Thursday, January 16, 2020

Yeshua vs. the Vatican's 'Isis' Formations: Who Exits the Found Sheep of Ysrael?

I have to admit that the lousy, lying Vatican pope people got to me long before Yeshua did. It was not until I decided I wanted to be part of a tribe of Ysrael that Yeshua got to me and led me away from Vatican liars.  Becoming part of Yshrael doesn't mean moving yourself into the land of make-believe Israelites who have infested and invested in the lands surrounding Jerusalem. Becoming part of Ysrael means being willing to be a pro-commandment person under the authority of Yah and his chief of staff, Yehovah. I saw a  photo of a dog named ' Isis' in a Metomora. Michigan restaurant while I departed from Bradford Scott's bad Utah baseball team who couldn't stop his wife from lighting up strange fire ( cigarettes). That being written, every time I'm not on 'Team Michelle' I know I am on 'Team Dinah' or 'Team Vashti' and counting on my anti-Playboy or Ysrael hockey brothers to abide with me rather than be lured to the toxic stench of USA Air Force fumes by idiots like Tom Cruise.  The people of Moshe Ben Amram learned how to walk, not fly in over-priced man-made formations more dangerous than a cloud of locusts or a flock of Canadian geese on a fairway near your favorite golf ball.

In the bad new USA, your local politicians who are similar to the evil Talmud brood, won't care if your committing adultery with anyone outside of their household, don't care what you eat as long as you don't eat them, won't punish you for the sin of idolatry since the politicians want to be IDOLIZED, and won't teach you corrective courses to prevent  the actions the Bible labels as 'sin' and 'lawlessness'. Being willing to punish yourself as a petty officer of Yshrael means being able to warn yourself, read the penalties (combat your intention to sin) for committing sin to yourself and if necessary, stone yourself with a stone that affiliates you with a tribe of Ysrael rather than the Roman crucifixtion team who reject an opportunity to be hauled in to Yeshua's herds.

The lost sheep of Yshrael are scattered among uncaring politicians, scrounge up what food they can and might make more crying noises than others during time of loneliness and lack of neighboring sheep of Yshrael.  Once you realize you have been worthy of stoning according to the rules delivered by Moshe Ben Amram, choose your tribe stone and wear it on a necklace as a light burden, or go ahead and put it in ring form on your right hand as a sign unto yourself that other may not recognize. The stone of your tribe should be something like the badge a police takes when he or she intends to deter others from committing crimes against their neighbor, but often when should happen doesn't with a police officer or deputy because accepting a police badge or deputy title is not ENOUGH to align you with Yeshua and often steers you farther away from Yah's protection because you chose to represent a system of authority that allows excessive taxation, allows human infants to be murdered in the womb but protects bald eagles, a symbol of the Roman empire and allows politicians to become overpaid people of utter nonsense.

" He who chooses a football instead of a gun is the better man in a spiritual battle.'  My son choose a football in his senior high school year, not a gun.  Someday I hope he chooses to be under Yah and Yehovah rather than trying to spread more Vatican seeds into England, which certainly doesn't need any more protestant missionaries.

The truth is better than a contrived falsehood when facing a holy and righteous judge of Yshrael. Does it help to tell a good doctor lies about your symptoms which would then cause him or her to MISTREAT you rather than correct the original problem?  Whenever a found sheep of Yshrael enters the premises they have acquired to maintain as if it is part of Yshrael, the are part of a wonrerful Exodus out of surrounding territorities loaded up with heathen, lukewarm 'L' Christians and also with representatives from the churches of Esphasus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira,Sardis  who might have been helped by the messages they received from you while they are not yet gathered in by Yeshua's team of people under Yah and by 11 to 1 odds, possibly neighboring the tribe of Gd/God/Gad but no longer UNDER the tribe of Gad/Gd/God.

Asher is the uncle of G-d's children.  I rather be next to Gd than be under Gd and crushed by Gd when Gd is finally WILLINGLY subjected to (26)HWHY and  (15)Y-h's authority again. Jeweled, immodest carnal crowns on top of your head are the folly of uppity 'beast' kings and haughty 'beauty' queens who careth not for the  people of Moshe Ben Amram, so head coverings continue to be a serious strategic topic that should be discussed in your household. For instance, I won't wear red and white checkerboard towels on my head but have seen them on Italian tables.

11+15=26, but sodium plus phosphorous does not equal iron. Codes are intended to assist a few and confuse many.

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