere near Tel Aviv until Michigan looks cleaner than my Grandma Raczek's  outhouse pit. I have seen literal shitholes in Wisconsin that are cleaner than the garbage site called the 'state of Michigan', and laziness is a worse plague on a nation than a flu bug. Michigan's polluted nastiness reflects Michigan's current polluted nasty leadership.... as Garry Bertier would say.

For those few of us who want to resist the entire state looking as nasty as Flint, take a good look around your neighborhood and combat the non-cat litter problem if you are more mobile than Winston Churchill is now. Dead lines increase when rat populations spread disease, so cats are more necessary on earth than lazy humans who have had 22.342 years to become pro-cleaniliness adults and instead many have decided to let things go so far away from the Scriptures that they now accept anti- יהוה    lifestyles and they eventually become as arrogant as vile as Gantz and Netanyahu are now.

Since 'good cooks' are such an important issue to Joseph Friday types and in area code 715 where E. Dan Danson didn't even seem to know what an 'EPHOD' was, I will admit that the food I was given while hospitalized in the state of Israel after being harassed and intentionally separated from my tour group by idiots with guns more money than the USA should have ever given them,  was better than anything that ever came out of the Roland Hendrikson kitchens of Elcho or Wittenberg or the Larry Mizewski unclean animal casserole dump site  Lake George near Rhinelander, WI  ( area code 715 day is once again upon those starting their 3rd year of remedial Curtis Joseph=A school!)

8,155 days is a short time compared to the 80 years before Moshe Ben Amram became commander in chief of non-digital frogs that didn't become his last supper. i24 NEWS doesn't have Mickey Redmond on it!  Oh well, I can still look at a picture of Sergei Fedorov that looks cleaner than Michigan's nasty, muddy waterways.  Where is Pennington Bend?  Tennessee!

The AXIS countries are getting hit hard! Since swine consumption leads to arthritis and joint problems, would Sheldon Souray happen to know how many people who have been unable to fend off death due to a devised virus had been taking ibuprofen products for their arthritis condition that was predicted in the Torah scrolls rather than by Torah Bright and Torah Hallas girl power?  Maybe Mr. Gantz can arrest the person that stole my Darren Sharper Viking jersey #42 to see if he really is a defenseman.  The 'Sharper 42' non-55 jersey was last seen in by me drying on my window sill, and I don't think the 2 statues in a sardine situation are the guilty idols since they looked  too stiff to steal anything.

What I tried to teach others about using a hockey net as a feast of Tabernacles tent was forgotten by students who failed their pro-יהוה  exam.  There is no difference between Key West and Tel Aviv anymore, but there is a difference between those who intend to start believing the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram and those who rather continue in their Greek/Vatican way while they, like Gretchen Whitmer and James Craig, continue to promote abortion activity and blaspheme יהוה

 When I was 22.342 years old, it was 1983 and I was forced to become a divorced mother of 1 son  when his father abandoned us for a female 'disc jockey'. Should I be thankful a Milwaukee Tech dropout didn't leave me to marry Aedan Hanley?  Now, the Speedway station on 9th and Greenfield Avenue in Milwaukee where I worked like a human rather than like a dog, has bulletproof glass for the cashiers to avoid getting struck at a low rate of speed with tiny flu germs less likely to kill cashiers than  a real bullet  or the next drug dealer they say 'no' to.

Were you expecting to read about Anders Hedberg vs. Scott Walker in 'NHL Tie Breaking News?'  There might be a slight advantage to those who realize that badgers and wolverines often are able to get around  in dirty areas when the sucker fish of Dagon can't get out of their expensive high rise apartments in various sectors of their earthbound disc area.... or sphere if you insist to view the earth that way.

Look up - not into your expensive and wasteful cellphone display. Do you notice low pressure systems or high pressure systems?  יהוה    is like a low pressure system that fools try to evade, but Satan is MORE like a high pressure system that you are more likely to react to than try to run away from.   363 NHL goals is a lot more than the 137 goals that Big Ed Jovanowski racked up.

What if it is only day 359 of the tribulation period and the signs in the zodiac that so many were entertained by a few years ago  was more meanlingless than hungry, hungry locusts and the proper keeping of a pesach memorial IN YOUR DWELLING? Dwellings and David Tanabe can change from year to year, but  יהוה  doesn't change.

Top of the 4th Year: Days 1090 to 1135

When assists matter, you are either a hockey player or a 'copper'.   Where Joe Thorton has been stopped  like Darren Woodson and the 358th ESPN problem startes, Paul D. Coffey's team now keeps going like proper Penguins.   The behavior of Paul Coffey has always been better than the behavior of Cameo Barbian-Gayan when  I actually needed  encouragement or an assist while on duty or while on injury leave from the Miwaukee Police Department.

If you haven't respected the feasts of   יהוה     for the past 3 years but have tried to for the past 2 years, you are only at the top of the 3rd year, and your 'pointer' role model is Petr Sykora for the next week, from days 714 to 721, not Kelly O'Brien.   Being forced to work on high holy days has been a problem in the USA, but in Canada employers actually do have to respect genuine Ysraelites desire to rest rather than go to work on the sabbath days designated by   יהוה  for the people who also trust in Moshe and Yeshua  .  Very few people are being forced to work now, and as you live the lazy, irresponsible lifestyle that the father of my son wanted ( namely, to play rather than work and support his actual family), you will find out that when an able body man rises up to play 2 days a week rather than getting up to work 6 days a week, that man leads  his entire household to poverty eventually.  '6 days though shalt work' is not my suggestion, it has been  a directive of    יהוה   .    Doing chores at you house, including house maintenance and ground repairs, on 1 day other than the 7th day of the week has been possible for most people  who have  been in the USA, but too many able bodied men have been wanting to 'play' 2 days in a row , and this is known as a 'weak start' syndrome. which weakens the male leaders rather than strengthening them as  יהוה     intended.

In the interim, keep in mind that Henrik Sedin is 26th in assists at 830.  Are the people who have kept track of sporting statistics mentally ill or do you think that only the people who check biblical numbers are mentally ill and not broad enough in their thinking?

Here is the new temporary legend  to test : Jamie Benn,  The 388 Assist Wrist  vs.  Daniel Cleary, the   387 pointer PUPPY. Daniel Cleary's 'check point' has been at ' Little India', and Stevens Point  Panther Joe Pavelski is a wee bit ahead of him in goals.

Fresh air, vitamin D ( sunshine) and exercise  are essential needs for an asthmatic who desires to avoid using drugs.  It's a fight indeed against dictators in temporary authority trying to 'SCARE' you into your man cave or woman cave. Sylvester Stallone isn't a real 'winner'.... he's a fake.  Don't fake injuries for your income like a typical paid pretender does in front of film crews.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Joe Friday Night Live: Description of Shane David Hendrikson's Spiritual Twin

Since it is day 714 for people starting their 3rd year of Mosaic calendar  timelines, I'm going to describe a person who was recklessly endangering safety of his neighbors to prove he thinks he does not have to obey existing non-temporary laws in Michigan.

On Saturday, March 27, 2020 at about 1730 hrs., I entered the "Sahara' restaurant at 45199 Market Street in Shelby to order some beef tenderloin tips to keep my iron level up since I typically eat beef once per week. The building was at about it's capacity of 10. so I waited in the vestibule until some customers left. I then went inside and smelled a scent that was extremely irritating to my lungs coming from a customer that was vaping inside. I said 'Your not supposed to be vaping inside' but the son of perdition who cared more about his dangerous toy than the safety of others continued to vape and remained inside so I went outside. As some other customers were preparing to enter, I warned them about the male of lawlessness that had been vaping. The reckless subject was a pale, sandy -skinned male of thin build, about 70 inches tall, wearing a red hooded all-weather jacket, zipper front, with a 'NIKE' sign on his head; the reckless subject had tattoos on his lower legs, including one shaped like a Catholic crucifix, plus many other tattoos on his legs, specifically his calf area.  He also was wearing loose fitting sport shorts, and he eventually left in a dark colored sedan heading westbound on Hall Road ( Highway 59).

Should any people that were customers start getting serious breathing problems IF IN FACT the COVID-19 actually stays vibrant with vapors, someone in law enforcement should track 'reckless red vaping hood' down and charge him with a crime.  Like Shane David Hendrikson, who refused to stop using 'Old Spice' deodorant even though I told him I was quite allergic to it and suspected it was causing my severe sudden asthma attacks during the night, he continued to do so with the intent to cause me much harm, which is exactly what the male vaping in the Shelby, Michigan restaurant did.

I informed employee 'Sam' about the man who was vaping, and he claimed he didn't see him vaping. The odor from the electronic device that the most recent son of perdition was using was rather toxic in my opinion and more dangerous than seeing someone eat a ' Big Sky' burger with pork pieces next to me at Longhorn Steakhouse.   I probably won't return to the Sahara to get my beef supply when no 'Roy Rogers' is in the vicinity because I fail to understand why the staff there did not notice the dangerous thug dressed in red while  he was emitting a dangerous electronic mist in a crowded area.

The event reminded me a bit of my lousy experience in a Jerusalem hotel ( The Yellow Tulip or The Blue Tulip), where the odor in the air was extremely irritating to my sensitive lungs, but because I was on an international tour, I tried but could not find room at a different inn. I ended up getting very little sleep in Jerusalem, actually tried to sleep outside on a patio chair and as a result, my thinking process started to deteriorate when other stressors were added the next morning by  Rico Cortez, the Puerto Rican thug that seriously lacked good leadership qualities.

It might be a matter of time before I find out if the vaping mist only causes me shortness of breath for a few hours or if it was so harmful to me that my lung function gets seriously reduced as it did when the spiritual twin, Shane David Hendrikson, refused to stop using a product that was actually causing nightly injury to my lungs, thereby proving he was a horrible husband and not pro-life.

One son of perdition, who loves his tattoos and his own sin more than he cares about his neighbors and his health, is enough to ruin the literal atmosphere in what should have been a safe place to get food from.  I am not going to take the exposure to the toxic vapor lightly, and will take all the precautions I can take to counter the offense of the beast with the Nike mark on near his forehead.  I did take some activated charcoal tablets, and intend to drink some hot brewed coffee while back here in Stalag 1. I desire the very worst future results for the Sahara customer in the red hooded jacket who was endangering far more than himself or his own household members like Jackie Ortiz used to before Robin Michael Ortiz fled  from her for his life; if the vaper gets a serious asthma attack rather than me, he deserves it under the 'lung for a lung' policy set forth by יהוה  .

I don't put a 'NIKE' emblem on my forehead for a spiritual reason. I truly do hope the reckless male in the red jacket did not have a contagious dangerous virus and that I was the only one that actually had allergic reaction to his 'Philip Aerreola' type of attack.  Surely the male vaping inside the Sahara was more dangerous than the 2 armed gunmen from the Macomb Sheriff's Department who kept their distance at my request when I was in a diner on 23 Mile and Romeo Plank road a few years back.  My memory gets selective at times, time and half a time. When a bad experience occurs at a place, I might have to adjust my anti-Hindu beef supply plans and revert back to 2nd or 3rd year tactical communication policies that I devised for me and whosoever thinks I am smarter than a person who intentionally is trying to disobey existing laws.  So much for sandy bunker hazards!  ⏳

Hey, did you know the word 'Sedin' is in the writings and the prophets? Check out Strong's H5466 to see what a FINE name the Sedin's have!

 1st and 3, now what will be on Jon Pounders presentation?  Maybe Miroslav Satan's 363 goals are more important than Ed Jovanovski's 363 assists after all.  Laughing out loud actually clears the stale air out of my lungs, and so does blowing the shofar at appropriate times so as not to disturb the peace of any city that allows  Bibles to be sold.  Since Gretchen Whitmer has ordered that my hockey and bowling physical therapy be unavailable to me and others, she shouldn't expect me compliment her on her very broad way of trying to combat a very tiny virus less likely to kill or cause permanent damage to anyone than  the damage caused by electronic cigarettes, human consumption of unclean animals ,  tobacco cigarettes and the drunken drivers of Michigan .

I can't even watch a current episode of Live PD! What's next, a Cary, North Carolina Imp in progress with Frank and Beans?👿   What kind of covert activities are really going on while I am trying to do a jackless good job as an AWAY land security guard? 😻  Panthers aren't really pink-skinned, except maybe for Jared Allen.  Now I suppose somebody will insist there is such as thing as Leonard wells in southern Michigan in addition to Hull roads in Wisconsin.💡

If you can't find a European idol, go ahead a say your 'Hail, locust' prayer toward the light bulb in the previous paragraph now  as a substitute for a Milwaukee basilica.  Try not to get a permanent case of hypocrisy and try to prevent catching a wretched case of 'blasphemous tongue'.  It's blasphemy to assume a person has a disease and then mistreat and abuse them when in fact they do not have any disease .   Now do you understand the 'presumptive negative' position that should be taken when people do not have an unusual fever?  The vaping was an ordinance violation, but I suppose the red-hooded man didn't have anything worse than a tattoo problem which isn't contagious.

Tune into Matthew Nolan's recent 'Torah to the Tribes' videos if you would prefer to hear from the new version of 'Dwight Schultz  (Murdoch) rather than Hannibal, Illinois reports of southern trout in progress.

John Chapter 20: "Touch Me NOT' Orders In Effect Against Mary Magdalene!

Read the previous post as if you were Joe Friday the 714th.

   🏌               ⛳

A Dragon that lives toward the east
Laughed when I mentioned a יהוה feast
I told him 'Stop laughing
You're mocking is rude'
And then he fled back toward his pork and yeast

The Dragon is now kind of mad
His attitude is actually sad
He had been a Baptist
But now seeks his Harley
While I seek for barley and Gad

There are plenty of fish like the Dragon
Who hate Moses not a small garden wagon
What unjust planned mischief
Mad Dragons might do!
I suppose they'll be worshipping Dagon!

Look At The Clean and UNSPOTTED Side of 6 foot Restraining Suggestions

A few brief audibles from Rob Skiba caused me to think of the problems caused by witchcraft and unwanted advances from people who are often TOO friendly.  Most of the world is now under a 6 foot restraining suggestion without entering aa courtroom to try and protect themselves from 4th degree sexual assault. Now, because of imposed 6 foot spacing among strangers, we are less likely to see what has cursed Mardi Gras partiers and people attracted to crowded urban areas such as Toronto or New York City which thankfully are often too expensive  for many 'country disciples' and  vegetable  farmers to afford.

Since being touched by an person with demonic spirits can cause trouble, this new 6 foot suggestion among strangers and neighbors is TERRIFIC for those of us who want to remain unspotted from the horrible world of Harry Potter, anti- יהוה  and anti-Allah  pride groups, and menstruating women with pork chorizo on their breath.  This is another sign that in the process of  various forms of blanket restraining orders, those of us who really are preparing for pesach and a holy convocation  and  desire to be considered fit to uphold the name of  יהוה   have temporary protection from nasty skanks, strumpets and warlocks we never got before unless we were in our home water closet with the door locked for out safety.  Yippee!   In fact, when a questionable woman got too close to Yeshua, he DID lose power ( virtue) that he might never have been able to regain until his time of  his resurrection, even if you think that resurrection has not yet occurred.

Once the clean goats and lamb shanks are separated from the unclean frogs and ham hocks at a pivotal legend points and pointer splits at Eli Billing ( this process might be as swift as 10 days or as lengthy as 5 months, it will become more obvious which people chose  unleavened bread, יהוה    and lamb with Yoshua  and which people chose Coca-Cola,  donuts, Easter and swine, a combination which  the Bible  clearly states leads to disease and plagues that cause shortening of a lifespan rather than to health and disease prevention. The 6 foot rule workplace ordinance might prevent a lot of workplace sin that leads to extra-marital affairs!  It always has been risky going to Philadelphia Flyers or Minnesota Vikings games, but most professional sports displays have been a rated PG-13 recreational choice rather than an essential livelihood for the spectators.

In the mean time, why has Miroslav Satan chosen to live in Jericho, New York?  I'm going to take a perspective of this month being the beginning of the 5th year …. about 50 new moon cycles since the pesach time of 2016 and about 42 months since sukkot of 2016.  Since most of the people on earth are spiritually dead,  it is probably good that they should get no closer to me  than John Raczek can when I stand over his burial spot.   6 foot under  you or 6 foot adjacent is better than having someone standing 6 feet above you claiming to be Ernie Hudson without a sieve on his head.

Who was it that said 'Touch me not' to Mary Magdalene, according to John chapter 20?


Accelerating the Lundqvist Commercial Computer Imagery Chasm

Who will be shrewd rather than lewd? If Bill Gates tumbles while Donald Trump stumbles, the stumbler will get up again but the tumbler keeps going into the abyss he DEVISED.   If the strong delusion is a patented virus that puts more fear into people than computer games devised to attract them to violence which they then hover around when ordered to 'go home' until further notice, those who already loved violence, liars and the nastiness that has filled most movie theatres will isolate themselves with those evil lures while the sanctified people of         will observe the chaff disappear and the wheat people hold up properly while people like Bill Gates keep tumbling into their own deranged direction against   יהוה    and the truth of the teachings from the era of Moshe Ben Amram.

Justin Best and Adam Fink are 2 uncommon men who maintain a calm spirit, who are trusted by some and despised by the folly-filled people tumbling toward Bill Gates, the fool and his electronic money tree.  Now, will the Best case scenario be Justin Best the gardening ex-Marine or Thomas Best the  football coach from Milwaukee  when the hero pushes the zero over the precipice he devised and has deceived billions with?

'RichiefromBoston' isn't leader material; he's more like fishing hook that many might be drawn to and then caught up in the spirit of fear.  Why would a person who has lived in wealthy area of attorneys and bankers who are anti- יהוה  financial thugs lending us too much money or those  in impoverished inner-city areas tortured by violence, drug and alcohol temptations and illegal gun owners be afraid of trained military personnel rolling through their area or preparing to roll through their area?  They would only fear such preparations if they believed the people who volunteered to be in the military had worse intentions against their neighbors than the lying attorneys, the drug dealers, the illegal gun owners, the devisors of evil computer scheming such as Bill Gates and the people in their own neighborhood who have never cared about anything other than their unnatural lawn and their right to watch the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders rather than study their Bible and prepare their minds to trust     יהוה  .

 I am going to give the people who volunteered to be in the USA military and are in active duty the benefit of the doubt of Thomas.  I'm going to believe they are prepared to do good , knowing that the citizens of the USA have the option of keeping the feast of pesach in their home after experiencing how LOUSY it feels to be forced out of work or to feel how nice it is to rest on Saturdays and have dinner at home with their family members during a period of suggested 'house arrest'?  The people of California have largely opposed what Donald Trump tried to do with immigration control, so if they lose power like the Egyptians and you don't like the Hebrews, be thankful and dispose of your California governor's mindset as soon as possible!

I am observing Donald Trump from a neutral perspective , knowing he might get deceived as easily as walleye heading for a Red Devil lure or he might double cross people like Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey after SEEING their evil plans proceed until they are openly opposed by someone brighter than Donald Trump. The same military people that fans in sports arena  'lift up' openly but suddenly won't trust because of people like 'RichiefromBoston' might have conundrums that their bullets can't deliver them from.  There is a real problem when you are double minded !  Once a  shepherd sees which dogs are most trustworthy with their sheep because they do NOT run away when a enemy invades his sheep turf, the shepherd will appreciate the courageous and well trained dogs as much as he appreciates the nearby farmer who tended his beet and barley fields. After a person has been deceived by people like Bill Gates, an attorney, a politician, their paid  pastor or rabbi, they will more likely protect and defend the person that punishes the liars after exposing and rebuking liars rather than pardoning liars without a proper punishment.  🐻🐅🐂🐈🐪🐪

The role of Yoseph in Egypt was much different than the role of the tag team of borthers that went up against a government that refused to let the people of  ישראל   be under the direct command of  יהוה
 .  When those who used their  anti-ה   troops tumble rather than only stumble like a man carrying a crucifix of heavy wood in Jerusalem, they will not be able to rise up again to harass, offend and lie to those who stumbled but had the strength to oppose the liars and paid deceivers in the medical and computer fields of nightmares.  A humble, contrite spirit does not try to instill fear into others with falsehood and deception!!!!


"Rhino" of Detroit has as much of an opportunity to repent of his sins as Donald Trump and his greedy casino-supporters.  If Adam Fink, Jon Pounders, and Justin Best could turn away from their anti- יהוה     lifestyle, so can a Detroit thug named 'Rhino', a Charlotte chief named Kerr Putney or a Bible reader named Timothy Severud who stumbled.   😥

The Kansas City Chiefs and similar strumpet supporters are least likely to repent of their lewd Dallas Cowboy lifestyle.  Benjamin Solomon Carson might be much more evil and unreliable than Benjamin Sheets and Benjamin Roethlisberger when his  option lines only have either Jebulum or Abaddon at 17 rather than Plaxico Burress or Petr Sykora.  💙

A person that is quarantined too long and by force often ends up like a stillborn infant, unable to proceed with trust and caution from confinement due to serious complications the infant did not cause; the result of an unjustified prolonged quarantine ends up being the same as an abortion caused by the person(s) who forced a prolonged unjustified quarantine period intended to cause the bodily failure of their adversary.   If Donald Trump keeps aligning with the Bill Gates plan, he is actually anti-Life, anti-יהוה and pro-robot, and consequently a danger to himself and others  and worthy of tumbling into his own snare.  🎲

Carl Allen Jr.'s wooden drumsticks and Zak Alwin's computer light bulbs aren't a good meal for humans, even though carpenter ants and termites might feed upon the wooden drumsticks. 🐦 Would you choose Simeon Rice and Jesse Raczek (defensemen) or Lester Hutchins and Kevin Lopez ( firefighters from Milwaukee South Division) as your most trusted cardinal athletes?  Those cardinals were not trained by in USA military camps, but are aware that the USA military exists and is capable of being tricked as easily as a Navy recruit in the sight of Dawn Goldsmith.  I'd choose the cardinals who resist  getting needled to death with drugs and the Bill Gates patented  computerized pig parts. I'd trust the instincts of the feathered winged creatures that rather eat the  herbs  and grains of the field without leaven while the vultures eat the flesh of animal carcasses in the same FEMA zone that the monarch butterflies still can survive in without being tortured by liars in televised, computerized media.   🐌⛹

Have you seen Henrik Lundquist trying to sell you Advil as he faces a computerized rhino? According to Navy retiree Monte Judah, Advil and ibuprofen is the tag-team partner of Gates coronavirus entities which  attack the airways but will not mutate because they are unnatural.  The King of kings who leads under the authority of יהוה isn't going to be Henrik Lundquist nor George Strait.  Did Monte Judah get deceived by Chicago hospital personnel or is he indirectly steering a few away from Henrik Lundqvist and  false, unholy carnal heathen king more wicked than 'Max' in wolf attire inserted into a Maurice Sendak book?  🌕   Fifteen for 2 sound familiar?   The evening of April 8, 2020 could be your last chance to choose  יהוה   and Moshe Ben Amram's way or the Freemason way of Baal and  the financial debacle tied to Christmas waste and the Italian papacy's anti-יהוה Christianity tree of protestant  Masonic mistletoe branches.

'The Bourne Ultimatum' and similar vulgar, vile and violent movie fictional absurdity won't heal your body nor give you a sound mind.  I'm going to see if any Psalm or section of Psalm 119 would blend it's words nicely to a  beautiful melody that is part of David Sanborn tune known as 'J.T.'  The organ loft musicians often don't focus on the vain repetitions set up on stages, especially when they only are getting paid $1.00 per hour which they need more than a tiny, lousy white wafer with less nutritional value than  seaweed in a spicy sushi tuna roll offered by non-Catholic competitors.  🌵

Friday, March 27, 2020

Strongs H2668: 1 MInute Legal Briefing of Leviticus 19, verse 20

Has anyone seen a Pulaski Ram from Milwaukee lately?

 It is pure mercy  to demand a ram be roasted rather than a concubine such as Zilpah who was not free as Rachel in the arms of 'Jacob'.  A ram is not nominal value.

The book of Leviticus starts with a  ו  , not with an I nor a Roman C formation.   Make sure some Navy guy like Jeremy Capps tells USA  Army  pawn Mikell Clayton that the firstborn male of the tribe of   גד  is a man-child of a concubine  , but Kathy Clayton  is  a woman and the wife of one man.


The Gold Mice and Tumor Plague? What's in your Chest?

As I viewed the word numbered 712 by James Strong,  ארגז   , I wondered if there is a similarity about the current disease that hits the chest area and looks like little tumors that attach to unclean host animals known as humans?  The beasts of the field in Italy, New York and Spain aren't dropping like Philistines  who were more interested than pieces of gold than disease prevention and trust in the יהוה  plan.

Rahab chose to trust the visiting men aligned withיהוה   ו   …..    will you?

As a memorial to the Atlanta Thrashers of 2010, I am going out for PIZZA this evening, will be recalling the words of Slava Koslov the 144th and considering the people who are on day 356 of a period of extreme days and strange nights.  I'm not going all the way to Christos Pizza in Marietta, GA this evening since there is no brute beast such as Shane David Hendrikson to order me out of my  clean and safe  dwelling as Mr. Hendrikson did in 2010 while under the I influence of drugs and his own anti-commandment spirit of anti-יהוה.  I am going to resist the spirit of fear many have succumbed to like Philistines who know not the power of   יהוה    not the angelic names of Raguel, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Satan ( who does not prevent diseases but might have offered golden mice to earthlings) and Phanuel.

Word #1094 is a set of rags that helped to pull the prophet Yerimiyah out of the pit anti-Truth personnel had tossed him into . That will be the word on the 4th year way on March 28, 2020, nearly ten years after I decided to flee for my safety to Georgia rather than get assaulted by a brute beast on drugs who hated the words passed onto Moshe Ben Amram from יהוה while he had 'freedom of religion'.  Without a  י on the end of 1094, all you end up with is another tax. ΩΆ

The below word #1094 is not pronounced 'Beloit'.


Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Bunker Shot From The Sahara: Narrowing Your Iron Game

For some strange reason, Michael Rood is endorsing 'Chipotle' while he is warring against Satan, but I am going to take a different strategy for up to the next 7 years. If my decisions are better than Aretha Franklin, I might make it to age 65 as Bodo Gajevic has done.

Other than a 7th Day Adventist hospital that I viewed near Bollingbrook, Illinois every hospital I have seen in the USA has not deterred their clientele from an anti- יהוה   health care plan and as a result, people in a typical medical position are now busier than they might have wanted to be and they might now want a 'mulligan' on their course but can't get one from  יהוה  , who has deployed written warning about disease for centuries, not a couple of months.  While Michael Rood is verbally directing his followers to Chipotle after discussing the eating habits of free-range swine, I am going to make suggestion based on how many years you have been keeping the feast of pesach 'in your home' rather than in a Wausau, Wisconsin synagogue or in a building loaded with strangers.

Team 0=Zero: You don't get a mulligan, but go ahead and keep the memorial of pesach and the remainder of      's sabbaths to the best of your ability if you feel frightened about what is occurring worldwide. I had felt very frightened in 1994, but wasn't steered toward  יהוה      until Army veteran George Rockwell challenged me about the 7th day sabbath and eventually was urged toward       by people such as Ross Grimes and Herb Coussons.

Team 1: If this is the start of the second year you have been observing and then trying to be obedient to the instructions delivered by Moshe Ben Amram to people in bondage, your struggle will be between Muslim theology and the output of people such as Michael Rood. Returning to 'Christian' theology will only get you back into pig roasts and the land of real hirelings rather than 'The Land Of Make Believe' and wonderful music without lyrics to sabotage your spiritual toddler mind. Be thankful if you have gotten a job which has not been eliminated yet and do not get any tattoos! I was very glad to hear that tattoo parlors have been shut down in Pennsylvania, but plenty of movie and magazine pornography  is still too readily available at the typical department store.  This year, make sure your HOUSEHOLD is ready for a spot inspection by an angel of  יהוה  ,since such peculiar angels have been known to appear and behave like the prophet Elisha from time to time.  Your new squad number is 13, since that is the number of months you have survived since choosing Moshe Ben Amram's teachings.  What you choose to do to try and make it to Squad 26 is serious and often related to your business practices as well as how you treat those on squads other than 13. Remain mobile and at the start of each upcoming new moon sighting, change your squad mindset ( in late April, you switch to a squad 14 mindset, etc.) so that at the end of the second year of your retraining, you will understand Psalm 24 and 25 but maybe not Psalm 91 and Psalm 72 because you did not receive the protection from disease you expected. Your single digit team number is 1, since you are better than a 0.

Team 2: If  this is the beginning of the 3rd year you have been on a  יהוה  -approved  path of sanctification instead of an Allah trail, try to do what Benjamin Solomon Carson isn't interested in doing, namely try to spiritually unite 2 heads together rather than divide them permanently.  Therefore , do all you can to find uncommon similarities between the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram and what is in the Qu-ran. Uncommon similarities include refusing to eat  the flesh of animals defined to be unclean ( shrimp and camel is typically acceptable to a Muslim but camel is not to be eaten according to Moshe Ben Amram).   Until I get an official ruling from the leader of the LAMB team ( opposed to the pork HAM team) about shrimp, I am not going to eat shrimp since I am not a Muslim, since I am not fully convinced in my mind that shrimp has scales and fins.   You should start to be on squad 26 as of March 26, 2020 and complete the year on squad 38 or 39 on the new month to month survivial strategy.  The wearing of the single digit s is acceptable from March 26 while trying to complete a 3rd year of pro-Moses behavior, but otherwise keep your uniform division numbers between 26 and 38 in your attempt to  complete 42 months without getting pruned from   יהוה 's branches even though you probably missed your opportunity to get sealed in the 144,000 due to procrastination of commandment keeping.

Team 3: If this is the beginning of your 4th year of pro- יהוה    behavior according to יהוה   's instructions specified between Exodus and Deuteronomy, your 'supervisor' attitude jersey number should be a 3 and your less confident squad numbers should progress from 37 , through the 40's and up to 50 depending on barley ripening cycles ahead. If you now have chosen to go with an Allah plan rather than a more definitive, narrower        plan of defensive strategy, try to use Satan as a defenseman rather than pretend he doesn't exist.   Yeshua wasn't the one who fled from Satan during a debate about food and fasting and forms of worship, but bowing down to idols, whether statue form or in lying seducing spirits of falsehood in the flesh, is prohibited by יהוה   who led Moshe Ben Amram away from Egyptian idolatry.   This team should not be bowing down to the Queen of England and her egotistical pro-Ham and roasted rabbit types who think  יהוה  won't turn against them and cause their failure as he did with Pharoah in the era of Moshe Ben Amram.

Team 4: This should be the start of the 5th year of your anti-Lucifer lifestyle of either pro-Qu-ran, pro-Torah or a combination of both. Do set an ORANGE lamp sign on your residence or business associated with a 5-ball in progress and remember the cheer of team Chelios and the Chicago Blackhawks:  " Orange, yellow, green, and red... I can't help you if I'm dead!'  Guard your heart of hand with a lapis lazuli to remember the tribe of Dan and the Lindros team or opt for Team Jagr and the assist attitude, trying to assist others who are behind or ahead of you but not exiting יהוה  's plan B as in Benjamite. The attitude of the Benjamite St. Paul did not include an anti-Torah message, so do not do as the Easter, Mardi Gras, Halloween and Christmas Egyptian and Roman Catholics  do!!!!    You may wear a number 4 as a sign of the tribe of Yehudah, but you should have ditched the wearing of a crucifix when you reached 26 months of pro-יהוה   or pro-Allah behavior in private and in public!  Your squad of the pesach month should start with 49 or 50, and continue until you get past 60 to 61.

Team V: This team, starting their 6th year of being improved by the words of  יהוה ,  must be contrary to a common 5 to avoid becoming as smug and unclean as a dog in a rug like HOA  dictator Frank Finney and his  0=Chrsitmas wreath teams.  A 'zero' has continually rejected the advice and opinions of  יהוה . Since Paul D. Coffey has been assigned the V team by me, the name you can mention in public is James Joseph, the District V FEMA man of Donald Trump while testing Benjamin Solomon Carson and the 17th HUD hole problems.  Common 5's are Henrik Lundquist, Johnny Bench  and Nick Lidstrom , but uncommon V's are  Chris Chelios and the  5th down  בךאשי  team. Vashti, Valvoline, Virginia and the V in LEVITES are also part of the V team, unless you are saying there is a tribe of  Saint LeWY from which Moshe Ben Amram came. Speaking of Lewy, did you know that dogs typically are not fond of eating pork. Since there still is a serious debate about whether  the Hebrew letter ו  is best  translated to English as  W, a V or a U, you can drop back to team Uggla or Team Byfuglien if you prefer to be a rear guard rather than a true leader of Napthali, which is sealed 5th before Simeon at 7. Valedictorians should be appreciated by the V team, but cheerleaders and dance squads must be rebuked and officially objected to by the    ו     team in order to maintain a proper golf course demeanor when starting the back 10 ( which includes 13 eventually).  This team should settle into jerseys number between 61 starting with the pesach month and 74, since they have not yet made it to squad 79 and the' Simeon Rice Team Topaz' that I contrived intentionally for survivors of Mt. Carmel or prophet Elijah tactics.

Team 6: You should be starting your 7th year of behavior pleasing to יהוה  .  This is the Sahara bunker team that needs to reject the theory that all military veterans are deserving of special allowances or public displays of honor. The fact is that many military veterans have actually caused or equally bad, have failed to prevent and defend against much of the disease, adultery, lying, tattoo affiliations, theft, gambling, alcoholism, drug abuse, cigarette toxic smoke, consumption of unclean animals and pornography that  יהוה has warned against through his prophets and his allies. Allah might be an ally of  יהוה   , but I am testing that theory after suggesting that Muslims start like team 0 this year to humble themselves and let  יהוה  lift them up according to their works rather than leave them behind like a Christian golf ball in a Rib Mountain Wisconsin northern Baptist swimming pool of hypocrisy unitarians.  My recommendation to those who have completed 6 years of pro- יהוה   behavior is to take the disease spread of 2020 AD as a warning to narrow their options when dining in areas while being part of the AWAY team  which needs Dustin Byfuglien and his W team.   Thus, only purchase prepared food from restaurants and diners that do not sell any unclean animal products, knowing the shrimp debate is a genuine area of debate or go to a grocery store and cook for yourself.   SAHARA Mediterranean Bar and Grill om 45199 Market St., the Lebanese Grill in the same area, Little India on 8194 23 Mile Road in Shelby and PATTERNZ Syrian restaurant all would be suitable examples of places that the food should be safer than Michael Rood's Chipotle recommendation. If venturing out on a mission trip to any other place such as a Longhorn steakhouse, restrict your intake to 1 glass of wine, 1 beer, milk, coffee or some other fruit, vegetable or dairy beverage to make a clearer distinction between the clean and the unclean in the presence of your adversaries offering pork, frogs, rats, snails, squid and octopus.  This is going to be the team I want to affiliate with this most of this year to improve my own business strategies and to strive through my 7th year as an example of a pro-יהוה   AWAY team member  stuck in Michigan like Ivan Dixon was stuck in Stalag 13 television sets when better options were not available or proposed regarding his location of activities. In addition to a straight 6 jersey,  start your 7th year month count with a minimum of a 72 during the pesach month and go up to a maximum of 86, tucking in a couple years that had 13 months behind you. Hail  usually melts into fresh water supplies eventually, which is better than artificially wiring your property with tubes that produce 'hot rain' and openly refusing to trust יהוה  to meet your water needs from the clouds or to trust yourself to behave like a fireman with a water hose only if drought persists.

Team 7: Think like a locust as you begin your 8th year!  You must desire to avoid getting stuck in mud like a swine on an unclean, pro-abortion HOME team.  Anti-יהוה behavior is typically endorsed by USA courtroom officials and political anti- יהוה   humans who have chosen the way of Lucifer, Sam Bernstein, the 2019 Detroit Lions and Gretchen Whitmer rather than  upgrading to Team Satan who possibly teaches others not to blaspheme against  יהוה   by refusing to prevent the spread diseases such as Job of the tribe of Yssachar suffered through .  Since I have determined that people who actually do study and practice the instructions for the people of Allah or Al -Kabeer are actually not against the teachings of   יהוה    and his prophets, including Yeshua the Judean, they are actually for Moshe Ben Amram  but have to be against, as either adversary, rebuker or obvious opponent of  Christmas& Molech, pork Ham lines, Jewish people promoting lawlessness, Easter assemblies. and anti-יהוה assemblies. At best, this is team Lamed and the rarely seen Robert Scott Smith team ; at worst, this is team Sharper and the letter Zayin team. Unlike team 6, this team has some latitude in their Laodecean meal lines and might want to get a cheese pizza or a tasty Tivolis' Mediterranean pizza while feeling like they are still imprisoned where they rather not be and desire to help send an anti-pork message to others still in spiritual bondage or in financial bondage due to the horrific taxation code inflicted on them by the 17th hole Solomon types and not by Moshe Ben Amram types. Hole 18 is an important goal, and so is understanding Psalm 18 and 91. This team should slip into jerseys between 86 at the 1st month of the year (pesach month) and  up to 98 at the end of the year.  Why not a 99? Because Yeshua leaves the 99 and goes after the 1 that has been lost according to his own theory of shepherding.

I truly do hope that many people see the cause of the spread of disease worldwide as the open rebellion there has been to the wonderful rules and regulation passed from  יהוה  to Moshe over the course of his 120 years, most of them learned after he was 80 and far more capable of leading people through the Sahara desert than into a dead end at the Red Sea.  Maybe a lot of historic people of anti-atheism were calling upon Allah before they were told to call upon the name of יהוה

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Which Rod and Staff Will I Choose for Psalm 23 Courage?

Iron rod  system 🏌               ⛳

Wood staff  system     🥅       🏒

James K. Joseph Or Joseph Farina? Countering David Carrico

Considering Revelation chapter 17's 10 'horns', making war with a 'lamb' is better than making war against 'lamb'.    יהוה  's protective seal BEGINS with the keeping of pesach in our homes, not in some auditorium or church loaded up with strangers,  statues and hirelings, so why aren't many people viewing the next pesach time as a perfect time to allow people not only to be able to  escape work duties but also to choose the lamb or the ham?  After learning to survive without the country club attitude of Sunday morning gatherings, I am not going through anxiety nor tormented by the order to restrict gatherings to 10 or less, although many others who have relied on that system are being troubled.  The peaceful Muslim men who have been used to praying alone in a closet 5 times a day don't seem too upset about their mosque doors being shut for awhile but are concerned about their family income source.  When households and careless nations have spent too much money on electronic devices, guns and games for the past 14 years, their household will not have enough of an emergency fund to safely get them through 5 months of reduced or no income. 🙉


I'm in the same FEMA sector as my parents, and FEMA knows what type of reasonable choices I have made regarding flood insurance. Small lines of communication often stay intact long after overloaded fishing nets have broken and many fish have been loosed.  If people have been able to stock up their households with food in the USA, wonderful!  If my area is getting restocked  with food adequately and others haven't, is that not the same pattern as some homes in in Egypt not being subjected to flies and darkness but other areas were?

Since I am going to make war with the lamb AGAINST the ham in the humble keeping of a pesach meal in my household like a few others have done for the past few years and , according to prophecy the lamb team of יהוה will overcome a weaker system of abominations. The people that seem to be most full of anxiety such as David Carrico utter the name "jesus' and aren't speaking the name   יהוה    consistently.  Again, it is the Vatican who does not want his herd to utter the name of    יהוה  , but Yeshua and Moshe did call upon  יהוה !

What did I see while not in a trance? The word  toward the end of 8 years of word by word observation is טוב  , as in Tobermory. טוב means good, not evil.  That word is near Hebrew #2896 in James Strong system of codes, but Mr. Joseph and Mr. Farina might prefer one of these three combinations codes to reflect the word  טוב    

O:  Ron Soreanu + Dustin Byfuglien+Jaromir Jagr
I.   Ron Soreanu > Dan Uggla > Jaromir Jagr
L.  Ron Soreanu/Paul Coffey/Jaromir Jagr

A precise look at Hebrew #6877, #6826 and #6833  all reveal words much better than a PINK pork chop.  I would trust Joseph Pitawanakwat or Joseph Farina sooner than I would trust Jmes K. Joseph, but when going for food supplies in Egypt, Yehudah had to trust a 'Joseph' he didn't recognize but that did attain much power and authority for a reason.  I started to try and keep food and shelter over my firstborn son's head while taking much personal risk as a mother in Milwaukee District 3 ( oil supplier) and then in Milwaukee Police District V.  I am now in a much larger District V, and hope the leader of this district is at least as thoughtful  as  Milwaukee Police Veterans Frederick Madsen and John Dorsey, strangers that even had to put a bit of trust in me way back in 1987 even though they were my supervisors and then became my friends in urban warfare.

It is after the role of Joseph has been worked out once again that many will refuse to trust the person next equipped by יהוה to be as Moshe Ben Amram was once Joseph lost power and only his bones became a mobile reminder of past struggles for food, discipline, mercy, CLEAN foods rather than unclean animal flesh and tears during a 7 year famine.  Some of us might have to relocate to help family members, and others will still bow down to statues like fools, consume abominations such as the mouse, the swine and the snail, and then according to their own freedom of religion, they will not repent of their evil deeds and will continue to blaspheme against the spirit of prophesy and יהוה

Apparently, even the leader of 'El Shaddai ministries' near Tacoma, WA even has a blindness problem, since although his own visual presentation revealed the name יהוה, he refused to try to pronounce  יהוה  and petered out (a denial process) to a weaker 'adonai' audible in a common Jewish tune which seems like a rather lukewarm choice of utterance for a man able to read Hebrew better than I can.

If there are ten righteous, will a land be spared?  We'll see if the 10 appointed heads of FEMA's district are righteous or unrighteous in their period of power.  As far as Donald Trump objecting to abortion and not trying to prevent sodomy, he is at least in favor of defending the innocent and allowing the sodomites and swine eaters to  make their anti-  יהוה   position evident to the people who believe in Allah and to those who desire to avoid the swine and sodomy gatherings such as MOshe Ben Amram did in their Egyptian residences on at the closing minutes of the 14th day or their agricultural year.

 Shall we now consider the  pivotal roles of Dr. Benjamin Carson  ( not 'Benson' the TV butler), Benjamin Roethlisberger or Benjamin Sheets to become more honorable and better leaders than the political prime minister of the state of Israel, a man who let Tel Aviv  become an anti-  יהוה     disgrace rather than purified?  ישראל  is not Israel. Benjamin Hogan can't really help us now.  When Carol Burnett playing the role of Carol Bradford has appeared on MeTV, you can be assured that Bradford Scott has once again failed from his Vernal, Utah abode after refusing to be as helpful as Chad Thomas Hendricks when I desired to contact a reliable friend.  I've always admired people who were not afraid to be specific and CORRECT about a person's  identity, especially their own name.

🂨🂾🃝   🎶  and the Daunte Culpepper card is  🃁  !  Being 79th is important. Also, Adam Fink does has a reasonable explanation for keeping the feast of pesach at dusk on April 8th in his  'Passover 2020' video on his 'parable of the vineyard'  Marine-style deployment. His  Enoch 78 and Sirach 43 examples do seem like valid resources for establishing a position for the low-impact lunar lighting debate.  Then, it only matters if a person decides a cloudy sky will delay their pesach memorial, but as I have read  that when the clouds moved, the people were to move in the wilderness, therefore I am waiting to look up to see of cloud coverage signals my household to wait and let a 30th day of the 12th month be completed this year.  🐢🌒 I will be looking to the west in FEMA district V for a new moon sighting with a second reliable witness; ideally I will not  be arrested nor fined for praying to יהוה rather than to גד and sounding a shofar in Macomb County rather than looking into a heathen crystal ball with Janet Dunn and the Grecian practitioners of witchcraft.

 Good is טוב

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Guy Carbonneau Vs. Liz Wheeler? Leopard Print Puzzling Problem

Since it is already evident the immoral majority of U.S.A. residents has ignored  Deuteronomy Chapter 18's warning against witchcraft, how about comparing the problem with  the public attire of women.

OAN's Liz Wheeler, after getting some sort of 'skunk line' touch up while still denouncing her genetic blackish hair color publicly, also slipped into  fake 'leopard' sleeves, possibly to align with Jim Russo's Detroit Xavier alley ways and means of anti-Carbonneau expressions.  If in a plain clothes divisional race, I suppose Liz Wheeler would get 1 bonus point for not dressing as whorish as Guy Carbonneau's team at the recent Hockey Hall of Fame presentation.

Liz Wheeler isn't too bad with examining numbers, but her 'Barbie doll' look would only make it up to Fort Leonard Wood golf tee on a cold day near Hell, Michigan and is still to artificial to get her past one of Dean Noonan's northern Baptist check points without getting rebuked. If Wheeler is trying to achieve Cris Carter's 'black forest cake face' look, she achieved that status but still has not become as natural as Chris Osgood on a typical television make-up day. 🐷 Let's see who has passed the pig line now!

Since when is a make-up artist an job essential to a community? Did heaven freeze over the Embarrass River in Wisconsin?  It's more important and essential for capable men to go to work and earn an income than it is to try an prevent the movement of Raphael, Raguel and Micheal the archangels in progress possibly near Gabriel. Now that other nations see how easily the USA became a puppet community of Lucifer like naughty Freemasons, Satan is starting to look like a better spirit guide behind Yeshua than Guy Carbonneau and his strumpet daughter connection.

Once the standard for outward appearance gets to be more like Helen Richmond, Ruth Cunningham or Kevin Zeitler and less like Christine Fellows, P.K. Subban's ski hill playmate or LeBron James, the more often decent adults will choose to take their marriage vows more seriously than the openly heathen unfaithful married female  Susan Lucci has.  The Happy Schnapps Orchestra can't replace excellent examples of faithfulness and decency that women such as Lorraine Mielke have exhibited on a daily basis.   Gee, another true friend came to mind, and her works have been much better than southern protestants Faith Mcgraw and Carrie Underwood Fisher.

Cousins, do you know where your aunts and uncles are? Fake feline leopard material isn't a snow leopard seal!  You can't teach a huge dog how to fly like a raven. 🚮

Can the media and chemistry failures now breakdown COVID to Colorado versus Idaho or Chris Osgood  of Peace River versus Irma Deleon of Milwaukee? Vain media repetitions  are obnoxious noises to   יהה  , but the keeping of the feast of uneavened bread is not a vain repetition.  🔋👘⏳🌿🍗🍘🍠🐑🍷