I tried again to make contact with my son in France, and while I am waiting for some return kindness and human etiquette to burst forth, I have considered Monte Judah's recent episode 9 on the book of Jeremiah. I did hear him say 'Yeshua', and that is important even though he refrains from using Yahweh instead of 'LORD'. Mr. Judah has been going through the loss of a faithful spouse and his thoughts are worth considering regarding Jeremiah's role. I doubt if anyone would be reading what I have written 2000 years from now, but there probably are many people who have times they wished they never had been born. His commentary after he read Jeremiah Chapter 18:19-23 really pierced my thinking since I agree with his perspective on Jeremiah's attitude, comforting me a bit as I headed out for my weekly time with regular folks in a Michigan bowling alley.
What might seem 'crazy' to someone else is just my way of trying to make myself laugh and smile a bit as I come with up to 12 theoretic bowlers to compete but with me subbing for all of them. How do you think people came up with Bob Hope movies like "Sorrowful Jones' long before I came up with 'Dreamy Joe Anti-Biden' for a bowling spot? Some people laugh their way through 'Be Kind, Rewind' but when I try to have that kind of unusual creativity to counter the sadness of the losses I have had, my enemies play 'keep away from Marie' rather than help me to alleviate a sadness worse than Monte Judah feels after his FAITHFUL wife died. Bob Thiel, Esaac Israel, Monte Judah, Adam Fink and Gary Simons all are completely different in their style, yet all, like me, are trying to stay aligned with Yeshua and Yehovah rather than rejecting their messages. I tried to hear one of Robert Holman's religious presentations but he hasn't updated any of his audio presentations from 745 Bennett Avenue since 2015.
Since I have not seen any Hebrew texts mentioning 'Judas Iscariot' the base of the last name sure does look like the tribe that is sealed 9th and I do think the record of his sorrow after being tricked by religious leaders AND pretty much instructed by Yeshua to carry out the deal he made suggests Yeshua did not consider the deal to be 'sin', since no real prophet nor angel of Yahweh would tell another person to 'go ahead and sin'.... at least that's the prophets and angel of Yahweh I believe in.
As I ate my lunch after bowling in the presence of my Muslim friends, I wondered if they would ever trust in the Yahweh I trust in if I treated them cruelly even thought they are willing to provide clean foods and good service to me for a fair price? They know I love Moshe Ben Amram and what he was willing to do for people that often turned against him, and that is a fact I will never be ashamed of. Amazingly, it is the flower girl from my 1st Catholic wedding in 1982 that still is willing to hear some of my hopes, experiences, sorrows and joys, and I try to do the same for her in return. She, like I, has been blessed with a few kind neighbors that help ease some burdens with their thoughtful works and interesting conversation.
Glen Moray wasn't cheap, but 1 shot of whiskey to celebrate my 201 game seemed more reasonable than buying Twizzlers and Mountain Dew, especially since I couldn't find 'Glen Moore' in a bottle. Since finding out that Hasek ( Chet Hebrew word # 2816) means 'darkness', I thought I'd try to shed a Little light into my household as this 10th day of the 10th month has now arrived ( full 39 weeks at 273 days) and I recall that I still would have been in my mother's womb another 4 weeks.
If there are any Christians who are afraid of me and others who are on the HWHY=Yehuwah plan, they better read Psalm 27 and mature in their state of outer darkness by bringing a light burden, namely the teachings and instructions from the Elohym of Moshe Ben Amram, into their behavioral science curriculum.
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