Saturday, February 25, 2023

Judges '5 Hole' Hard and Truthful Message [Revelation 8]

 Dusk until night takes about 30 minutes. Read the Holy Scriptures, and don't ignore the instructions for keeping the feast of PEsAcH if you don't want to become like Obama,Biden and their Nazi partner in crimes against humanity, Zelensky. Obama, Biden and Zelensky are a wicked, pro-abortion unholy triangle.  The Egyptians wanted to kill male babies and Herod reportedly wanted to kill male toddlers.   

     Lamb is a serious topic.  The 7th seal is opened with lamb, not with a flogged, human corpse. Human sacrifices are not acceptable for atonement and they add guilt, not forgiveness to your record. Human sacrifices  have NEVER been demanded by El Shaddai, יהוה; Tovia Singer is correct in reporting that fact.  Attacks against Nazi leaders  are acceptable; death penalties are acceptable and should be adjudicated unto those who intentionally and continually ignore perfectly righteous laws such as the basic 10 instructions that were designed to test, strengthen and renew the nation of  ישראל , not the nation of Islam.   A plague was stopped when the death penalty was applied to Sisera, who was not an innocent lamb but rather a vile, immoral arrogant cause of disease.

Read Judges chapter 5 tonight and reread it during the upcoming PEsAcH meal at dusk while the roasted lamb is silent at your table.  I rejected the Jewish rituals that Herod might have partaken in long ago and  eat the PEsAcH meal in haste and without foolish getting.  When the week of unleavened bread approaches again  about '40 right' days from now, what will most of the world's population choose to do?

Most will choose to ignore the instructions completely and not even attempt to observe the week of unleavened bread properly and thusly, they deny the sovereign rule of  in their household. My household is not the government of United States of America; my household opposes the  wicked regime of Gretchen Whitmer's pro-abortion agenda of unprovoked murder . A recent election proved that far less than 50% of Michigan voters actually believe an infant should be protected under all circumstances, but maybe those anti-abortion voters read the Holy Scriptures that was deemed it proper for. mother Rachel to die in order for baby Benjamin to be born in northern Africa.

Unprovoked murders recently  occurred on Michigan State University campus and that's the type of wickedness that occurs when the pro-abortion spirit of Gretchen Whitmer spreads beyond a pregnant woman's mind.  Which  vile, wealthy pro-abortion attorney is going to argue that the shooter on MSU's campus needed to murder others in order to regain his version of mental health?  The murder of the innocent by mentally disturbed parents is  Michigan's proposal 3 agenda, namely to kill others in order to satisfy yourself and placate your wicked desires in a depraved, violent way.  

An abortion is  an unprovoked murder of an innocent child.  

A human sacrifice is not part of a passover meal;  Roman Catholicism's dogma is extremely pagan.

I'll continue to pray to יהוה fervently  and for Vladimir Putin's allies  during the next 40 days, but I won't be on England's sidewalks outside of abortion clinics.   Electronic devices won't even be able to know when and where I am requesting assistance from   the avenging Angel of  גד  . 

Amateur carpenters are not extinct; there should be at least 4 amateur carpenters on earth.   🔨 

                                                                     ☭   ☭    ☭

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