Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Folly of the Movie 'Love Story' Leads to Spiritual Depravity

True love of Yahweh, yourself and your neighbor actually means being able and willing to say you are sorry and then being willing to be disciplined for your sins or crimes against your Creator or neighbor.   Making sure you qualifying for true forgiveness after repentance is one of the best ways to love yourself when others have been hating you for trusting in real life route Yehovah/ HWHY=26.

Carmela Mangiapane and Frank Finney do not know what the love of Yahweh  is nor what belief in the words of the Scriptures compels anti-sinners to do when attacked verbally for doing what is legal and considered important for security and safety in an anti-lucifer area.

I'll now pause awhile before my last post on 'Michael RIchter Day 301' to hear what Esaac Israel has to reveal about his perspectives on Yahweh.

Is there a dart game called '300', or only a bowling game?

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