I suppose it isn't easy raising deaf children but it probably is less difficult than raising blind children. Here are some suggestions to keep yourself and your household intact, even when outside influences might be as ungodly as Mrs. Cheryl Hendrikson, who was determined to 'catch' another person's husband and get wealthier quick:
I=Intro: Whoever takes in the 6th goal, be it Blackwood 29 or Rinne 35 on this 5th day of the 11th month according to Michael Rood, should consider that puck to equal 'Nobody 11'. Wood County, Wisconsin is much different than Fort Leonard Wood, so beware of what it is you are rejecting too many times as a G=Goalie person. I suspect there will far less trouble in a Lemiuex 66 jersey or a Recchi 8 jersey than there will be at 5318 Lake Shore Drive in Rib Mountain, WI as time passes by. What occurs at Shane D. Hendrikson's lots 11 and 12 won't be my fault, and neither was what happened to Chelios's employee in Detroit my fault. Yahweh scatters his sheep so they avoid becoming a gang that is too evil to rebuke and correct as individuals, and the loneliness of being 1 in about 55,000 can be countered by doing real good missionary works among the 55,000 you have been scattered toward.
F=Fact: Blackwood #29 took in puck #11, so he must not be afraid to have 'NOBODY 11' behind him like a brave copper harbor. When it's all about Ge in the middle of Cu and Br and no loner a Malcolm issue, I would trust Niklas Oskar Backstrom with the Minnesota Wild Finnish alley cat skills or Jeff Hackett and the London, Ontario anti-werewolf people, not the ghost of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the drunkards of Three Lakes, Wisconsin, but of course, I am not everybody and often have been seen as the 'NOBODY' who actually doesn't like Sara Lee.
1. Do not have a 'Capital One' account; I suggest this because of the people they have chosen to represent them, who include the vile Taylor Swift and the nasty Samuel Jackson Jr. house and silly Garner girl who doesn't need to know what's in my wallet or yours. The 'red swish' sign also doesn't look like the kind of 'mark' I would want in my right hand but I don't have a problem having the name Pittsburgh in my right hand or on my forehead.
2. Since I was told by a reliable Philadelphia source that Philadelphia Flyers fans have been known to throw ice balls at images of 'Santa Klaus', they have good intuition regarding the evil lies 'Santa Klaus' pushers have spread and are at least willing to stone an OBVIOUS liar and OBVIOUS deceiver without wasting 'Ice Melt'. If 'Santa Klaus' is stupid enough to not flee from pro-Truth people, he deserves to get some flesh wounds. Bigger stones were launched at Rasmus of Slovenia when he had less protection than an NFL quarterback in his own outhouse.
3. The very best parents will take toys AWAY from their children and improve the quality of food they prepare for them. Of course, the driver of Michigan 5ME H89 disagrees with what Yehovah has defined as 'food' and she got a stroke which she has learned from. JW.ORG people blaspheme every time they shove unclean foods into their bottomless pit and then claim to represent Jehovah, but do lie in the process. JW. ORG more likely represents Jebulum on earth, surely they don't represent the angels of Yehovah nor Yahweh.
4. Once a good parent has reduced the toys their children has to non-electric objects such as potatoes and carrots they can pulverize when helping to make New Bruswick stew, they are well on their way to improving society and not allowing their children's computer habits CAUSE them to fail under real live circumstances. The wicked 'Santa Klaus' brings in toys children that they DO NOT NEED and is expected to take away the food, which is exactly what fiscally happens and leads anti-Yoshua households into robbery rings, 'Christmas poverty parties of pork' and 'dancing with the skanks' rather than admiring the words of the book of Nahum and the interesting world of otter coats that appear at a Silver Stick competition.
5. Someone from the Toyota Arena in Anaheim lied when he said 'Nobody goes 5-hoe anymore.' It wasn't perjury and maybe that speaker had believed a strong delusion, but at least 12,000 people are going 'Joseph in the 5 Hole', some others like the adder in the Way and Dan in the 5 hole with lapis lazuli commandments to read, and some curious people will go Napthali in the 5th hole foundation in the new and holy Jerusalem development. Millions probably think that Chris Chelios is the best 5- hole leader in the Yod formation following a Shin, and millions isn't the same as 'Nobody'. Good old orange ball 5 is another anti-nobody Eric Lindros way to go 5 hole in case you can't go all the way to 4th and Locust Street in Milwaukee, where plenty of people still go ' 5 hole' instead of 'ass hole'. I could only recommend that demonic spirits go to the 5 hole on my block,namely the Frank Finney house, to see how much nutrition they get from his huge ugly fake candy canes and to really make him understand what the spirit of King George the IVth is all about. Once Frank Finney decided to spread his non-neutral religious symbols, he went on offense against the spirit of neutrality that SHOULD exist in common ground areas and should have limited his pro-Christmas décor to his property. A snowman ( what I suggested) is far more neutral than wreaths and garlands in winter displays. I surely wouldn't send any of my nifty angels to that household unless they were investigators desiring to impeach him as the 'president' of our HOA that I never voted for. Unlike Shane Hendriksom, I don't pretend to be having a 'fun time' being near people who I don't trust nor do I respect due to their lack of 'good neighbor' skills.
6. What's between a goalie's legs is really either 2 hole or 11 hole; 5 hole is more like your mouth with 2 ear holes and 2 nostrils being the 1,2,3 and 4 hole before your mouth=5 hole.
7. When in doubt, trust the occupants of wonderful Richmond's squad 51( Michigan 024-131) and not the 604 center of 5660486. in the H604 cycle of Strong's word, a 604 is rodent... a mole... and of course, the male who was interviewed on 'God' Great Outdoors #604' eventually claimed he had fun for the first time when he went to Las Vages, Nevada with his central Wisconsin anti-commandment people, which eliminated every prior testimony he ever had spoke claiming to be a saved 'Christian' . I enjoyed ordering and delivering Bibles to people that seemed to appreciate them, but Shane David Hendrikson decided to declare that doing missionary work in tropical islands during winter as not being 'fun' enough for him. The people who fed him in St. Lucia and drove him around in Saint Lucia should be able to toss something bigger than ice balls at Shane David Hendrikson for being a deceiver based on his claims that he didn't have any 'fun' until he went to Las Vegas. According to Shaner Dog's post-Las Vegas mentality, deer hunting on my parent's land wasn't fun, fishing with Marty Studenec wasn't fun, going to an Arizona Coyote game wasn't fun, going to Minnesota Viking games wasn't fun, going to Wisconsin Badger hockey games wasn't 'fun', going to Canada with my son wasn't 'fun', trespassing on my parents land to destroy my family deer stand wasn't fun but it was a CRIME he was never arrested for YET, going to Mount Rushmore with his children wasn't fun, getting a glass-bottom boat ride from Wilson in St. Lucia wasn't as fun as going to the unholy world of USA prostitution, going to North Carolina with the Holman family wasn't fun and of course, going to his parents cottage at Post Lake in Elcho was surely never fun for either of us, but I went there so I wouldn't become like Lynn Snyder, the woman who has not seemed to encourage her son-in-law and daughter to spend at least an annual visitation time visiting with me, a Bible-believing woman. My time might be limited, but why waste it pretending to be happy being lied about and neglected during my post-respondent time of trauma repair? People who departed from Sunday churches are less likely to deploy the spirit of hypocrisy than those who read from the books of Moshe Ben Amram and intentionally go against what Mosh Ben Amram taught and what Yeshua confirmed rather than denied. "Be angry and sin not' is what this item 7 is all about. I used my silver baby spoon I no longer have ( it was stolen by Shane David Hendrikson) to dish out item 7 compared to the verbal and written daggers Shane David Hendrikson has pulled out during his anti-Yahweh war efforts.
8. I never saw Richard Cardenas sin so he is blameless in my sight, and he never matched up to the arrogance of my 3 non-amigo people such as Cameo Barbian-Gayan, Renee Mizewski nor Nanette Hegerty. I might have seen Robert Skaradzinski eat unclean foods in high school, but there is no penalty Yahweh directs for not believing the Leviticus clean flesh plan other than getting real diseases, especially joint problems, which often costs more in medical fees than the price of one sucker fish from Lake Gogebic. Protecting a female in full REAL police gear is far less likely to lead to sin than watching the Dallas Stars cheerleaders or their skanky NFL counterparts, so once again I remind those who want to be counted with the 144,000 NOT to watch Superbowl LIII and do watch what 5-Hole Joseph Schobert does do well while hot or cold or lukewarm in Cleveland.
9. Soon, Mark Messier will be 9th, not crazy 8 anymore and Alex Ovechkin can still be reminded that Shane David Hendrikson mocked the name Ovechkin, comparing his to a chicken. Stupidity has flowed from the mouth of Wittenberg, Wisconsin people for decades, but the 8-ball designation was never Cal Ripken, Jr. nor Ryan Braun in my system of semi-professional code works. My bowling team understood the importance of 'The Locusts' and their ability to work as they should without a chess king piece nor a queen bee. I know that I have believed in the tribe of Simeon being the 7th seal, and that tribe is going to succeed even though the son-in-law of Laban predicted the topaz group would not succeed.
10. How about KC and the Secret Service band starting with Dallas and Philadelphia notes from the Sheldon Souray and Eric Lindros combo? What I learned from a former Secret Service agent in Mecklenberg County, NC was more useful than information than the toy money game started by Barbie and Buzz Lightyear could use against Catholics who waste their money on Britney Spears records rather than purchasing something decent and edifying for their descendants. When countering stupidity, anti-heathen holy intelligence is required.
I'm sure what I will emit during 2nd shift, but I will try to think like a pro-Vashti human who has not been aborted by nor assisted by the current vile, wicked anti-Yahweh governess of Michigan.
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