Saturday, February 4, 2023

Marco Silva's Thundering HARDY Question

Who is currently the holiest , most upright and reliable man on the 2011 Marshall University soccer team,  according to the opinion of Marco Silva?  Marco Silva might have to do some research like any public defender might have to do with the research tools available to them without using the immoral tactics  currently allowed by  'The Patriot Act': In my computer search, there are only 9 players listed from that 2011 team; did attrition occur?

Team M)  Daniel Withrow #26

Team A)  Michael Hayes #15

Team N)  DeShawn Forbes #12

Team Y)  Jahvon Allison #2

There is no law that prohibits causing people to cry on the day before 'Sunday'. It might be helpful for Marco Silva to consider what happens to college athletes a full decade after they were involved in Marshall University Athletics.

Randy Moss is not the holiest man  or best athlete that graduated from Marshall University.  Very few people know that crossing paths with the 2011 Marshall University Soccer team actually was more rewarding mentally and spiritually than any Sunday church service I had ever been to, mostly because I aureoles the 2011 Marshall University soccer team  never wanted to intentionally deceive me nor beg for donation  money from me after I  was financially raped by  lawyers and county officials of central Wisconsin an their 'Sunday Christianity' accomplices.

It really doesn't bother me if ' Sunday Christians suffer as much as did after I departed from the hypocrisy of Sunday Christianity and chose to regard Moshe Ben Amram's instructions as sound doctrine.  

Why Michael Hayes?   Because he's not Kevin Hayes the professional endorser of homosexuality uniforms, and he's not Nigel Hayes nor Michael Bennett from  the  Wisconsin Badgers.   Why Jahvon Allison? Because he isn't Geronimo Allison nor Theretha Allison.  Why DeShawn Forbes? Because he isn't the Forbes who I stood next to from the Pittsburgh Aviators AA hockey parents. Why Daniel Withrow?  Because he isn't David Withrow, the Charlotte, N.C.  man electronically reported dead after being born in 1950.

The premise of this post is this: some 'names' of entities reported to be dead in electronic searches might never have been real people or might never have actually dies yet.  When Asian countries start mixing fish with alligators, making the clean scaled marine life unclean, they are trying to override Allah.   Every other scientist who has been tampering with species to contrive more unnatural, unclean beasts deserve some sort of severe punishment to suddenly swerve isolated, specific  curses in their direction because they are trying to anger the focus of יהוה, and they have achieved their depraved goal   .

Certainly if you can't work Wothrow, work without 'Rowe, Stephen'. If working without Rowe, try to understand the difference between Greek 2517  and Hebrew 1235.

I know the difference between 7131 and's 1813.  Did Dalphon deserve to get 'wiped out' and eradicated because of his father's influences on a community? Dolphin did get eradicated from 'society, but Vashti didn't. 

Examine the difference between 5318 and 1987, namely 3331.   The Greek 3331 means some sort of 'transfer', possibly how some might view relocation or 'getting caught up'; Hebrew 3331 means a horizontal spread like blanket coverage.   Some computer experts should have been more knowledgable than their computers who took them so far out of bounds spiritually that they viewed 1987 as meaningless...but 1987 isn't meaningless.


'The Boys' isn't my bowling team; when boys don't mature into reliable  men, there is a social and mental illness within them.  From the lips of Boston Bruins coach Jim Montgomery comes much foolish gesting; the real, straight  men are more important to the any male adult  over the age of 30 still referring to himself as  'boy'  or strange  'Boy George'.

The guys matter...or is it the disguise that matters when you're assigned to some police department's vice squad ?   I promise you that Edward M. Stenzel is very unlike Brian Stenzel, Cheryl Stenzel or Bill Bentley, even if they are Milwaukee relatives.

Now you should know why 1987 matters and why the author and finisher of this post didn't want her family stealing objects of great value, such as a leather baseball gloves, cash,  biusiness equipment or office furniture.  Returning 1 stolen huge, Bible was an insult when so much other stolen property was still being kept by the thieves of Wausau's Highland Church; those thieves traveled to Las Vegas, supported Playboy and Victoria's Secret, had enough money to go on an African safari and  purchase  5318 Lake View Drive in  Rib Mountain, Wisconsin about 10 years ago. For WE all know love doesn't always grow, especially when those thieves are sending money to UWM.ORG to influence and gain popularity with a male who graduated from Moody Bible college and to placate his demanding wife and his children who the thieves really do not love.

If love idoesn't have some conditions of behavior and lawfulness, it is no better than a 0 and is void of a real foundation.

Remember or dismember; memories sometimes flare up in nightmares.  It seems to be worth remembering the UWSP hockey team games, presented online without idiotic 'Fanduel' commercials and it's rated not only G. but also P, A and S's.  High level amateur hockey doesn't have to be expensive to observe.

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