Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Potion's Wrong Side Effects: Disease and Anger

Many families, including mine, have had members that died after they took pharmaceutical risks. When a human dies after taking pharmaceutical risk they were convinced was necessary, who does the grieving family members blame for the loss? If the living family members took the same risk but had no 'wrong' side effects, I suppose they should blame the seller of the pharmaceutical potion. 

If a married couple both choose to take the same  pharmaceutical potion risk  after being pressured into taking that risk to stay employed and only the wife gets a disfigurement that makes her less attractive, should the husband leave her because she is less attractive? If he does leave, the wife will not only be angry about her disfigurement but will be angry at her children's father. Her anger might be a correct side effect of another person's cruelty and lack of real love.

If a married couple with children both develop cancer, and they take different pharmaceutical risk, and the wife looses her hair but her already bald husband doesn't, should the husband divorce his wife because she not only looks less attractive but undoubtedly her demeanor has changed too> He shouldn't, but if he is shallow and selfish, he will leave.

If a mother, whether married or unmarried, of young children develops  severe asthma and takes pharmaceutical risk to try and prolong her ability to breath, should her children be angry at her if steroids and stimulants changes her behavior ,causing her to be irrational much more often then before she developed asthma?  I suppose her children should be angry with her if she is no longer as patient and kind and rational as she used to be before taking risks with legal potions and pills. Anger will also rise up in the mother who's family relationships were damaged because of potion and pill 'wrong' side effects.  Yet if the potions and pills delayed her death and she was still able to provide food, clothing and shelter for the children she really has loved rather than having them be shipped into foster cares system, you'd think that someday her children would mature enough to not be angry at their mother for taking pharmaceutical risks, especially if she refused to take those same pharmaceutical risks again in order to keep her demeanor more rational.

If a father develops asthma or cancer from smoking cigarettes even though he had a choice to stop smoking cigarettes, should his children be angry at him or at their mother who never smoked but developed asthma too from second-hand smoke? Taking potions to try to counter the disease caused by the cigarette smoking  often changes the demeanor of the person with asthma, but if the cigarette smoking is stopped you'd think everyone in the household would see signs that the father repented of chemical warfare attacks he inflicted upon his wife and children. Whether or not they can forgive their father for the damage he did to their mother is an internal risk matter of mindset and religious perspective.

Loss of breathing function is horrific; a severe asthma attack is really like trying to get sufficient air through a coffee stir stick. People with severe asthma rarely get as much sympathy as people who develop cancer. cancer is often caused by unhealthy snacks and consumption of products that really aren't good food. Consuming unhealthy products is also a form of potion and unhealthy concoction risk that most children would never get angry at their parents about, but maybe they will get angry if their parents unhealthy intake of  chemical warfare concoctions sold in grocery stores as non-taxable 'food' causes their parents to be severely obese and the parents are unable to do the type of activities with their children that their children would love to do such asntennis, bowling, golf, or snow ski or play hockey, go for long walks on an ocean beach or sledding at a local park?

If a person has warned other family members to stop taking the unnecessary risks of  risky pharmaceutical potions, excess alcohol,   cigarette smoking,  unhealthy product consumption or unclean meat intake, the person that warned others is a loving and caring person. Loving and caring people are often very unpopular with careless, reckless, 'instant gratification' people or people who profit from selling and marketing of unhealthy potions contained in injections, pills or grocery store packages. Nevertheless, the person who warned the people he or she loves and cares about has done good works.

I can't be angry at a family member who is dead now after choosing to take risky potion by injection that impaired her heart function...or can I?  If a person is angry at living people who took risks that had wrong side effects in the past, does that anger immediately stop when the pharmaceutical risk-taker is dead? What I do know is that is a family member has made choices to reduce  or eliminate the intake of risky products and pharmaceutical potions in order to avoid repeats of past physical and mental disasters within her or his body, what kind of family members wouldn't be thrilled and thankful for such a sane decision? Only the selfish, unloving, unforgiving family members would hang on to their memories of horrific events induced by pharmaceutical potions rather than give their much more careful family member a chance to form some new, safe and improved events with them such as playing hockey together, racking up some billiard balls or doing something as harmless as bowling together.

I made a choice to relay these thought to people  I might recognize if seen face to face, or to AI jacking up the 'views' to a to a stranger that is seeking another opinion at no cost to them. I'm currently struggling to breath, but am restricting my risk to Ricola cough drops, hot tea, foot baths, reduced activity and albuterol prescribed by a real, caring  medical doctor.   Did what I wrote seem insane to you?   Did what I wrote make you think I would be more of a danger to you or your children than a cigarette, a box of 'Little Debbie' cakes,  Italian sausage which drops your body's pH toward cancer risk or a referral to Deuteronomy chapter 27?

I have family members who won't take the risk of prolonged steroid use because they saw what those potions did to me.  I love those people who learned from my bodily disasters and those people care about me as much as they care about themself.  'Do unto others as you would do unto yourself' is not good advice if what you are doing to yourself is harming you. If you are addicted to cigarettes, do you buy cartons of cigarettes for your friends as a gift because you really believe cigarettes are safer than a gas range or a depraved, immoral president of a nation close to self-destruction?  

Disease often causes anger within the diseased person, but if the diseased person induced the disease by failing to care for their body properly, they deserve the hour of death they eventually encounter and shouldn't be angry if they were  PEROPERLY warned.  The book of Leviticus has properly warned people for centuries what animals are not considered to be food, so anyone with access to Bible research has had ample warning in clean vs. unclean.  The potions passed out as WARP speed injections are unclean and not permissible for a Yahwehist; former Air Force member Bob Theil made a choice to take the pharmaceutical potion by injection to allow him to 'travel. He cited that apostles would not be harmed if a snake bit them BUT did those apostles he preaches about intentionally TRY to get bitten by a serpent? NOPE!!! Bob Theil made a choice that a  true Yehowahist wouldn't make.

If disease was imparted on another person by harmful diseases created in laboratories by wicked pharmaceutical corporations or military complexes, it certainly gets many of us angry when the people who gained wealth by imparting disease on others get wealthy and somehow are able to prolong their deprived state of mind longer than others were able to prolong their life after being subjected to their unhealthy potions of offense. 

If the only good works that are induced by this article is that you choose to be kinder to those who have chosen not to take pharmaceutical risks in order to keep their demeanor more stable and their senses more acute, it was worth the time I took to care about the reader of this post. If what I wrote causes you to stop being angry at your parents because you survived an unhappy childhood with them, wonderful!  If what I wrote causes you to take the time to write to, call or visit  a family member or beloved friend who is making healthier choices in their menu and activities in order to prevent reoccurrences of former horrific events, such a result would be perfect.

I'll make time today for a hot foot bath with Dead Sea salts I bought at the 'mall of America' on one of the few interesting dates I've had since 2010 ; if only I still had my infrared sauna to give myself a healthy dose of hot, dry air but that medical equipment was stolen from me by imitation 'Christian' people who thought I wasn't worth protecting, defending or supporting financially. The thoughts of this  paragraph make me angry, and  anger against thieves and unrepentant adulterers that divide families is a correct side effect from time to time, and maybe even to 'half a time', as vague as 'half a time' might be.  

Pennsylvania got your ear today?   Bill Murray is an example of stupidity yet  he claimed to be a god in front of recording devices and told Dan Akroyd to claim godhead status . This as why I personally choose to divide uncommon יהוה from  common terms such as God, god, Gad, גד or Jesus, which is also a very common name. Eating ground hog is as unhealthy an unacceptable for a person who claims to believe 'Jesus Christ' as eating ground pork.

There are shadows on Michigan today. 

Curtis Martin just came to mind; he had an unhappy childhood but maybe he took plenty of time as an adult to take on tasks with his mother that added some happy adult memories to his personal memory lanes of thought processing.  After all, what child could have a consistently safe, secure and joyful childhood if their father deserted him or didn't love or financially support his mother? If such a child was able to have any good memories of his childhood, it was because of the mother who didn't abort or desert him , even if  some holy spirit, anti-lazy relatives, local IUPA god, financial lord or spiritual mentor might have influenced her to seek decent employment rather than welfare money or prostitue's wages  long before she believed in Commander  יהוה  !!!

🐃. 🐂. 🐄. 🐐 Ducks know persepctive matters from a distance. 🦆 🐢


 Do 23 month old toddlers smoke cigarettes to 'relax', or is a bowl of FARINA a safer option for their important bodies? 

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