Saturday, January 4, 2020

Can Dan and The Blues Versus God and The Violets Interest the Orange,Oxygen and Osgood Three O Division Team?

Before I prove a status quo substitution problem exists, verily, verily I guarantee this post in NOT intended to be a laughing matter but is intended to expose serious prejudice by the English translators of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Some people insist that there is no harm is switching out 'Yeshua' for "Jesus', and those same people would have to also claim there is no harm switching 'Mr. Trump' to 'Mr. Crump'; however, there is intended deception when intentional changes are REPEATED on official documents. Here are 3 processes that might change your perspcctive toward 'illegal substitutions'in documents and the author of those documents might be charged with obstructing the reader(document officer).

B. What happens if Ranheim replaces Sanheim on the Philadelphia Flyers roster today?
     1) something, not nothing
     2) confusion
     3) improvement of the Flyers since badgers matter to shoemakers crossing deserts for 40 years
     4) seniority system is re- evaluated in spiritual warfare
     5) Philadelphia could get officially charged with an illegal substitution by their governing body of                   official referees if the referees notice the change
     6) Sanheim should make an official complaint to Eric LIndros and the NHL Players Union
     7. All of the above could occur

R.  What happens when ELOHYM replaces ELOHIM?
      1. arguments ensue between Yale University and Indiana Hoosiers
      2. interest in the text occurs as it applies to the difference between Fedorov as an  I  man and Chelios as a Y man.
      3. improvement of the English translation of the letter Yod from I to Y
      4. Hebrew readers claim ELOHYM can be pronounced 'my hole' instead of my girl E
      5. Chemists gets a loss of iodine and a gain of Yitrium in their visual legendary code observations
      6. All of the above

  2nd Down Ruling: Since gimel dalet is a 2 letter word that is not the same as the second word in the torah scrolls which suggests a position of rulership, the English who continually push  Gd in to that position are trying to push Dn out of that  position. Since Gd is pronounced 'Gawd' and 'Dn' is promounced 'Dawn' by people who speak Hebrew, neither of those words are pronounced anything like elohym, thus substituting Gawd, God, Gad or Gd is more unjustified than inserting Dawn, Don, Dan or Dn in every biblicaal location that Aleph Lamed Hey Yod Mem has been seen. 

A. What happens when DON replaces GOD in English translations of the Bible occur, based on the facts of the second down ruling?
     1. Elohym is more properly represented by lapis lazuli, which is the stone of the tribe of Don that the basic good instructions for proper conduct were written upon.
     2. The ligure/jacinth tribe of God is demoted but not eliminated.
     3. Hebrew readers stop saying 'dog' and start saying 'nod' until they are corrected by the original Hebrew texts.
     4. Dn being the tribe in rulership as an elohym is more consistent with what was predicted by his father, since it has been written 'Dan will judge his people' or 'Don will provide justice for his people; in Genesis chapter 49 and the Qu'ran then becomes more questionable in it's use of the English word 'GOD" rather than 'Don' and of course, deputies in brown are eliminated as being part of the tribe of God or the tribe of Dan.
    5.  Since the jacinth is clear and lapis lazuli is unclear but both are the color blue, the mother of God should be contrasted to the mother of Don, even though 'Jacob' was the father of both and as usual, blended families are as problematic as dividing Pete Malloy's  744 badge number into Chelios7 and Souray 44 and Joe Friday might have to be recalled at 714.
    6. All of the above probably should occur.

Sh. Since the stone of Gd is connected to Baltic Avenue Viking shipping in the form of the iolite and is connected to the breastplate sign of Abaddon,  who will still insist that elohym is equivelent to God?
    1. Those who want to get out of the bottomless pit with King Abaddon.
    2.   Those who oppose praying to the Don, Dan, Dn or ND for help and protection but will pray to God, Gad, Gd and DG for help and advice.
    3. Those who rather  argue and war with their own family members or fellow citizens rather than turn their whole being and family members toward Yahweh. Yehovah or, HWHY or Yud+Hey+Vav or Waw+Hey=26 as the BEST and perfect choice for authority in their life prior to being judged by a local ruler such as Don, Dan and the Lapis Lazuli foundation esyablished 2nd in the latter nights OR God, Gad and the Jacinth Ligure foundation which is established 11th in the latter days.
    4. Those who refuse to believe (unbelief) that Yehovah is the  powerful angel of not only God, but also his full brother Asher, his 10 other 1/2 borhter and his half-sister Dynah as well as the angelic assigned leader of Yeshua' s tribe of Yehudah.
    5. Those who are too stubborn to believe in the redemption of the tribe of Dan and the contents of the Ark of the Covenant.
    6. Satan, however the best sports scenario for E=Euclid and  for Dan Tanabe is for some Nun in the bitter end zone  punting to some Dan in order to retest the Roman D=500 team.
    7. All of the above will occur, but the percentages in the pie graph formation are still unknowns.

Y) Since it is evident but not an easily accepted fact that Gd is similar to Dn and if God can be an elohym=Gad then Don can also be an elohym=Dan, what is the best way for YOU as a G person, not everybody, to relate the concept of the 2nd word of the torah scrolls to an anti-imbicile non-atheist?
  1. 1+30+5+10+600
  2. Agent 646 based upon the summation of Hebrew numerical equivalent values for the 2nd down word of the torah scrolls, which justified Muslims will not reject.
  3.  E Man
  4.  MYHOLE
  5.  El Hym
  6.   Maybe Agent 646 or 'Chief Architect' but surely not Lord, not Master and not Trump since those words reflect the idea of temporary Adonai

Th) What is the wrong sign to take in your right hand?
   1. A sign that claims Ephraim is the USA but David Clarke the 64th Sheriff of Milwaukee County can't be Gd.
   2. 646
   3. Eli Billing is a hockey worker not a player piano.
   4. Gd appreciates Elisha Manning's boss  and sometimes fears Plaxico Burress people.
   5. Yahweh hates the  works of the Dallas Stars cheerleaders and is opposed to the Dallas Cowgirls owner known as non-sorrowful Jerry and Jones the Wicked
   6.P.K. Subban and L.C. 'Anti-Ingalls' Vonn are far worse role models than Tin Foil Oddballs and  in fact are as depraved as Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher due to their lack of humility.
   7. Ruth Pointer  is neither Zach Zech nor "Noel for Jeannie Marie".

  Since I will take this test first, here are the answers I would seriously choose:

B) 7    
R) 6
A) 6
Sh) 7
Y) 6
Th) Only 1 is wrong, and all the other options, namely 2,3,4,5 and 6 are not incorrect statementst.

My Streit Tech test score is 33, not 0=zero nor E=Ephraim.  Go, and sin against Don and Dan no more! A framed photo of Yul Brynner as 'Chris Adams' is no worse than a photo of 'Sorrowful Jones' , is better than a photo of 'Madonna' and is comparable to a collectible photo of  Kenneth Washington in 'Adam 12' when   WWII radio communications are supposed to be recalled and compared to 'copper'  bottoms, Bell top communications or Leo Genn methodists in classic movies known as ''The Snake Pit'. If you refuse to believe and trust in God, try to find  Dan (Cloutier) or Don(Gaglione) you are willing to trust in for a new 'Under Yahweh' tribe affiliation  or an older 'Under Yehovah' anti[-Talmud Levite affiliate to guide you away from apathy in a besetting sin resistance program.

Gentiles don't have to obey the law if they want to remain as unholy, unrighteous. sloppy, crude, skanky and rude Gentiles rather than evolving into sanctified, disciplined considerate real holy sanctified saints and scattered  angels (messengers) under Yahweh's ruling body, whatever form it happens to exist in while inside or outside of the ark of the covenant.

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