43 weeks is short time to be in a womb; most children would have exited by the middle of the 10th month, which is about 290 days. Just suppose I had not written on this site or at 'DDFence Emet' on WordPress, I will then suppose what might have happened to my dispostition:
1. I would have felt like what happened to me did not matter to anyone, including myself.
2. I would not have proved I could construct writing material with a degree of excellence that I could not have achieved by being drugged into a state of apathy and more sickness by self-proclaimed 'professional doctors'.
3, I would not have learned the difference between anguish and pain. Pain occurs when your body physically has been wounded and not healed, anguish occurs mentally when people you love INTENTIONALLY fail to show signs of love to you in return.
4. Once I faced the fact that people can and do intentionally fail when asked to guard, keep and do the commandments given freely by Moshe Ben Amram to a hoard of abused people who became abusive and acted like the heathens that 'knew not Yoseph', intentionally trying to pass rather than fail became my objective. It doesn't matter that I dropped out of college to provide an income for my infant son and I that his father would not, since a college degreee is not necessary to make sainthood.
5. As Adam Fink has stated, we all have had and will have duties in commandment keeping, and only those who do and keep the commandments will have a right to the tree of life is CLEARLY STATED IN THE BOOK the protestants and catholics have read and have had access to for centuries, but most choose to fall short of that goal.... that 'tselios'. Just suppose my writing helped at least 10 people in their area to choose righteousness rather than lawlessness? 10 righteous men can spare an area of total destruction according to Yahweh's own recorded speech toward Lot's area!
6. Just suppose I stop blogging because I can stop; will I then have to believe that angels, demons and Yahweh can still hear me and will know what I am thinking since I know that writing in a diary is rather foolish and that the idea that we can actually keep things secret forever is a lie that Las Vegas types spread that people should stop believing.
7. A full 43 weeks in a womb goes to 301 days, and I currently intend to stop blogging when that day occurs this year to test what it feels like to be an infant again... a child who cannot write to others how they are being raised up, cared for or even neglected but who has had enough allies to prevent the Gretchen Whitmer types from slaying me as her and her Barack Obama types have been slaying millions of real children in the USA since the Kennedy administration.
8. Just suppose a miracle happens and I become 'married again' for the first time to a truly faithful man.; he, as the Lord of my household, might not want me to blog anymore and might want me to trust him with explaining my joys, hopes, experiences and anguish verbally or even on paper to him; I better start practicing that as soon as night 302 arrives. I might then know how it feels to be an orphaned toddler who trusts a widowed mother ( a woman with no husband to assist her) like my fatherless son used to trust me in his childhood years.
9.Music by 'Creed' has spiritually destroyed as many minds as Carrie Underwood, Billy Joel and Shania Twain since they emitted from demonic spirits, not a holy and pure spirit of Yahweh's redemmed people. What if everything I wrote after I chose to align with Yahweh and Yeshua was truthful and no one believed me? Then I would understand how the prophets of Yah felt when they were sent to an area to speak the truth and the deceived did not believe their reports WHICH STILL EXIST for a reason, namely to test those who can either see or hear their reports.
10. Michigan is not pure, and neither was Esther when she hooked up with a Persian king. Lying will cause you to fail as quickly as refusing to leave a vile, wealthy heathen palace (the typical USA SENATE AND CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES and typical USA state government offices) will cause you to lack the humility required to be saved, since a good work ethic is expected from those who claim to be under Yahweh and above Gd.
11. Herod's hockey team is not the same as King's hockey team in Port Huron this weekemd; Mr. Presswood was the best 79 I observed in a mixed multitude while defending 1 rather than 56. Young Mr. White was not on young Joshua Black's team either.
12.' Something JUST occurred' is the oppositie of 'something unjust occureed'. 'Not rememberting your sin' means not reapplying sin [lawlessnes]) to your body once lawlessness has been safely and intentionally DISMEMBERED from you and your body(congregation or temple of Yahweh) because lawlessness is more deadly than a cancerous tumor in Steve McQueen. The just will suppose that 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12 and 13 is true, but what if 5 isn't true?
13. Jim Covert is not Robert Skaradzinski; Bob Joers and Bob Delgadillo know that 13 is true.
8 years and out still exists in the USA president's rules and regulations, but the last truly humble retired president the USA had was Harry Truman. There is a difference between just activities occurring centuries ago and unjust activities that recently occurred.
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