Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bert Osterhaut Memorial Challenge: Local Trucks, not Disney 'Cars'

Q1: Which owner of the 5 vehicles listed is most guilty when it comes to filing or collecting taxes?  Because of 'stage right' and 'stage left' informalities,  I am adding N, S, E & W positioning.

Detail: All 5 vehicles were parked in Macomb Corners Park near baseball fields 4,5& 6 on February 5th, 2023 at approximately 1135 hrs. All plates are state of Michigan, not licenses sold by churches. 3 of the cars are property of the town of Macomb and are not nominal value. I am unsure about the Yukon's alphabet sequence, so EMZ 4063 is another possible variation  of the 4063 plate



E                                                                                                                                                             W

 EZM 4063             9LY C33    

                               ( driver left before 1200 hrs after crawling out of the YUKON)*                                                   

 silver YUKON.      silver RAM pick up

                                                                                               116 x 992


                                                                                               116 x 991.        Unit 300


Bert's lovely and faith wife Martha would go for a walk in Charlotte to get exercise and patrol her neighborhood; she was in her mid-90's when she was referred to as 'crazy' by much younger Charlotte residents in that area who didn't have the manners or common courtesy that Martha Osterhaut displayed toward others.   Martha Osterhaut was not crazy, so people in Charlotte bore false witness against her. I never referred to Martha Osterhaut as crazy, and indeed she was the only friend living in that neighborhood that I had while renting a house in Charlotte. Maybe this is only a challenge that Bert's nephews can 'investigate' properly and answer objectively after extra  evidence is collected from non-corrupt government officials......if there are any non-corrupt government officials willing to report criminal activities to typically corrupt Michigan district attorneys.

Q2: Which vehicle owner is the most corrupt in its business activities?

* Shifting of driver from the YUKON to  the Ram pick up seemed suspicious, but I saw nothing  illegal occurring based on outer viewpoint and not knowing what was connection or separation was  occurring between those 2 vehicles..


I, like Martha Ostrhaut,  have not pried into other people's private matters long enough to accurately answer Q1 or Q2 BUT those questions are important for some investigator to try and answer before this year ends.  I, like a few other senior citizens, know residents in my Michigan community are being charged far too much in  property taxes ad income taxes considering the lack of services we have and the current horrific condition of Michigan roads.

 'Macomb Corners Park' didn't need 4 basketball hoops and 2 pickle ball courts, and Macomb Township did not need so spend millions of dollars on an overbuilt library, a library as overbuilt and spiritually immoral as the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.

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