Saturday, January 11, 2020

Testing the Hockey Goalie Expertise as Living Foundation Stones

After seeing some other viewpoints of stone affiliations of the tribes of Yshrael, the goalie opposing Sineon and topaz could be the 1st born son of any of Leah's competitors, namely God, Don or Yoseph. Interestingly enough, here's how the stone affiliations would look if the some positioning was used with the final foundation stones:

Jasper  LD          Malachite  LW               Clear Quartz  RW                Carbuncle RD

Lapis   G        
Lazuli                 Onyx           C                 Beryl   C                               Ligure     G

Agate  RD          Sardius      RW                Topaz   LW                         Amethyst   LD

If I apply the affiliations I use  as a constant, the oldest son of Jacob's concubines end up in the goalie position rather than the sons of Leah and Rachel, and I find that to be a good way to counter too much favoritism toward Laban's descendents, since the tribes would look like this:

Benjamin    LD*             Judah   LW*               Napthali   RW *                Levi   RD*

Don      G                        Joseph     C                  Zebulun     C                            God   G

Asher    RW                   Reuben    RW                  Simeon   LW                 Issachar  RD

I'm going to try to rethink what I see, now that Dan vs. Gad looks more interesting. Don's blue would be darker ( helmet color) than Simeon, Zebulun or God, who's jacinth is a bit more violet (purple) and periwinkle blue  than navy blue lapis.

* denotes positions that are the same as in the breastplate  made for Aaron, but the others are quite different


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