A novice cribbage player should be able to understand this non-death sentence:
"Go and sin no more."
David (deceased) Snyder 's daughter and son-in-law have rejected that phrase and continue in haughtiness when it comes to their attitude toward people who prefer truth and יהוה to fables and HGTV spots. It has been almost 6 weeks since deceased David Snyder's infamous missionary couple to France from UWM.ORG has returned to the USA and, in Linda Maria Costa and Shane David Hendrikson pro-sin style, they are choosing to be at war with me rather than be at peace with me which is contrary to what Yeshua would have instructed them to do. Sadly, they are using their children in their war in the same way that Linda Costa did as she made unholy demands upon others but was unwilling to respond to reasonable requests in return.
'.... if thou will enter into life, keep the commandments.' Is there some problem getting access to the commandments and obeying them. Mr. Nuaghtiness and Mrs. Haughtiness?
Is there a commandment in the Protestant books that says anti-commandment folks are supposed to dishonor their parents and worship their Facebook advertising and children since that seems to be a trend in anti-יהוה society? Can paid missionaries really expect not to be subject to public review of their output and performances like any other business expects?
If I don't peacefully protest here, I will fail to warn that what my son and his wife are doing is besetting SIN pattern, not a display of grace and mercy. If anyone is able to reverse them from the error of their ways, that person will be blessed indeed.
You cannot succeed at a difficult task by refusing to attempt that task.
Chris Titus is a Methodist speaker in Armada, Michigan who doesn't mind having his name posted publicly when questions are occurring that involve professional paid Protestants who clearly have rejected the teachings of the pro-יהוהYeshua and opted for Martin Luther.
'Go and sin no more.' That is the gospel that the remnant people of יהוה scattered on earth have not rejected. even though they have been torn off and tossed away as though they were waste by family members who don't want to hear the truth and thus, will believe the lies from their own lips.
Chris Titus ask for a hand, so I attempted that task since it seems he and his assembly might have fallen inti a ditch after believing Martin Luther too long.
Chris Tancill isn't Chris Titus.
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