If at this point in history your children have not deserted you, you also will not understand Isaiah chapter 60. I have spoken to many mothers and a few fathers whose natural children have forsaken them. It is anguish to experience what Isaiah 49's closing verses describe, yet יהוה wants his people to experience that anguish. At verse 17, a woman gets destroyed and the destroyers flee, that is, go forth from her. At age 49, that is what happened to me; I do not think the group mentioned in verse 17 is the same as the group mentioned in verse 18, since the attitude toward what was rejected as waste in 17 is gone at 18. At 18, I cannot resist considering every sports jersey that has come to me, able to clothe me better than a Christmas ornament of folly, as being a light burden able to counter the wickedness of the Shane David Hendrikson family and legal team members that tried to destroy me and then fled, not as a woman that needed protection, but as a thieves who weren't able to get away with murder though they tried in various ways. Verse 21 has occurred, and that which is lost differs from that which intentionally does not desire to be found as a thief that runs off with what he has stolen.
As Adam Fink carefully draws Isaiah Chapter 49 and 60 into his course of study as a intentionally as a Scott Verplank or Ben Hogan could draw a golf ball to a green, it seems odd that as I near the end of my 59th year, I understand how a woman can be forsaken by her actual children and how others rise up to assist her thoughtfully and with kindness to ease the sorrows but not able to remove the heartache the heart of flesh feels when she is forced to forget the son that she raised because he prefers it that way, but that יהוה will not forget his people nor the ways of those who assisted the forsaken mothers.
I cannot reject the final ה in יהוה , but it is perplexing to consider Yehovah as a feminine noun. Catholicism has even switched the concept of Nun, who was a male father of Yoshua, to their female slaves and have wickedly asked children and adults to think that every Catholic priest is their daddy.
Don't be ashamed if you are experiencing what is described in Isaiah 59 unless it was you who went forth after destroying what your mother had struggled to maintain. It is chapter 60 that should cause the reader to pause and consider what a woman who eventually gets honored has suffered through for many years without her children being willing to assist her in any of her goals....no, not even one G as in goal.
I am not 'Marie A.' the avatar connection to a person using a title 'David Shearer' who seems to be a deceiver deceiving many and may even be deceiving Adam Fink. What I see exposed in chat links is often no different than what someone else sees at a Port Huron coffee house, namely, people entering a venue to communicate with others in turf they do not own but are able to tread upon. However, face to face communications are always weightier since the probability of visual deception is much lower than the 'chat' rats . Woe to the person who intentionally tries to deceive a well-trained Marine or properly revised police officer who is aligned with ישוע rather than turning people away from יהוה .
If I do not focus on the prophesy of Isaiah chapter 60, I will be in more trouble than a Canadian coin.
🍑🍸 🟠
Have you ever swallowed a drink named 'Aviator' with Valentine's Liberator Michigan spirits in the Sahara ? That is 1 drink I do not want to forget nor do I want it to be forgotten in some private diary that Jeffrey Zillner's Catholic 'god child' couldn't even find with a Milwaukee Tech Trojan search warrant. The 'Aviator' is purer, holier and tastier than Twizzlers, pork brats and Coca-Cola in Buena Vista if you know enough to stop after 1 Aviator to avoid mixed signals in 'clean eats' places. 🍋 As requested, I will no longer mention my natural son's legal name in this eventual ending book of my life after learning to love יהוה .
Elmer Poppendieck and Dusty Kleiss would know that Sidney Cohen isn't Steve Czenczek even though they both had initials of S.C., have been pilots and were in Mosinee High School for awhile.
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