Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Revelation 21:*: Why Yahweh Cannot Resurrect The Fearful Twice

While I do nothing toward a person who claims they are afraid of me and are unwilling to overcome their fears, I also cannot help nor be on the same team as hat person.  I am expounding here because my son whom I love is unresponsive toward me, telling others that also do not believe Yahweh's words that he is 'afraid' of me.  My son used to be afraid of spiders, even little daddy long legs who he could easily outrun or squish. My son could outrun me and pulverize me during a physical fight, so his fears are unreasonable and he might be spreading lies which is forbidden behavior. King Solomon indicated that ELOHYM should be feared, and I am not an Elohym to my knowledge.

Now, the only way my son or any person who has fear of those who do as Yahweh commands can prevent ' the Lac Du Flambeau' according to Revelation 21:verse 8 would be to overcome the behaviors listed that direct them away from cool and refreshing waters  that Yeshua leads them to.
I can recommend a few ways to overcome fears much better than placing a wolf spider in your mother's feminine cabinet after insisting you are teenager who is afraid of spiders!

Whoever it is you are claiming to be afraid of, are they afraid of you? If not, you will face them anyway someday when 'the books are opened' and testimonies begin in heavenly places. Is the person you fear trying to be kind to you and offering advice in a straightforward way or are they trying to deceive you with undeserved compliments?  A liar will cause more trouble to his family than a spider ever could.

Have you sung the words to Catholic 'Be Not Afraid' but never believed those words at all?  Are the neighbors of the person you claim to be afraid of  setting out 'For Sale' signs in the dwellings because the person you claim to fear is some out of control monster or an UNREPENTANT felon who never was 'caught up' by law-enforcement? It is the unrepentant felon who is far more dangerous than anyone like me.   Has the person you claim to fear voluntarily stayed away from people who told her or him to leave, even though an official restraining order was never even sought? If so, you are fearing that person without just cause and slandering the intenttions and reputation of the person who wants you to have a truce with you  in an indirect way.

Why were people who witnessed the curing of a man who had been in fetters, chained like a dog who could not be allowed into the gates of the temple, more afraid of him after his mind was cured and he was functioning proper Was their  fear because they did not trust in the CURE that Yahweh delivered and expected a relapse of demonic attack OR was it because they were the ones who CAUSED the person in fetters into a state of temporary insanity and they feared retribution from the person whom Yeshua assisted?  Either way, their fear shows a state of disbelief  toward Yeshua's real people while they gather in their unholy convocations and keep gossiping about the past fettered state of a their neighbor, adding to their own unrighteousness works.

There are dogs I would not want to sit alone in room with for 1 hour if the dog was not chained.  The best correctional measure a person who is being falsely accused of being unworthy of trust would be to sit a very comfortable room for about 2 hours with the person that WANTS to overcome their fears after and just look at one another, with no words exchanged.  If at the end of that 2-hour non-movie scene no harm has been done to either person, the fearful should no longer be fearful unless they insist on filling their mind with vain imaginations.  Perfect loves has to WANT to cast out fear before perfect love DOES cast out fear and it that which has frightened you in the past goes  in a different direction. There is a man who I think is magnificent that I would have a difficult time but not an impossible time sitting quietly with  in the same room, alone with him for 2 hours, only because he looks so amazing to me, full of strength and intriguing as well as outwardly beautiful that I would fear that my interest in him was folly and  he would only say I was ugly and fat  after he may have been forced to try to befriend me in our 2 hour session; only the igonorant think that  I am have an unintelligent approach to real problems of spiritual and physical wars.   However, what if the person(s) who sit with me for 2 hours thinks I am reasonably pretty, interesting, in decent shape, believable, trustworthy, justified by my pro-Yahweh works and gifted by Yahweh with good qualities, thereby making me more useful on earth or on his 'friend' list than a chained or caged dog?  Then, my fear of them rejecting me would be gone and it would help me cope with the pain of being rejected for such a long period of time by my son and his wife though never rejected by their children. Their  children would only reject my love for them is they have been lied to about me, and many adults reject the instructions of Yehovah because they were lied to about Y-hw-h for so many years by Y-hw-h's weaker and unholy competition?

I used to be afraid of  former Marine and policeman Robert Groth, a man who could have pulverized me in a fight, but we befriended one another although our religious belief was not the same. I learned to sit quietly in a space with him, a couple hours at a time and my fear was alleviated although I, as an intelligent human, surely would not intentionally try to provoke him to anger by sinning against him since then he would have the right  to counter my intentional sin.

Try the two hours of silent obversation test with a family member whom you have unnatural fears of or worse, genuine hatred toward and see if the willingness of  your foe to befriend you cleanses your mind of your own patterns of wrongdoing. I assure, this plan CAN and should lead to peace between 2 people who both claim that they believe the words of Revelation chapter 21:8 and 22:15.

Thank you for reading my message intended to illustrate a practical therapy to rehabilitate  the fearful and unbelieving so  it becomes possible for Yahweh's forces to defend them. Please keep reading this post that Jayne Cler could never write.  I'll be spending 2 hours in a hockey rink today with plenty of people who might biew me as fat and ugly, but are unafraid of me and as a result might avoid  being led toward  'Lac Du Flambeau' (lake of fire people) and uncool casino lines.  The Ojibwa Bear clan has had it's law and medicine purpose, and so did 2 female bears have a purpose near Elisha the prophet.

I'm not afraid of Mark Strobel or the UW-Badger hockey team, even though haughtiness and naughtiness has plagued their own bodies. If your hindsight is 2020 Porter Ave, #4, the only bad memory of my time there was when that door wasn't open to me in an emergency when I was trying to avoid going to a hotel for safety from my husband who clearly no longer wanted me to be his wife. My hindsight is 116 Hollyday court for all practical, where only 1 stranger I became acquainted with on 'Plenty of Fish' decided to try to drug me into lasciviousness, did not treat me like a lady, borrowed $69  from me after not being able to 'date rape' me and he never repented of his trickery nor his theft of money from his 'loan officer'.  Had I told my father what that man's name was before I went on a outing with him, I suppose it would have been easier to charge him with the crimes he committed against me, which is shy certain commercials with electronic Alexa statues ( life is given to the IMAGE of Alexa) are despicable atrocities reflecting horrible unsafe family communication systems. That Charlotte man who stole #69 from me is more dangerous than Vincent LoCicero, since I at least was not drugged by viscious thief Vincent Locicero.  Stealing an unguarded package is more tempting to an anti-commandment person because it is easier to do than to trick  felony (theft by deception) person into giving you money in advance for product or work you expect to get from them.

Frankly, I don't care if the buildings I designed in Knowlton,Wisconsin or if my unhospitable enemies collapse under pressure, but keep in mind that it pressure from the bottom than sometime is the only entity that keeps your dwelling, whether on land or sea, AFLOAT and prevents it from sinking.

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