Thursday, January 2, 2020

My Just Elohym Team Versus The Anti-Yahweh Gods or Myopia Utopia

My brain has been exercised and trained to keep trying to solve real problems, while others the anti-Yahweh G-d rather enhance or ignore a situation that is UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR in the site of my just elohym.  I am familiar with the spirit of the Anti-Yahweh God, and many of them might be unsealed G-dites who didn't pass the qualifying rounds that 12,000 others did.  There are certain symptoms that reflect the G-dites who are still plagued with an anti-Yahweh disease and here are come of them:

1. The people of Gad who rejected Yahweh will resist not defend their foundation which is jacinth/ligure.  This symptom is known as COWARDICE and fleeing from a battle between evil vs. evil to defend your ligure foundation is not cowardice but is appropriate in the sight of the 143,999 other sealed and elect of Yahweh.

2. The people of G-d who rejected Yeshua will condone any type of anti-Yah behavior, including refusal to treat parents with honor and equally disastrous, a refusal to discipline children. The symptom of apathy toward your natural family is often enhanced into a horrible disease known as 'hireling worship syndrome' and a pair of drumsticks often only leads toward the Molech disaster zones that prevail in pro-abortion households. ( It is day 272 in my count toward understanding the days unseen child in a womb, which lasts much longer, even up to 301 days) than the playing of 'Dream of the Forgotten Child' by David Lanz.)

3. The  G-ds who refuse to TRY to understand Yahweh's expectations and be at peace with  the 24,000 sealed from the 2 tribes ahead of them, namely Yahudah and  Reuven, will not respect their siblings geological badge, namely malachite(dark green stone) and sardius(garnet) and as a result will be drawn by an 'anti-family unity' leader or religions that focus on benzene rings and gold rather than on necessities such as fresh wter and trace minerals found in Livonia sushi places that make kosher Korean gumbo for people with interest in the intelligent design  of the agile Japanese ZeroA6M when compared to a bottle of Playboy cologne and a bag of  Billy Nueske's pork slabs.

4. The G-ds who refuse to prepare the way for the 4th group of 12,000 Asherites that need to be sealed rejected an opportunity to be spiritually cured and corrected by Yahweh-fearing commandment keepers, although that option was suggested to them a multitude of times.  Without a proper route prepared for those with a badge of agate, Napthali is still wandering around like the Lac Du Flambeau Deer clan,,,, a few there, a few here, but clearly not everywhere and Bambi can't properly lead them out of fiction.

5. If the G-d you believe in' is not trying to maintain a respectable relationship with mother and father but tunes in to the Vatican's' Janus' idolatry on a regular basis, your G-d is contrary to the 144,000 and you have been spiritually blinded.  Although the first 36,000 sealed elect of Yahweh might be able to SEE the kingdom of unsealed G-dites, they definitely wouldn't want to be part of it and would prefer the new and holy Yerushalem as their goal line and not show allergic reaction to the jacinth unit.

6. If your anti-Yahweh G-d is asks the idol machine 'ALEXA' to repair the breach in their leaky boat or house walls, that machine cannot accomplish that task and the disease symptom you have is equal to trusting in the intricate French Mirage computer system rather than learning how to study cloud formations by day and pillars of fire by night.

7. The symptom you are most likely to ignore is anti-Dan attractions toward Freemason Blue Ribbon team.  Yahweh is NOT going to let you judge anyone else until Yahweh has judged your behavior and you qualified, at minimum, for the tribe of Dan's foundations and are not ashamed to have a lightweight lapis lazuli burden but would be ashamed to prance around with a crucifix like a Jesuit. There is a huge difference between Pabst Blue Ribbon beer drinkers and those who got caught up and might be stuck up in Freemason haughtiness and naughtiness and have no respect for the 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet which the 12,000 sealed of the restrained and retrained Gdites don't ignore. There actually is not an A nor an O in Gd, and narrowing that tribe to a formation of 2 letters is like straining at a camel and swalllowing the dirt a gnat left behind after the gnat tested your Livonia sushi while staying away from MItchell's Fish House in Haggerty Road split hour decisions.

8. If you noticed the Rose Bowl results but did not notice the results of 1 Berry Badger that was not named Brad, you have JANUS disease, a disease that focuses on the multitudes running to and fro in contrived college 'bowl games' but does not believe that a hockey rink is designed to squeeze in and test 12 Yshral tribe positions at a time. The Wisconsin Badgers, while trying not to hit their recruit from Germantown, scored 3 goals against USA hockey goalie #30, and Mark Strobel's  scroungers only allowed 2 pucks into their 'AWAY' team silly string area.  The amount of wasted money that is dumped into January 1st activities is astounding and typifies what is unacceptable to the Elohym that HY ( Yh) set in place within his social security system.  A non-blind person could see that Badger #32 on my end and Germantown #30 on the opposite end would have set up a '#!' in the middle shifty 31), and I do not have 32 in the middle of my social security number.  The social security numbering system is unique but is not infallible when names like 'Ty Jackson' appear on the USA Hockey 100 penny media guide and when the the ex-husband of Carla Derringer snatch up 2 different social security numbers while evading child support payments, which happens to be a crime as wicked as stealing from the person WILLING to care for the child you openly  rejected.

9. Bodo Gajevic started his 66th year of life, something #88 Mangiopane might not be able to do. People like Bodo Gajevic often made working in the Milwaukee city jail more tolerable, not easy and pleasant as a Krueger's ivy greenhouse, which is why the base salary for real Milwaukee Police officers should be higher than a car interior repair man's base salary. Just scales (#3977) are FISKY some times, not Friskies cat food.

10. HASEK is a biblical name, seen as Chet Shin Koph. I-39 is not the same as Yitrium.  A symptom of anti-Yahweh Gods might be corrected by Oshawa Generals someday or by the 12,000 Asherite agates who departed from the 12,001st Gadite who took the wrong sign in his RIGHT hand or plopped something much worse than an Owen Sound Attack hat on his head.

Shimon Benyonah people might be wearing Whalers shirts, not Catholic priest costumes. I pulverized 2 tasty salmon 'Las Vegas'  sushi rolls, by the way, and thought of my friends, Sarah Swedowski and Thomas Hendricks, while  I was being tested by unfamiliar spirits!

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