When an overpaid, lazy, arrogant, incompetent mammal is in charge of the United States of America's transportation department, you realize you shouldn't ALWAYS stay with the transportation.
Stay with the your private transportation, be it feet, bicycle or car; stay with the 2nd Amendment, shelter, modest clothing, clean food and fresh water that you have until an intelligent person with an attitude better than a cockroach takes over the United States transportation department.
Personally, I wouldn't want to be on any flights, subways or trains until the Biden regime is toppled by some local or distant heroes that know how to apply the United States constitution properly, but it seems as if no such United States heroes exist. Employees of the railroads working on the trains deserve more protection and safety checks than Biden's chosen homosexual would ever be willing or able to provide, and sadly railroad employees are being mistreated as though they are Biden's slave collection.
If Biden and his appointees aren't forced out of the current positions they clearly aren't able to handle properly, I'm going to declare that heroes are extinct in the United States and that the USA is no longer the land of any brave men who are strong and of good courage in positions of judicial, legislative, state executive or military leadership. Having states secede from the United States might be the only way to salvage and protect states that oppose the incompetence of the federal system in it's current hazardous condition..
PEsAcH ahead! 🐢 P Es Ac H = 224 in chemistry math!
🐏 Don't eat catfish. 🐑
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