Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Duke V. Evers: Why Thrashers Are More Trustworthy Than Rochester Onyx Rink Trashers

 Rochester's Onyx ice rinks are the thrashers; they're ONYX doesn't represent true geology.

I looked at a child bowling  on lane 17 with a Rattler 55 on his head and a Winnipeg 37 jersey on his upper body. He looked like an upside down chemistry table!  He complimented my bowling and I complimented his goalie jersey.  Anyway, although he wasn't afraid to bowl next to me, his Rattler hat might as well have been a swastika,  since that Rochester Onyx represents is unjust community practices and a hard-hearted ownership that isn't interested in serious problem solving and anti-drug methods of countering depression, anxiety or a disability are apparently against their monetary gain interests.

If you divide 37 by 55, you get the 'country code' of Antartica;, 0.6727272 37 over 55 is the periodic table system. Element 55 could not be 'held up' bu element 37, since unlike people or animals with muscles, an element is restricted and it has no ability to force up a heavier element; the heavier element will displace a lighter element if it cannot attach to it. If you divid3 55 by 37, you get 1.486486486...

A closed system that has no point of closure is like a black hole; 55/37 is like a black hole.

Even though in my lane 18 Purified Vice 2891 rolled up a 174, a variable I had listed between Andrew Brunette and Daryl Scoville, on lane 17 was a father who must not be bothered by the hard-hearted trasher rink he supports with his finances.  

Do restaurant legends matter? If they do, the Romeo's squads 73 might take note of Gaston vs. Benoit in Romeo's Coney Island or what 1790 on the wall of Bon Appetito compares to 1765 and the effigy of DY formations.

DY is in Dykstra, Cody, Randy, Van Dyke and Dylan. But when  ד is next to  י as in די , it is like looking at Chris Chelios next to Eric Lindros in neighboring penalty boxes when Chelios didn't have enough sense to keep his tongue below his palate.  

Maybe some father should hope he can transfer his hockey player to a more hospitable rink than Rochester Onyx, but HOPE alone won't get results.  That father would have to take what warnings I uttered seriously, but the odds are that he won't. A warning is different than a threat; a warning is supposed to cause a voluntary change of behavior, but a threat coerces changes.  Ordering tiramisu, ladyfingers included, might remind some people of Tricky Bob the monkey instead of Steve McQueen in a poker game with dealer 'ladyfingers'. But to me, it represented softness rather than hard-coated canneloni, like the confections that often came from the church that  Marine Joshua Cebula was recognized by.

There are a couple of hockey players named DUKE now, and a governor named Evers who thinks that murdering innocent babies is acceptable in his version of uncivil wars, but a parent requesting that their own innocent baby be  cruelly nurdered is not acceptable. If a mother takes a stillborn baby to term, she survives without adding the title of 'murderer' to her legacy as long as she didn't intentionally try to provoke the death of her infant by drug abuse, consenting to  experimental injections or abusing her own body by failure to provide proper nourishment. She'll mourn about her stillborn babe, but if she did her best to protect the body of her child while the babe was alive and after the babe died, she does not have to add guilty to her sorrows.

Thrashers are real birds; they have instincts that a pile of trash accumulated by trasher never will have. A thrasher's dung Canmore seeds from place to place, but the trashers of Rochester Onyx never once considered what the stone of the tribe of Yoseph meant when they decided to humiliate rather than assist a woman who was intentionally separated from her most loved family members by the hatred those family develeoped for her.

What about the 'delayed penalty' in hockey? It seems as though as long as the team with no violations is making progress toward a goal, they are not hindered from doing so by the violations of the opponent. If you wonder why so many people are not yet getting penalized for their violations, don't fret because it must mean that the team without the violations is making progress that something like an earthquake or a  widespread plague might hinder.

it was too cloudy to see the crescent moon in Romeo, Michigan but the cu0p of black coffee, delicious eggplant and sight of the number 93 behind me made me realize that when you have 2 parents to cherish, assist and be kind to, you don't have to worry about them stabbing you in the back like a treasonous rear guard would do.  If you have no rear guard, make a good choice who it is you want to backup long before an emergency occurs.

The NAPHL doesn't care that Macomb Suburban Ice and Rochester Oonys rink aren't interested in being diplomatic when a situation occurred that troubled them, for such is how the Ukrainian leadership has behaved under the armpit of Biden that smells worse than the wings of an eagle such as Reggie Howard White or a thrasher like me. The NAPHL is a business that thinks it doesn't need to consider what they view as a legitimate complaint of cruelty against an adult with a real disability who they consider a 'NOBODY'.  However, when that 'NOBODY' remains faithful to יהוה and chooses to be on the side of Russia's perspective rather than on the side of Ukraine's neo-nazi policies, eventually that 'NOBODY' might bear a name that ends the delay of a penalty.

If you don't let the land rest every 7 years, you might deserve a famine. That is not a threat, it is a warning to those farmers who were bribed not to plant crops in past years when it is the upcoming they should not be planting crops according to many serious 'watchmen' of years.  Taking payment for not planting crops was stealing from your neighbor's treasury and if you were baited into sinning, it is still your sin of theft that won't be acquitted. In the same beggarly vain, those women who have given birth to as many juveniles as they could to get more welfare money or who have wanted their children to be declared mentally ill so they should obtain S.S.I. payments will not be acquitted, not matter how many Catholic bishops get murdered in California or how many infants are aborted by women who weren't;t interested in getting an increase in welfare payments.

If you don't understand what I wrote, believe that Ron Johnson is  Wisconsin's best anti-Evers, anti-Newsom, anti-Biden and anti-Whiter employee of the federal government. There currently aren't 10 men like him in the United States House of Representatives though, and that is a warning with no predictive spelling ahead.

Study and learn from the elect אשר within a thresher; I don't know if there are more than or less than 12,000 to learn from, but the agate is indeed a masterpiece of natural geology. Without natural affection, you'll think the Rochester Onyx trasher are superior to the natural onyx stone designated for the tribe of  יסף, as in Hajec.  Jasper month is ready to emerge again, and Rachel the mother of Benjamin did not survive due to a penalty that was no longer being delayed.

Mark Recchi reportedly has had at least 4 wives; ask him how thrilling and exciting each of his divorces were for him or if he was laughing in divorce court and cheering like a pompom girl after he received his divorce papers.

1532 isn't 1533. Have you cotton the $7,390 Macomb County aseeessor's cruel taxation point more wicked than  David Legend or Bruce Driver's 390 goals yet?  I have, and I plan to challenge the $7,390 assessment increase 3 weeks from now as if it were part of project 3.14's agenda and with the hopes that the assessor will reverse the course of  their ill will toward my household.  

Who was the cruel beast with no natural affection that trashed an infant recovered by Ed Skidmore from an  Oklahoma dumpster?  If that baby still needs a mother and a safe, caring home without dogs to bite the baby, let me know and I'd consider accepting that role. An offer to do good is not a threat nor a warning.

H7390: רַךּׂ   ; tender; a tongue that speaks with kind prudence (Proverbs 25:15); refined Deut.28:54. I plan to represent that word when I question whether it is easier to reduce my properties assessed value than to increase the assessment for all the houses who secretly have finished their basements and permits to do so were never applied for nor paid for?  I shouldn't have to bear the burden of a dishonest homeowner who rather deceive than receive mercy when judgment calls are made AFTER a serious warning has been issued. 

When you push a retiree, widow, unintentionally disabled person or elderly, unmarried woman financially too many times, eventually that real person is pushed against a wall she cannot climb over and  then that person has to push back at those attacking her integrity and honesty in self-defense. Of course, if you did improvements to you house's basement knowing  the town you decided to purchase a house  has taxation rules, you have about 3 weeks to turn yourself in and get your assessment justly increased more than mine was OR take your chances that the town of Macomb will rightly decide to lower my dwelling's assessment and let the delay of real penalties continue. Any adult could have chosen to rent a house or apartment if you didn't want to subject yourself property tax levy systems or did not want  to plea for property tax exemption by claiming your house to be  some sort of church. 

The deceivers, often the pro-abortion types,  typically won't help cover the costs of the honest homeowner's tax bill to avoid being questioned about the accurate finished square footage of premises and to provoke the honest who resist tax increases the proper way, they gloat about the taxes they avoided with their dishonesty about their square footage UNTIL they decide to sell their house and square footage is  maxed out when  determined by their realtor.  

I'm trying to think of a way to pressure dishonest 'basement finishers' into reporting their improvements to lower the tax burden on those who have been honest. This thought came to mind for the town of Macomb: if it is declared that a substantial amount of deception has been occurring by homeowners, easily proven by real estate sales that have square footages or bathroom counts higher than permits were issued for, offer an amnesty for back taxes and penalties if town inspectors are allowed in their homes OR let the town assume all basements are improved and allow the homeowners with no square footage increases to let inspectors verify their integrity with a short visual inspection by the Macomb board member of their choice. What a way that would be for homeowner's to meet their robotic tax increasers and humble them in the process when you open your basement to them for no more than 2 minutes, since it would take less time than that to see that a basement is not finished.

I have no reason to apologize for my suggestions to deceivers and dishonest property owners.


Anger management is a skill never refined by letting your temper explode too often or unnecessarily.

Vladimir Putin's speech was beautiful; Bryson Gray has inserted a portion of it into his 2/21/23 Youtube presentation.  I'd gladly open my door to Vladimir Putin; he has integrity, strength and humility that is indeed as precious as a natural jacinth, amethyst, agate or a beryl.  The Joe Biden family is like the shallow, unnatural Rochester Onyx and Macomb Suburban ice rinks, and that is not a compliment but a condemnation of their obvious lack of pro-יהוה qualities.


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                       291 years ago, George Washington was an infant. Is Eritrea an infant?

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