Friday, January 31, 2020

After the 1st Shift "Fornication' Divorce Is Done: 2nd Shift of 301 is About Penalties

Who has considered just scales in the divorce caused by fornication in the following manner?

1. Was Yeshua speaking about current Talmud rulings and was he talking to those who wanted to understand Yah's teachings?
2. If a man gives his wife a certificate of divorcement, except it be for sexual immorality AND MARRIES another, commits adultery... ( notice it does specify if the man who committed fornication decides to marry a man or a woman). This phrase easily means that if the man, as head of household, commits sexual immorality  and marries the woman he fornicated with , HE commits adultery and whoever married her that is divorced( THE SAME EXCEPTION WITHSTANDING neither spouse involved ever committed fornication before the divorce was requested) causes her to commit adultery since the oroginal marriage bed has not been defiled Thus  whoever marries the woman that has been divorced and no marital unfaithfulness has occurred in her prior marriage then does commit adultery with the woman who never should have been divorced but because of the hard-heart of her husband, she was rejected even before he  acutally committed sexual immorality with whoever he had been desiring.. His lust for someone other than his wife was not resisted but should have been resisted ..
3, Explanation 2 is the only explanation that concurs with the epistle stating that if an unbeliever leaves. let him leave and his believing wife is not in bondage to him.  The people Yeshua were speaking to were supposed to be believers in the Torah, and as soon as they committed fornication with someone other than their spouse they proved to be an unbeliever.
4. I know of a 'Christian' couple who became separated due to incompatibility BUT that marriage was not irretrievably broken until  one ot both of the parties committed fornication with a 3rd party and if that 3rd party married the spouse who had been LOOSED he causes the loosed person to commit adultery; it would have been good NOT to interfere between a couple who could have reconciled once the hardness of their heart was corrected because they were evenly yoked in the same Christian Waukesha county cult..
5. Unless both parties entered marriage with the knowledge of the laws for Yahweh's people, how can they be expected to understand points 2,3 and 4?
6. 2020 scenario: " Hey wife, I found another woman I want to commit fornication with so here is your certificate of divorce. I no longer believe in Yahweh's rules so you are loosed from me and as soon as I commit adultery with the woman and marry her, an adulterous woman that I have been lusting after, anyone can marry you  that believes in Yahweh like you do since I will prove I am an anti-commandment man and thus an unbeliever according to the second witness, St. Paul. Since I might be going through a period of spiritual disability, Yeshua reminded you not to marry another until I officially commit fornication to protect your reputation and prove you trusted in Yahweh's teachings. "  It does seem as though the burden of keeping the household fidelity intact remains with the man and if he commits sexual immorality he should publicly admit his guilt with a certificate of divorcement, however a spouse is a spouse and how you expect the man to be judged, so also should you expect the woman to be judged.
7. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 shows that remarriage is an option for a divorced person who was not the petitioner and the 'clean'  person who desired a clean spouse is allowed to divorce the unclean spirit. To me, unclean means refusing to abide by Yahweh's instructions and clean means a person who desires to abide by Yahweh's instructions. I suppose if a sealed person from the tribe of Simeon saw his spouse sucking on pork knuckles and eating calamari, Yahweh would agree that a divorce was necessary to protect his clean status and he should never remarry the woman who preferred unclean flesh.

No one really knows what an infant thinks as he or she is moving through a birth canal, but indeed the infant has been able to hear and has had pressure increasing on his or her body ( not an 'IT) which is a force that is unwise to resist. Likewise, when too much pressure is put on a person of any age, trying to contain all the pressure within would cause in mental implosion, which means the mind will totally malfunction and maybe never work properly again. When pressures cause an explosion, be it in the form of temporary anger that releases the internal pressures mounted BY OTHERS upon a person, it is health correction measure that if done properly, can delay the death of a person.

If you do what is wrong in the sight of Yahweh, you will attack the people who have treated you well when you explode rather than expose your anger toward the person who has done you harm or provoked you.  Yeshua did not turn his mother's tables over when he saw wrong doing in the zone where the Talmud brood strayed so far from Yahweh's instructions that they openly dessecrated the temple with their businesses within their 'temple' … conduct as evil as passing a pig onto the altar to be slaughtered.  Yeshua tried to correct his own 'family' and when they refused to be corrected, Yahweh allowed the pig slaughtering event to occur and let evil battle against evil once Yeshua was deployed elsewhere.

 When Shane David Hendrikson got angrier and angrier at me, it was because years had gone by when his children didn't visit him, his parents didn't encourage his children to visit him and people like Thomas Wahl did not encourage his children to spend time with their father and step-mother because at between 2013 and 2010, we were too 'Christian' for our biblical messages to even be accepted at the 65th wedding anniversary of Virgil Smith.  Shane David Hendrikson didn't want to learn proper anger management and he took out his anger on me instead of on his children's mother, James Costa, his parents and his uppity lying children who preferred play, dancing with bunny suits, Christmas paganism and Halloween begging to biblical lessons, household chores and discipline. An unholy man without a good plan destroys his own household from within.

After exiting a womb after 301 days, it has been told to me that sight of a 301 day old infant ( date of birth occurring at conception) , and I took a look at 88 piano keys, noticing what I had never noticed before. 36 blacks and 52 whites are set in an order that was not random. If each key, whether black or white, represents a complete lunar cycle,  the 11th key is the lowest natural G on the piano and in a 7 year period there will be between 85.424 and 86.61 lunar cycles, about the sequence of time it has been prophesied that necessary judgments, will explode upon earth rather than  letting the earth.   implode first.   If the path toward 42 or 44 starts on the left  first, the signs on the right will be reached after middle E has been reached.  If I represent a woman who does not sit as a queen and lives as a widow that the earth is helping (spices, herbs, grains,fish with scales, vegetables, grain-eating animals, fresh water, etc.) 77 remaining lunar cycles will seem like a very long time for things to get worse for many and test and seal a few. I don't know the day nor the hour that prophesied judgments will commence, and neither does Mark Saunders of Toronto. He seems to want to do his duties, and I have to do my duty to fear Yahweh and practice the keeping of his instructions that are far more than 'praying for your enemies' since we are to discontinue sinning, which is acting contrary to Yahweh's instructions.

Every time a 13th month is recorded as Abib 2, do not forget sister Dynah being the sibling of Zebulun who has her own characteristics that her brothers and half-brothers did not have. 'The Dream of the Forgotten Child' might have been appreciated by Dynah, by the first child of Bathsheba and David with 'no name', but not by my first child Qeseth, since she is not forgotten by me and she was far more perfect and beautiful in Yahweh's eyes than the nasty and vile Kobe Bryant, who made his money surrounded by what Essac Israel would define as NBA skanks and I would compare to Linda Maria Costa and her dancing Army daughter  in the years between 2003 and 2010.  Our dogs behaved better than Linda Maria Costa and her children, but Shane David Hendrikson claimed Linda Maria Costa is a 'saint' compared to me when I opposed his vile behaviors as openly as Vashti opposed her anti-Yahweh king.   Maybe Shane David Hendrikson's definition of a 'saint' equals Darren Sharper in his New Orleans Saints outfit, but Yahweh has holier standards than the Vatican or the NFL. Too many women are like the female who danced for King Herod, and as I see it, Vashti was far more honorable than any woman who wanted to strut around or dance in front of drunkards and heathens in a proud a broad way.

If I die suddenly, my son Richard is supposed to get my Steinway piano, and it will not be set out on my porch as though it is of nominal value. A musical instrument used in the proper way is allowed in a holy places of Yahweh, but according to Yahweh's words, dogs and whoremonger are not allowed within holy places because a dog is equal to a pig and is an unclean animal.  If you can't get used to living without dogs inside your home now, you won't be fit for the kingdom of Yahweh or any of his obedient tribes which will include 12,000 from Gd and 132,000 from 11 other tribes + those who decide to align with them rather than against them for their own good and the good shepherd's sake.

The beauty of the day of atonement comes when you understand that  repenting for sins you committed in the past year and paying proper restitution to those you stole from prevents a load of debt and interest being charged to you. For instance, when Shane David Hendrikson illegally devalued my company stock and stole all my company's  equipment, supplies and uniforms, he also stole my bookkeeping salary, which was abut 12,000 per year. $12,000 per year for the past 9 years, plus the value of the stolen equipment  ($50,000 replacement value) PLUS whatever money 'earned' while using my company equipment (estimated at $150,000 per year minus his salary of no more than $50,000 per year based on what he desired to keep his child support lower than what Robin Ortiz had to pay) now has increased the price he would have to pay to ME, the complainant, in an out-of-court settlement to prove he was truly sorry for committing crimes against a wife who had loved him before she learned to love Yehovah.  I'll let the 'adder in the way' establish the total, with interest charged to my non-family member, should be if Shane David Hendrikson ever decides to stop being a hypocrite and decides to recall his own 'baptism' at Immanuel Baptist Church.  If I was the adder in the way, $108,000 in my lost wages, plus $900,000 in lost revenue, plus $50,000 in equipment, plus 20% does not even include what I was not able to accumulate in Social Security increases had I not been illegally forced from my bookkeeper job in my female-owner S-Corp. Obviously, Stuart Rottier lied in court when he claimed my company was 'nominal value' to my family and I cannot forgive an unrepentant liar nor a repentant liar who is not at least willing to pay me only 50% of $1,158,000 without interest to be grafted back into the tribe of Ephraim, which never gets sealed.  Shane David Hendrikson paying me  $569,000 plus 35% for the tax liability I might incur from a non-family business agreement seems like the last settlement offer I can make to be merciful to him and improve his reputation as a 'Christian father figure'.  Shane David Hendrikson would easily qualify for a loan from US Bank in Wausau for that amount and his name could be removed from the anti-Yahweh list once he pays me a reasonable and merciful amount of $768,300.26 (USA dollars with $150.26 in Marietta Georgia 'zippy' processing costs included, which is subject to increases or decreases), a good settlement that will not profit any attorney but might restore peace and safety to the households of our children.  Theft and the debt that does not go away with a water bath is not a laughing matter, especially when the person being willing to reduce the penalty to a actual justified calculated fine is ME, the plaintiff and victim of a corporate felony in Wisconsin which still is part of the USA.

 I have desired to be part of the tribe of Benjamin, Asher, Dan, Gd, Simeon, Napthali, Yssachar or Zebulun because I admire their stones the most. I am not tribe of Yehudah, Reuben, Levy nor Yoseph material in my opinion, but Yahweh's decision viewpoint might be very different than mine. IN reality checks, HWHY might prefer I remain in debt until I am 72 and others who never repented nor trusted in Yehovah's system receive some sort of death penalty  like Jezebel received or a common heathen court ruling or eventual death preceded by years painful, extended disease.  Since Shane David declared that his 1st wife, Linda. is a saint, I suppose he should tithe to her after he pays his non-death penalty to me if he chooses  'life' rather than heresy, and blasphemy and some sort of plague disorder like anti-Moshe people received. To my knowledge, Shane David Hendrikson did not commit any crimes against Linda Maria Hendrikson other than Disorderly Conduct - Domestic Violence  each time they fought about her adultery with Jim Costa or his adultery with pornographic magazines or maybe even her willingness to lie to him about being 'on the pill' when she was not mating with him as Linda Maria Meyer.

The deal I am offering to Shane David Hendrikson is  much more gracious better than what  Jim Staley was offered by 'the feds' after plaintiffs claimed he 'cheated them' out of income, assets and investments in a less intentional way than Shane David Hendrikson did in the process of his adultery plan with Cheryl Brown-Hendrikson.  Does the State of Wisconsin really think that they can pretend I didn't file an official embezzlement complaint like they also pretend the prophetic books of Joel or Malachi never existed to decrease humanity's chance of complete failure or the book of Isaiah wasn't available to correct those who claim to love Jesus Christ while actually hating Yeshua, Yahuah and the sealed Yshralites every time they intentionally disobey and discard the instructions the 144,000 sealed have tried to keep?

3rd shift is approaching quickly, and I suspect I have only helped a few in the past decade by blogging, which Mary Hoople also did a few decades ago. It's time to prepare my dwelling and body for another weekly sabbath.

A quart of good soil isn't even nominal value in Michigan where the clay is horrible to try to grow crops in, and you can't grow parsley in a box  of soil from Lambeau Field that foolishly remains sealed and worshipped.  A radish might grow in a bed of diced and shredded Bible pages that has been composted rather than burned.

"Crashes to ashes,  barley dust to crust, surely Calais Campbell is not Bryan Rust!'
                                                               - Troy Ice Arena good customer and friend of Butch Miller

Penguins do not always march... they were designed to dive into water like beautiful anti-torpedo marine animals and also were designed to walk on water which accumulates when ice melts beneath their fabulous feet.

A bowling game maximum is 300 for a reason. Frank Finney is proud, arrogant and as obnoxious as Donald Trump in many ways, but how he acts as a heathen is typical. I expected better behavior from Shane David Hendrikson because I saw him at church so many times and saw him leading Bible studies in what had been my Knowlton house that is now in the hands of drug dispensationalists and obviously wasn't REQUIRED for Shane David Hendrikson to do car interior repair work, proving once again he lied in a courtroom when he forced me to live in my car.  My son Richard managed to do car interior repair work while living in a rented apartment, so Shane David Hendrikson is not even as talented and thrifty as my son, who ALSO was thrown out of my family house by Shane David Hendrikson, not by me.

Family shame  is not repaired by playing games. I wonder why Robin Michael Ortiz never got a child support discount when he fled for his own safety away from the second-hand smoke of an RNA who was also his wife? Was it because his 2 sons couldn't flee from second-hand smoke of the RNA mother due to evil judges and attorneys that don't really care about the physical safety of a minor?

This was post 1035, and 1036 should begin my period of withdrawal from public posting on  to prevent addiction to what  opinions, suggestions and reports that others might not have appreciated receiving FREELY. Did my 7 Thunders confuse you?

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