Sunday, February 5, 2023

Knapp Tally Time Test, Graham Kerr Putney & Old Style

It seems important to start with a 0, since no infant starts out as a 1 year old.  Incidentally, Thomas Herring will not be able to pass this test,

 Q #0) Which breathing male looks more like  the C.I.A. team's  George H. W. Bush?

!) Rick Pizzo, not Rizzo's Italian Restaurant in Crabtree, PA

%) GEORGE W. BUSH, not Andrew Bush

Rick Pizzo might want to have the Bush males take a  paternity test and/or a lie detector test. πŸ“Ί

Q#1) What anti-hologram image(s) purely depict a 'Jordan FADER'?

1.  Eric Jordan πŸ’°

2. Audrey Jordan 🎡

3. Steve Jordan. 🎡

4. Jennifer Jordan 🎡

5. Lisa Jordan ( actually responsive and polite, unlike some other Trojans from Milwaukee) πŸ’œ

6. Jordan Fader #29, the U.W.S.P. nifty hockey player 🟣

7. Jordan Zimmerman's first pitch, not Mr. Berry's students  πŸŸͺ

8. Jordan Binnington, who faded away from  the Owen Sound Attack after 86 W's there πŸ₯…

9. several travelers who were dunked in the Jordan River by  Bradford Scott & Rico Cortes πŸͺ

10.  Monica Homontowski πŸ€

11. Jordan B. Peterson πŸ“š

12. Jordan Eberle, who isn't 'McJordan of Squad 115' 🧊

13. 64th Street techs of the tribe of Gd ( Χ’Χ“  ). ⚖

Q#3: Which non-fictional character looks more like  'Jeb' Bush, the 43rd governor of Florida:

 14.  Robert 'Bob'  Crane 

15.  Stephen  Basting

16.  Jebulon who might be a Jebusite of interest

Q#4: Which basketball player actually resembles  a student who was accepted to M.I.T. ?

17. McGee #4 from Northwestern University's 54 point win against Coach Gard

18. Klesmit #11 from University of Wisconsin's 52 point loss against Coach Collins

19.  Milwaukee Tech Trojan class of 1979 graduate who figured out that when the score is 52 to 54, 52 is a Wausau highway and 54 is  a Wisconsin Rapids & Plover highway

Q#5: Which 67 should be known as 'Ho-Chunky Stone' 

 20:  Jordan Zemmerman, 67th draft pick who might like a Tiger Fafara outfit more than a Detroit outfit

 21. Max Pacioretty,  squad 67 in NHL uniform divisions who's solid as a hurricane

 22. Corinthian Freemason Lodge #67, Farmington, MN

 23.  Luca Pinelli, Ottawa 67's sole Stoney Creek bed tester (another 2nd and 28?)

Q6: What happened to Keller and Merrill after they directed Robert Vaughn into a 'Jim Darling' trip?

24. They became w hockey players who divided between the Arizona Coyotes and the Minnesota Wild.

25. Merrill's looking for Sam Steel and Keller's looking for Helen, the Alabama quarter back. 

26. Ask Sam Holy what happened to Jerry Paris before working about Keller and Merrill.

I hope your body was able to generate some endorphins by trying to pass this very easy test. 🟒

East Knapp  Street is part of the Milwaukee School of Engineering area, but Mary Knapp (Haystack Observatory) and Alex Knapp (Track and Field Dressing) are part of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's area. Graham Street is on the southeast side of Milwaukee. 

Since this was indeed post 1,762 and 1762 has been Detroit Daunte 🦁 Culpepper's ESPN number, I will now attempt to officially retire from my unpaid comedian's pitch and role in this venue due to  BERYL8's final placement test scores .  πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ³πŸŒ³πŸŒ²πŸŒ³ If you really want to know what a BARKOV contest is, get a bunch of Vancouver  lumberjacks, Paul Bunyan, and Wausau East lumberjacks together and see who de-barks trees the quickest in construction lumber production lines. Barking dogs  are actually a nuisance in areas zoned residential and in areas not zoned for  chicken coops and sheep herds. If dogs, which serve no useful purpose to the state's human food chain, are allowed in residential areas, so should chickens, sheep, ducks, geese and cattle be allowed in those same areas where dogs are allowed to be essentially worshipped by children and  adult animal hair  dressers in their dander -filled dwellings.    

                                                                     1,762 >1,755

Who's   Χ“ְּΧ—ִΧ™   now?  Squad 22?   If  Squad 22 is 'falling away', it should study Psalm 56 and Salmo 116, verse 🎱 and see   that  it is indeed Commander Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ” who prevents falls from  attainable mercy, prevents  stumbles from the improper use of 'grace' and prevents various forms of entrapment. 

 Go back and replace 'Mc' with 115 if you want to trip up some others with chemistry table turnovers.  For instance:

McShane in Detroit's Corktown becomes 115 Shane. McDavid becomes 115 David.  McGee becomes 115 Gee. McJesus becomes 115 Jesus, for P.K. Subban's sake.  McPherson becomes 115 Pherson. McCauley becomes 115 Cauley. McKinley becomes 115 Kinley. McGaver becomes 115 Gaver. 

McCord becomes 115 Cord,  not Kent Marshall.  πŸŽ³πŸ» Moscovium weighs in at 289, so do we, the sneaky  Thomas Jackland students , rename Neal Broten 'Mc 115'?   πŸ’­

                                    Why aren't there any   'πŸ› crossing'  signs for H1763 experts?  

                                                                            πŸ’¬.           πŸ—¨              

                                🌷🌷🌽                         🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌  


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