Try to make your way to the Port Huron Silver Stick level A tournament if historical names such as Klink and Detweiler interest you. There is even a Cloutier, Cleary,Archer, Goetz, Webb and Haas involved in these 2020 games...but no Ortiz #714. Hockey isn't just a 'game', it is a serious venue to test and improve or completely ruin your physical and mental skills under the wrong leadership.
Saying 'Mister Queen the 8th' seems strange; I hope Mister Queen and Magee the 73rd make better decisions than Freddie Mercury and Carl Allen, Jr. the extremely rude drummer from Milwaukee Tech. Chess boards that turned Michael Pence into a 'queen' aren't gong to prevent you from being deceived, since Mrs. Trump should have been the 'queen' figure next to Donald on the political chess boards being sold at a price higher than a deck of cards from the President Bush in Marathon County, Wisconsin.
This has been a Sauer and sweet potato press release intended to bait you. In a slight deviation from Malloy and Reed heading to the Hogan Hotel, Chicago Mission Team Reeder edged out Buffalo Sabre Team Wirth in the 7th man finals the day before Jonathan Toews Panini #284 night ended. Who's your Boss if he's not Boss Moss of the Freakies? Boss Reeder, not Marjorie Wahl!
Now for a Dave Coverfly slip of the reading material...…...
Antonia Brown's behavior got much worse after he shook hands with one of Tennessee's musical skanks in Sunday NIght Football promotions, namely Carrie Underwood Fisher. I'm glad I didn't shake hands with Al Schoessow when he wasn't dressed properly at Robert Groth's memorial services. Bradley DeBraska's behavior has improved as much as Eric Lindros's has since they both toyed with activities they should not have toyed with. Wray Young can keep sniffing the aroma of swine emitting from 4054 County Highway P in Pelican, Wisconsin while wiser people might recall the word tselios not being a dead end, but a certain focus of Greek word power used in the typical bible that sounds nothing like Hebrew word 1531.... a gimel word.
Yul Brynner had his communications options during World War II, and mine are a bit different than his options due to the lack of popularity among those who prefer to trust in liars or despicable people such as Ray Romano who suggests his TV mom had 40 years to try and poison his TV illusion of 'family'. I'm taking the Wirth Vs. Reeder lines to a board room rather than commit a crime by using spray paint on property I don't own like children of lawlessness have been trained to do.
Go to Isaiah Chapter 26, not Hell, Michigan if you believe the Clemson Tigers vs. LSU Tigers was much better than the NFL's upcoming 54th despicable bowl game will be, and make sure you resist watching what Super Bowl LIV, which might end up being a couple of State Farm representatives once again being highly able to go on offense but unable to defend anyone against the demonic spirits that are easily lured to an area loaded with skanks rather than to a much better cribbage board skunk line competition. Ooooooh.................Whyte Ice!
Katie Benz isn't Katie Needle. Kinsman #9 isn't an LSU quarterback, and in fact might be much smarter than an LSU quarterback since he wasn't surrounded by rather skanky looking LSA dance squads and was blessed to be near Brian Gionta, a very classy and decent coach.
Throngs of humans went away from Noah's ark, and not every buffalo was saved when the earth was flooded. Also, try thinking of this year as 6020, not 2020, since the earth is not 2,020 years old.
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