Saturday, January 18, 2020

Counting Down From 11: Snezhinka Mladenova Has Grace, Not The Joel Brietzman Gang

I noticed the zip code of Riviera Beach, Florida is not anything like the Marine City, Michigan zip code which has a Riviera Restaurant within it.  I'm going to try to help my allies and in the process, some of my enemies might even get helped out of a predicament they tried to avoid but couldn't.  I am not a Forbes magazine type; I only NOTICE some items Forbes employees get PAID to put in there. Those of us aligned with Yahweh should  not impressed be impressed with people who only shuffle money and poker chips around for their profession. A few of us have gotten rather good at noticing groups of 3 like Tony Robinson, who I met at  Chicago Restorahtion conference in 2009.

33404: the 1st 3 numerals are the same as the recent Forbes ranking of UW-Lacrosse [334], the school were Shane David Hendrikson dropped out of once he impregnated Linda Maria Meyer.  the number 404 is often equated with an error on a computer system or with Barrett Jackman on ESPN numbering systems. 480 is the ESPN  number of a totally different acquaintance of mine that I still view as a friend rather than as an enemy who intentionally stole from me and sinned against me, namely Sergei Krivokrasov.   When it comes to ties at #12, Shaner Dog Hendrikson scooped up lots 11 and 12 in his Rib Mountain progressive anti-Yahweh movement , not Sergei Krivokrasov, a holy half shekel nor what I purchased from a Riviera Beach salesman who might understand the tribe of Zebulun as well as Little Zebulon River Park people.  

Snezhinka Miadenova knows what I purchased for a very fair price on Ebay. He or she mailed it to me in a nicely gift wrapped box, added in 3 extra gifts, included a beautiful velvet pouch and sent a beautiful 'Thank You' card which I do not take for granted. Joel Breitzman also knew what I had paid over $1000.00 for when I was studying the stones of the tribes of Israel; Breitzman too money to sell me what he had not interest in learning about and in fact he rejected everything that people who love Yahweh represent on earth when he forced me out of his home Bible study. Breitzman has no grace, and his daughter had a paid unholy habit of getting her hands on the men of the Kansas City Cheifs so Breitzman isn't anything near 'elder' or 'bishop' material in any decent assembly. Breitzman loved eating rabbit ( unclean) and got along with Ray Wolski, another gun nut who had tax evasion problems. Breitzman also got along fine with Shane Hendrikson who loved his guns more than he loved righteousness and was often very cruel to his maid/servant who happened to be me for over a decade. 

Since my wedding dress was sold by Shane David Hendrikson but he let me keep my 'Michael Bennett' jersey, let me illustrate what 'black' Michael Bennett would not have been allowed to get away with in the USA. Michael Bennett of the MInnesota Vikings would not have been allowed to publicly swear that he QUIT his job as a running back for the Minnesota Vikings AND not only take over the Minnesota Vikings leased building but also take all the practice equipment, and all the Minnesota Vikings uniforms with him to START UP A COMPETING TEAM after he told a circuit court representative that he voluntarily was quitting his job as a Minnesota Vikings. 'White man'  Shane David Hendrikson was wrongly allowed to do to me what Michael Bennett of Milwaukee would not have been allowed to do to his USA employer, namely state he quit working for me AND than take over my company's leased place of business AND steal all my company's equipment to start up a competing business that was formed illegally and without my consent as his wife at that time. What Shane David Hendrikson did was a felony far worse than whatever Michael Bennett of Milwaukee ended up getting arrested and convicted for when trying to get a loan.

When I or anyone else discontinues blogging, information that had been delivered to the public will only be able to be obtained some other more private way and I will still be trying to steer my neighbors and families toward Yahweh good rules ang regulations so that they never end up as vile and cruel as Shane David Hendrikson. Grace means you have the power to do good rather than evil, and then you choose to do good rather than evil. Communications from Yahweh's 144,000 is precious, far more precious than what came out of the mouth of Nicole Breton's husband , a USA Air Force 'professional' who didn't care that his wife cousin Shane was serving liquor to minors, but I cared enough to alert the juveniles parents. A lot of USA military veterans become far more of a heathen careless danger to themselves and others than a dry erase hockey board in my hands.

I'll now go back  to my female mother and daughter mindset. I did read somewhere than 1/3 of the 'men' were assigned to watch the gates of their  city on the weekly sabbath, but when no men are in the city the women get stuck watching their gates. When I shoveled the snow away from my 'little city' gates, I wasn't breaking sabbath rules but the Talmud brood would have claimed I was.  The gates of a place have to be kept safe, and removing snow is a SAFETY requirement so I did it during the 3rd shift of the weekly sabbath period for my own safety.  I also shoveled out the fire hydrant, something the owner of Lot 2 didn't think was important but which I know IS important. Lazy, careless men are like a flu bug in society which end up forcing virtuous women [proverbs 31 is not a laughing matter] to become stronger  than they are by default. 

A child in the womb over 40 weeks usually moves around quite a bit because the pressure on their body is increased; I know that from experience.  Zip codes are not as big as a problem as the Forbes people might be when it comes to their close call between Xavier and MSOE in recent new college  ranking developments.  334-326=8,  still equals 8 does it not?  Brown University finally moved to 9th place, so does Xavier - UW-Lacrosse = Brown now?  I can laugh at that equation, since I know that Marshall HIgh School is not Custer High School in Milwaukee as I wait for my dirty Donald Brown used jersey #31 to appear and maybe clear up a few more football details that Curtis Joseph was unwilling or unable  to do because he was too busy being retrained by his Playboy Playmate. Artificial silicone breast implants inserted to attract whorish men are not only unable to feed an infant, they are totally unacceptable in the kingdom that the deity I worship controls. Silicone breast implants are a vanity problem often more hideous than an tattoo to a person who appreciated modesty and humility.  

Jersey tricks are sometimes far more interesting than hat tricks once blogging information is of no interest to public officials such as Dan Wildt, the basketball referee he also watched plenty of Milwaukee County prisoners.   

Only 10 posts to go. I will have to start planning a strategy of what to do when I typically feel like writing to strangers.  I truly am blessed to have received a natural gift for myself far better than a cheap string of oyster pearls which are less useful to humankind than barley in a bowl of beef soup! Thanks Snezhinka!  

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