Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mark Chapter 4: Good Seeds Get Taken To The Away Team by Satan?

I'm going to re-examine the content of Mark 4 regarding the sower and seed.  There is no explanation of why a seed falls on a path, whether it be intentional or unintentional. However, a bird that eats a seed can transport that seed to a place where it can grow after eliminating it through it's dung where it has dung fertilizer around it to prevent another bird from eating it before it sprouts!   Therefore, is Satan a second-hand gardener by design or an archangel to be used as a back-up plan?   After all, Stan can do nothing without יהוה  's  permission and he seems to be competitive in nature.  Crops centered in 1 place could all get destroyed in a local disaster such as hail or locusts, but the seeds carried off by a bird ( Satan is described as raven material) could ensure that the good seed remains SOMEWHERE on the earth to keep reproducing an important grain. Remember, the seed is good, but location does affect it's success rate.

The seeds on rocky soils do not have a chance of reproducing once they wither, like a couple that gets married and rejoice for awhile together but then due to hardness of the male host's heart a divorce occurs eventually.

The seeds that fall among thorns sound like those who got placed by a careless gardener who didn't take the time to prepare the soil. Such is the case in churches where the seeds fall among people who want to focus on a head bloodied with a crown of thorns....typically  Catholicism and those who, in grievous err, have believed that יהוה  will acquit the sins the wicked who have refused to adjust to  the rules and regulations for ישראל   .  Those who don't believe Moshe will also not trust in  ישוע  's instructions.

Fertile soil often has been untouched for years or decades, and has plenty of access to nutrients.  Such might be the case of a person who has escaped a rocky area or a thorny area and left anti-    religions for awhile, and then a sower or a raven (Satan) drops in a seed of  אמת   that survives and bears good CLEAN output.

Therefore, the dung hill deposit of seeds carried away by birds can indeed produce good fruits in diverse locations after the raven  making the seed deposit goes on to another food source.


Nicholas Rosemain of St. Lucia in the West Indies has a more grace and better potential as a leader in real battles against deceivers than Esaac Israel of Stone Mountian, GA.  Maybe Esaac didn't learn any lessons from the Hodge Twins about historic reality checks.

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